Thursday, August 24, 2017

An Interesting Summer

This summer has been an interesting one - Festival cancelled, devastating flood, community clean-up and entrepreneurship. Those events/phenomenon may all seem far and apart but they are all linked. The flood caused the cancellation of festival which was in the best interest of the territory. I do not feel good for those entrepreneurs who would have suffered because or the rain and cancellation but I support our leaders for making that decision in the best interest of the people. the country and our safety.

It was good seeing the community come together to clean up the rubble and dust. It was not easy task. I was babysitting so I was unable to throw a hand; however, when an opportunity came, I gave a hand to an acquaintance. I look at it as every small shovelful that I lifted eased the task of those who can lift more.

In relation to entrepreneurship, I see enthusiasm in the youth. Those in my circle are trying - I see their passion and realize that guidance and encouragement have to be given. They have bright futures and we have to nurture their ideas while guiding them and teaching them basic business principles.

We have lots to do and a long way to go but working with each other is the way to go. With our youth, we have to treat each one like our child - give them and show them love!

Friday, July 7, 2017

When We are Wrong

It is not easy to admit when we are wrong. I think it's worse to know that we are wrong and still hold our ground. I always try to take correction with the aim of bettering myself and my performance. I don't always agree with the directive given, but unless I have evidence or my conviction is so strong, I follow suit.

I believe it is harder to take correction when you have a leading position. However, there is no shame in it. As you mature, you will know that even your child can tell you that you are wrong. It's funny how easy it is to correct others and yet, we are unable to admit when we are wrong. What's worse is that we are now living in a culture where people are afraid to let us know that we are wrong. So errors become the norm because we are either afraid to speak out or we take joy in seeing the other person looking like a fool.

I've seen situations with utter chaos because people were afraid to lose a friendship/link and because of political affiliations. Correction does not mean reprimand or shame or hurt - it's mean something was not right and needs to be fixed.

As you take your daily journey, look personally at where you can improve and correct issues. Be humble and open to listen so that you can benefit from the advice that you will receive along the way.


Sunday, June 25, 2017

The Change in Me

I see a lot of things that concern me and some that bother me too. These are not battles for me to fight or concern myself to much with. I just notice things, behaviors and trends and shake my head. I am only one person, and I stand for what I believe in and I believe in what I stand for. I see an infiltration in what I know to be right and what should be valued and it's quite striking these days.

To stand out in today's world, we have to be strong - not wrong, but strong. It takes a lot not to blend in and not to follow 'fashion'. I don't want to compromise my values or throw my feelings away. I hurt inside when I mess up and I can't afford to mess around with the status quo and get caught up or 'catch feelings'. 

As I watch from the sidelines, I want to stand resilient, hardworking, dedicated and delighted to serve. I want to stand firm with my choices once they are leaning towards the right. I want to be able to take correction and learn from my mistakes. I want to be a better person, more understanding and less likely to complain. I want to make great choices and be a role model for others to follow.

When Days are dark

Monday, June 19, 2017

POEM: Who has the Rights?

We share the environ
and this has been so for eons
we balance off of each other
predator, carnivore and herbivore
back then coexistence was obvious
but today, we seem oblivious
because it's a battle
it's a fight
it's a war
and it goes on day and night
struggle for space
quarrel for food
security can't manage it
the government ignores it
and the people are frustrated
this subject is debated
and when you talk
you are hated
or they call you ill-fated
because you can't afford
or they think that you hoard
but it's yours!
who really has the rights?
the laws were written
with one in mind
and up to now - 
no one can find
a solution
I guess because it's not 
big pollution
or won't get anyone a
no one cares
and if I dare speak
I may be home for a week
in a country where
ruminants have more rights than people

Monday, June 12, 2017

Everybody thinks that Leadership is Easy

Everybody thinks that leadership is easy. We take issue with many things that our leaders do. We have leaders in our homes, in church, at work and in the various organizations that we are a part of. As a leader, you have to plan to win and accept that you will fail sometimes.

It is easy for a leader to get to get an attitude and be defensive when things do not go according plan. If you have an attitude, no one is going to be willing to approach to comment or give you advice. This attitude that we get - does not get us anywhere. Things have to go wrong - that's life. Sometimes you have to admit that you made a bad decision. Everyone is not going to agree or support your initiatives - that's part of the learning process.

It gets very sad when leaders are not open to listening because it means that they cut themselves off from development. We have to be able to listen so that we can grow. We have to be humble, yet firm. There is no need to be on the strong defensive line and have no offensive plays to score. Offensive of course is a funny word in this paragraph because we don't want to be offensive as in insulting; but we want to play some offense - get the ball in motion and score.

In everything, advance with little steps because eventually, you will see the big win.

Monday, May 29, 2017

Is Missing Out Really Missing Out

Someone posted on their Facebook about missing a big event. I grew up not going anywhere much so I used to miss out. Now, I can't be bothered. The event happens or happens not, I just wish for people's safety. If I am not going, then why would I watch it on TV or stream on the internet? I guess I am so accustomed of being the odd ball, most things really don't get to me.

You can harp on my not supporting and that's okay. Everyone does not need to be at an event. Somebody has to stay home - the building/field can only hold so many persons, vehicles and accommodate so many people peeing and pooing.

Children pressure other children about these things and adults do the same. Everyone has a sense of belonging and wanting to fit in - I've gotten over that years ago! I do what I can and head where I want - when I feel like. I think that's how we all are supposed to live. Enjoy yourself in what you love. As Chaka Khan sang, "Do You Love What You Feel?" We should!

I love watching Law & Order all day or pulling grass in my yard or just sitting and chilling. Everyone has their love and you should appreciate other people's time and opinions. You would want them to appreciate yours, right?


Thursday, May 18, 2017

POEM: Un-rated

I use my craft to educate
and not by what you stimulate
or by what you think I might excavate
from the depths of the earth
but from the depths of my heart!
You'd be surprised by the thoughts
I can communicate
... and not for you to rate
but to contemplate
...and not to complain or berate
but for you to evaluate
and check the state of affairs
or to get you to participate
in making some positive change

© Ribbon

Tuesday, May 16, 2017

Let Us Encourage Our Children

I attended all three (3) rounds of the Inter-Primary Spelling Bee in the BVI. My daughter was competing and of course, I have to support her. I competed in an Adult spelling bee a few years ago and the pressure is real. As I watched the children compete, I saw smiles when they knew a familiar word and I also saw the sadness when they missed a word. I was tense because I felt like I was everyone's parent. I really did not want to see any child miss a word - but that's life. There will be difficulties, challenges and little mistakes. We just have to be able to recover when mishaps occurs.

It was lovely see the passion on the little faces and I was able to identify some of the familiar names from the radio quiz or sports. I am glad to see children excel and I like what Miss George shared during her remarks about building confidence and learning to compete. Life has competitions - from the job hunt, the scholarship search to the catching the last item on sale. 

We have to build our children's confidence! Encourage them to harness their energy and talents positively. We know their strong points and we have to help them to develop on their weak areas too. 


Sunday, May 7, 2017

POEM: Impact

My impact may not be exact,
May not be exactly
what I wanted it to be.
But it does begin with me!
You see:
We all want change -
and it's hard to gauge.
Change is not always immediate
and sometimes,
there needs to be an intermediary -
to be the catalyst,
and this person may not
be on the top of any list.
We can't effect change
by watching our brother,
or by waiting on our sister
or mother.
We have to do!
Yes, I'm talking to you!
It's a lot of doing,
toiling, shaking and moving
to make change happen;
days when you may feel saddened
or even may lose your passion.
But you can't cash in
If you don't make a move.
So make your impact
and while it may not be exactly
what you wanted it to be
Give a try at change
and do your part.


Thursday, May 4, 2017

Give Credit When It is Due

I believe in giving credit where and when it is due. That never means that all is perfect and that the entire experience was nice. However, you have to recognize good performance and highlight it. In a lot of cases, we need to do this publicly or in writing. Give someone a kudos or a 'big-up' for making your day or experience better.

It is easy to complain about what went wrong. However, let's acknowledge what went right! Give someone a pat on the back or a word of encouragement. Your encouraging word might make that person's day!

There are lots of places that have challenges with service but there are much more that have star people on their team who should be saluted for excellence.

So let's acknowledge each other when we excel.

Sunday, April 30, 2017

Prayer for April 30, 2017

Heavenly Father, I thank you for your continued blessings and mercies. I pray for healing for those who are sick and comfort for those who are grieving. I pray for my family - immediate and extended and far and near, for my work family and for my church family. I ask your continued watchful eye over us all. I pray for traveling mercies for those who travel by car, by land and by sea for our safety. Father, I pray for our leaders so that they can make the right decisions to keep our country in balance and that whatever disunity exists will cease. Lord, bless our teachers, police officers, corrections officers, health care practitioners and those who work with the elderly so that they would have fortitude and patience with those who they attend to. Heavenly Father, in your name I pray. AMEN

Friday, April 28, 2017

Sibling Rivalry

Children love to argue and for simple things. Sibling rivalry can be frustrating for parents. I have no answer because I get tired of hearing them and I just ask them to stop the bickering. I encourage sharing and that's a problem. If they are playing a game, it all starts well and then, there is an eruption of fighting words. There are even negotiations to switch a sibling with a neighbor or friend. I really do not have the solution but I just wanted to vent because it gets tiring. I try to intercede when it gets too loud or overbearing and I am seen as picking sides. So I am on no side and have no opinion and everyone is wrong. I really don't know.

I do know that there will be some contention at some point and that I do need to let the children solve their problems in some cases. I am learning to be patient and I have to keep working on that. I shared in some staff meetings that patience is my weakness. If I have a job interview tomorrow, I would still share that and add that I am working on it and I have matured significantly over the years. I hope my children can build that maturity but for now, they are children and I have to work with them.

Like I said, I don't have the solution and will never pretend to. I am open for suggestions from other parents on how they deal with sibling rivalry.


Monday, April 24, 2017

POEM: A Thought for Friends

As I wake up this day
I know I need to pray
and there is so much to say
so many hurt
and so many sick
so many hungry
with nothing to eat or drink
and while I used to think
that I had it bad
there are so many hurt
and those who are sad
but I must remember
my friends and family
those who make my life
a bit more happy
God placed them in my life
for some reason
because these people
don't depend on the season
to call or check in
so when I pray
I cannot leave them out
I don't want to be selfish
and say I forgot
Bless them Lord
and keep them safe
walk with them, Lord
in every step they make
Heal our burdens
comfort our cares
take all that concerns us
and keep our minds clear.


Wednesday, April 19, 2017

POEM: Endurance

Sometimes pressure is a pleasure
but in most times, it's not...
While we treasure
some simple moments
when you have pain
it feels like it's forever constant
and sometimes even violent
to the point that it's potent
and you still can't figure out
the concept
because you are so in depth
it's so heart felt
that even when you wept
you still did not understand
the feelings that you kept
and even as your back is 'down wet'
and you hit the reset
button nothing matters anymore
because you've already
surpassed the score
and what's more
you endured the pain
and still see no gain
but yet you can't contain
the immense joy
in knowing that
you have survived
another day


Monday, April 17, 2017

POEM: Checking the Score

While you may not always
get the score you desire
it doesn't mean that
you can reach for higher
You don't have to take
the offer from the first buyer
or accept when
anyone calls you a liar
instead you should
count your blessings
and remember
the old time sayings
that your grandparents
shared because they cared
they did not fear
for your life
instead they spoke
positivity despite the strife
so you need to open your sight
and open your ears
to hear what is being said
and give credit
where it's due
cause it's easy to say
you knew
we know it all
and yet can't find the solution
because we prefer to
live in confusion
and don't see that unity
not only brings harmony
but positivity and good energy


Friday, April 7, 2017

Pet Peeve: Poor Customer Service

Some of the customer service issues in agencies are not the front-line people - it's the processes, management or lack of people or resources. Billing issues, agency line ringing to a voice messaging system which does not announce the agency, weeks for someone to respond to a simple email, sitting waiting for almost an hour before being attended to for a very simple matter. It's not good enough - it's irritating.

People say to complain but around here when you complain or get angry, people label you and ostracize you because they can't take criticism. Today, I let my anger get the best of me. Why should I have to sit in any agency looking at a numbering system (where you pull a number) for almost an hour before a number is called. When the number is called, it is only for you to pass your documents and then you still have to wait for your processing to be completed.

I think in this small community, things like this should be of the past. I don't know what the solutions are but what is in place cannot work. I find that this society thinks it's okay to lose time from living sitting in agencies for hours back and forth. Leave it to me and many services would be able to uploaded via email or online, and appointments set for in-person interview and collection of documents. 

It works for the US so why can't it work here. The front-line people are not the problem because they seem to try and they juggle a lot and take the hard words or attitudes from people like me. Well I couldn't have given anyone an attitude today because I was never served! I had to leave to attend to something else.

My blog is one forum to air my concerns while I build the courage to take it somewhere else. What I will do is work on improving customer service where I work so that people won't complain about my backyard too.


Sunday, April 2, 2017

My 11pm Rooser Call Has Deeper Meanings

A rooster crowing at 11pm is strange in my yard. I don't know who or what bothered it but I prefer the crowing in the morning. Now that's how life's challenges come. We would prefer for certain things not to happen at all or to happen when we think we are ready to deal with such. Everyone knows that is not the case. We all have to deal with failure, grief, misfortune, jealousy, and the breakdown of relationships. Sometimes, all of these happened concurrently leaving you with no room to rest or recover.

Maybe the rooster was disturbed or possibly offset by my blue light on the porch for Autism Awareness. Our neighbors sometimes do things that we don't like but in the spirit of brotherly love, we compromise and try to work along. I've already turned off the blue light and put on the regular one. The yard is quiet once again.
Chicken without rooster

I find that I have been frustrated these past few weeks and I had to work through that to get myself back on track. I guess I'm like the rooster - disturbed for a moment but resettling. The frustrations are still there for me but I have to continue to mange the situations that I can and understand those that I cannot correct.

Life is not easy and most situations are not for the queasy but we have to persevere.

Image result for perseverance


Monday, March 27, 2017

There is hope....

There is truly a time for everything. I see happiness while I see people struggling. I personally have my struggles too. This is truly not a time to rejoice in another person's downfall. It is seriously today for me and tomorrow for you. Everybody gets a taste - that's what life is about.

It is important that I reiterate that we should not rejoice when we see someone fall. Instead, think about you being in that position. Criticism even when it is constructive can be harsh. I am seeing the struggles at all levels, genders and ages. We have to stand firm and pray for each other. This is not the time for pettiness because we have to love our brothers and sisters. We have to encourage them when they fall short. We have to remember that we also have faults.

While things may seem dark for a moment, there is hope. Rather than sit and hope -  pray, walk and do with faith. Make something good happen. Let us learn from the things that are happening around us so that we do not repeat the same mistakes.

As Pressure Buss Pipe sang in "Stand Firm": "Stand firm, be wise and open your eyes - it's the signs of the time, don't you be blind and realize".


Thursday, March 23, 2017

Time to Answer Back - in writing

If you have seen my blog, you would realize that I am not afraid to write. Where I get apprehensive is when I am angry and I need to send a correspondence to an agency. I have had to deal with tough and weird issues locally in the BVI, USVI, regionally and in the USA. When you are angry, it is best to calm down before you write or ask a friend to check it over.

There are some instances, like when you have a time limit, where you have to go with your instincts. I am the first to admit when I am wrong and sometimes I take the blame to keep the peace. However, when it is time to fight with words, I can give them to you - diplomatically or blunt but I always try to be thoughtful of the reader's reaction.

It's hard to be in tough situations especially when you have already lost a battle. However, I always feel that it is important to put your comments in writing. Never accept a loss without giving your side. I may not be liked for it but at least the record would reflect that my thoughts (if it is not thrown in the garbage).

I feel that you should stand up for yourself and speak out when there are issues. We never want to hurt a relationship but why should I stay hurt and not let my feelings be known. It's not about revenge but we too many times let people beat us and we do not answer back.

Be thoughtful of your reader but express what you have to say.


Monday, March 13, 2017

Inside Out: The Message for All of Us

I like the movie Inside Out because it shows how we really act in life. We all want to be happy all the time and that just will not work. Life brings us varying days of anger, fear, disgust, joy and sadness, which were the emotions depicted. In that movie, Joy was the overpowering emotion who wanted to make everything right without looking at the big picture. I applaud her energy but the other emotions are just as important.

We all get angry whether it is with our family, at work or in traffic. The main thing with anger is managing it and channeling it the right way. Sometimes, we just have to show aggression when our views are not heard or when we are taken advantage of. In some cases, we just have to walk away and calm down, and then deal with the issue. You cannot get away from being angry but you do not have to be disrespectful or violent.

Fear is inevitable despite how some people will say that they are fearless. I am scared of tarantulas and just last week, I saw one in my yard. I got goosebumps and ran. Sometimes, I am fearful of speaking in front of crowds but I have worked on that over the years so it is not that bad. I think most people are fearful of failure and this really keeps us from excelling. However, you have to use your inner motivations to help you move forward.

Merriam-Webster defines disgust as a "marked aversion aroused by something highly distasteful". Disgust is one of the emotions that people do not often speak of. However, many of us turn up our noses at others in their situations. Disgust is needed for us to maintain certain ethics and standards such as cleanliness. We can use disgust to help our brothers and sisters when they are in tough situations.

Sadness is something that we cannot avoid. Sometimes you just have to cry to get over things. Frustration, loss of a loved one, problems on the job and other issues can make us sad. No one can live day to day without some level of sadness in their life. The world is in a tumultuous state and this is enough to make you sad. We all lose loved ones and we also get sick. We cannot internalize these feelings and just put on a front. While you may be sad for the moment, feeling and dealing with the emotion is essential to healing and trying to get over the situation. This is what Sadness brought out in the movie.

Joy is something that we all need despite our fears, sadness, anger and disgust. Joy can come from the little things like helping someone in need, remembering a cherished memory of someone who passed away, getting over a tough situation or overcoming a fear. Joy comes when you look for the positive and are thankful for the small blessings which are granted to you every day.

Inside Out was a cool movie that did catch me off guard. It was an animation that took a realistic slant despite it not being real, and I have to commend the writers. Remember to be in touch with your emotions and just try to live being your best. Every day is not going to be the same and if you are angry or sad, find someone to talk to so that you can vent. If you realize that you regularly feel sad, angry or fearful, you may need to speak to a professional.


Tuesday, March 7, 2017

Poem: Actions

Actions to be taken
Grimace, smile and frown
Emotions that are reflected on our faces
The audible expressions
coming from our heart and body
We, the simple beings
are the ones who
add complexities to everything
it's more important to
analyze the next move
than to jump for prompt action
Listen, smile and sigh
in the order that you need to
and display the other action words
as the emotion and the vibes hit you

Wednesday, March 1, 2017

Pink Bliss VI now Serving Customers in the BVI

Pink Bliss VI is now open to serve customers who love confectioneries, are planning parties/showers, who work with crafts, and have school projects. Pink Bliss VI, which is located in the Skelton Baylot in Fish Bay, was officially opened today by the owner, Rashada Robinson. The store has a welcoming ambiance which further enhances the shopping experience.

Gummy worms, M&Ms, chocolate, mints, trail mix, Jolly Ranchers and candy corn are just a few of the sweets available at Pink Bliss VI. Therefore, you have to visit to see and learn about the variety.

School and Craft Supplies
Anyone who has a child in the school system can attest to needing supplies for projects. Pink Bliss VI offers general supplies including pens, markers, paper, rulers etc, as well as foam balls, pipe cleaners, and much more for projects. For those persons who are into crafts, there are supplies for you too.

Party Supplies
If you are planning a party, Pink Bliss VI is your place to get your invitations, plates, napkins, forks, decorations, party bag stuffers etc. If you are hosting a party for a child or an adult, or a shower, most of what you will need can be found at the store.

Therefore, you can make Pink Bliss VI your one-stop shop for your party/shower items. While you are there, you can get school supplies and plan for the next school project. If you are into crafts, you have some great products available. The sweets are enticing and there is a wide variety of candies that you can select from.

Be sure to visit Pink Bliss VI to check out the variety of items available!

Thursday, February 23, 2017

Poem: Opinions and Decisions

Opinions and decisions sometimes collide
and tend to slide
down a wet hill
with no personal will
despite who might fit the bill.
They are never meant to kill
but until
we start thinking - thinking
and sometimes move
we leave ourselves
to be violently
led astray
like livestock to
the slaughter.
So we need to tell
our sons and daughters
the stories of how we fell
prey to the opinions
and how they offset
our decisions
why should history continue
to repeat
as we sit in defeat
on the scorned seat.
You have to build that confidence
and know when to filter the nonsense
and use common sense.


Tuesday, February 14, 2017

POEM: Seeing Red

Time changes
and we are just as fickle
so even if we are tickled
we don't laugh anymore
because sometimes we are sore
and other times we may
have a score to settle
but don't get caught
in the nettle
or get burnt by the kettle
cause the pot's bottom is also black
and when we act slack
we often times do not
see that we lack
manners and discipline
but these negative twists
can spin
but you can win
you have to think ahead
and refrain from seeing red
for every little thing
if you have to - sing
and dance a little too
because you can't take it all on
and while this plays
like a song
you have to admit when
you are wrong
let go
and move on


Thursday, February 9, 2017

Taking on Challenges - Go For It

I am a sucker for a challenge. I just can't resist. I love to conquer what others think is difficult and I don't taking it on head first. I guess I am kind of a thrill seeker and I do get bored fast. However, my aim is always to complete a project. I'm working in my yard right now and it is hard work but I see progress which I am proud of. I am doing several special projects at work including one which had to be put on hold - but little by little I am getting there.

I really do believe in taking small steps to meet the big goal, and I see the results of that daily. I do get frustrated along the way but I have accepted that I can't change everything and everybody. Sometimes, you just have to let things fall apart for things to be fixed. I smile at those moments. While it may seem conniving, I accepts when certain things are beyond me. My challenges that I take on- I am on a mission to conquer.

Now don't get the bright idea that I will take on the challenge that you want to give me because it doesn't work like that. You take on yours and ask for help if you have any challenges - not because you are lazy. Can't stand people who give up before they try - pet peeve. I do know when it is time to give up - because some things are better left alone or unsaid.

I am going to continue on my little projects and do the best that I can to be a good citizen and good public servant.


Saturday, February 4, 2017

Inaction is not the Answer

I went to a policy workshop the other day and it was said that policy includes the action or inaction taken in relation to a problem. I am a publicofficer and the "inaction" part makes me smile. Actually, even in my personal life, I can see that inaction causes situations to become the norm. If I see my child doing something wrong, and I don't address it, the child will think that particular behavior or action is okay. I see it more when you get those reactions that "others are doing it so why can't I".

This lack of action is definitely not a good thing and it permeates the community. Somehow, we just don't like to address issues because of relationships. However, something has to give. My children will tell you that I will address their bad behaviors as soon as I can. If I don't, then they will go into the world feeling that no one should correct them. Where do people who think that way end up?

A lot of the lawlessness and slackness in the world can be attributed to the lack of inaction to address problems in the home, in the schools and in the workplace. I saw a situation where a student was hit by an object by another. The student who was hit hurled an expletive and was reprimanded and suspended. The student who hurled the object was not reprimanded in any way. Great action for the expletive but inaction for throwing the object.

I encourage you to take positive action where you have the power to. If you are not in a power position, then please bring attention to the issue.


Monday, January 30, 2017

Songs to "Keep On" Your Playlist - Third World, 2Pac, Curtis Mayfield and Sounds of Blackness

There are four (4) songs that will always stay in my playlist. These songs bring a positive message about keeping it together.

"Optimistic" - Sounds of Blackness
"You can win as long as you keep your head to the sky". Can you ask for a more positive message? This song was released in 1991 when I was still in high school and BET was the link to black music. I always loved how Sounds of Blackness performed in their videos with such a unified presence. "Be Optimistic!"

"Keep Your Head to the Sky" - Third World
Third World is a reggae band which is internationally known and has released countless hits. This song, which was released in 1991, is mellow and beautifully performed. The hook is simply the song title which reminds us that we should keep a positive mindset.

"Keep Your Head Up" - 2Pac
"Keep your head up ... and don't let up" is the hook on this powerful song, which is one of 2Pac's most positive songs. His lyrical finesse and passion for the people came out in this song. It was released in 1993 and samples Zapp's "Be Alright".

"Keep on Keeping On" - Curtis Mayfield
This song is two decades older than the others listed. Curtis Mayfield's talent was truly a gift to music. He has countless hits but beings that message of keeping the faith. This song was sampled by two artists, L.E.G.A.C.Y. and Freeway.

Anyone who knows me or reads this blog will know that I love music from different times and genres. I love music with a positive message and these four songs have that. Each song literally tells you to keep it together and these days, we need more of this type of music over the some of the stuff on the airwaves. Keep your head up!


Friday, January 27, 2017

Thursday, January 19, 2017

Starting to write .... backspace ..... restart

More than once I have started writing a blog entry, and I would delete it. Sometimes I do not feel that it is the right timing, and other times, I just do not want to expound. There is a lot going on - locally, regionally and internationally - and it impacts us all in one way or the other.

The purpose of this blog is not to dwell on the negative, but to share poetry and personal experiences, inspire positive change, share tips and other noteworthy thoughts and to make you smile. There might be one or two vent moments in there too, because venting can be good for the soul!

This blog was actually started as an avenue for me to improve my writing and also to build a repertoire of work. I actually just spelled repertoire correctly on the first try! Proud Moment! 


Tuesday, January 17, 2017

Giving and Taking Correction ... Not an Easy Road

On my Linette - Inspire VI Facebook page, I recently made a comment about taking correction. Giving correcting directives is not the easiest thing either. Sometimes, you have to build the courage to talk to loved ones, co-workers and friends to tell them that they are doing something wrong. It doesn't matter what level you are at because having to tell someone that what they have been doing for years is wrong can be daunting.

There's no easy way to do it. Sometimes, it comes out nice and other times it won't. The best thing is not to hold things in and try to speak about the behaviors or concerns early - regardless which team member it is - family, friend etc. I guess it's easier to speak to children but we have to be so careful because our behaviors better not reflect what the reprimand is about. The Lord knows I try!

I would want to scream sometimes but having a vent moment with a friend helps. What helps is to know that I am not the only one facing the problem. It's not that we are celebrating mediocrity or bad behavior, but it will be mutual discussion about solving the problem.

In terms of taking correction - take it. Of course, you have to first accept that you are wrong. I'm not always right - but I know when I am wrong and when I am right. It gets harder if you feel like you're getting thrown under the bus. Been there - Done that!!!!!! The bus runs permanently in my alley ... and that's ok. I want to be in leadership and these are some of the things that you have to deal with.

I am working on taking my correction without remorse. Of course, there's always that condescending person or the petty peever who is going to find ulterior motives in everything! My God - they are not the easiest people to deal with. As we Caribbean do....STRUPES! Give me faith, dear Lord!!!!

I am working on me daily! I am moving forward every day! I am improving me and my situations consistently!


Friday, January 13, 2017

POEM: A New Page

At this stage
I'm ready to start a new page
A new phase
because in any case
you have to be ready to lead
you can't be afraid to win
cause winning
is not a sin
once you don't cheat
and even if you get beat
don't fall out of your seat
but keep your faith
and keep your pace
cause there will be other
times to take 
on the challenge
but you still have to
keep things in balance
so even with a new page
you have to
your stance
and take a chance
and take lead


Monday, January 9, 2017

A Classic Reggae Album is The Best of Peter Tosh: Dread Don't Die

Peter Tosh was a brilliant reggae artist and his The Best of Peter Tosh: Dread Don't Die album was released in 1996 with "Crystal Ball" and "Fools Die."
Peter Tosh

Reggae music lost Winston Hubert McIntosh more formally known as the reggae artist Peter Tosh on September 11, 1987. Despite his death, Tosh's musical legacy still remains relevant and influential to the new reggae artists of the 21st century. Peter Tosh is well known for being a member of The Wailers with Bob Marley and Bunny Wailer. A compilation of some of Peter Tosh's top songs can be found on The Best of Peter Tosh: Dread Don't Die.
Peter Tosh's Musical Legacy
The Wailers sang several songs written by Peter Tosh including "One Foundation," "400 Years" and "Stop That Train." Tosh also co-wrote "Get Up, Stand Up" with Bob Marley. According to Carol Cooper in the essay of The Best of Peter Tosh: Dread Don't Die, Tosh left The Wailers in 1974 and to pursue a solo career in reggae music. Tosh released several solo albums throughout his career including Equal Rights in 1977, Bush Doctor in 1978, Wanted Dread And Alive in 1981, Mama Africa in 1983 and The Toughest in 1986. His last album was No Nuclear War in 1987, just before he died.

The Songs ofThe Best of Peter Tosh: Dread Don't Die
Released in 1996, The Best of Peter Tosh: Dread Don't Die has twelve of Tosh's well known songs. From "Crystal Ball" to "Wanted Dread or Alive" to "Coming in Hot," this album contains some of Tosh's big hits. While this compilation does not include favorites like "Brand New Secondhand" and "African," it does include the duet with Mick Jagger - "(You Got to Walk And) Don't Look Back." There are two live songs from Tosh's 1984 Captured LIVE album: "Equal Rights" and "Downpresser Man" which were performed as one continuous song.
  • "That's What They Will Do" is About Friendships Gone Bad: From the Wanted Dread And Alive album, Tosh sings about bad experiences with friends in "That's What They Will Do." With lyrics like "They will come with great pretence to gain your confidence" and "..dress up in your shoes and still carry false news," Tosh wrote this song to express the heartache that comes when someone is betrayed by a friend. "That What They Will Do" can even be considered as a warning about friendships.
  • Tosh's Duet with Mick Jagger "(You Got to Walk And) Don't Look Back": "(You Got to Walk And) Don't Look Back" is written by Ronald White and William Robinson and comes of Tosh's Bush Doctor album. "So if you just put your hand in mine / we're gonna leave all our troubles behind / keep on walking / don't look back" is the hook of this catchy reggae song.
  • "Glasshouse" is a Reggae Fable: This song comes from Tosh's Mama Africa album and starts off with the sound of broken glass and the chorus "If you live in a glasshouse / don't throw stones." Tosh sings "all behind I back you like to grumble / and before I face you always a fumble" to express his thoughts on this 'glasshouse' concept.
  • Tosh Sings of the Love of Reggae in "Reggae Mylitis": "Woke up this morning / with a funny funny feeling / and that feeling / was an unusual feeling" start off this mellow reggae song. Tosh sings of this 'funny feeling' that ran all over his body and that a doctor diagnosed him with "Reggae Mylitis." This 'condition' can be considered the love of reggae music which any fan would concur that this type of music is infectious and highly contagious.
Peter Tosh was a gifted musician who sang in the reggae group The Wailers. The Best of Peter Tosh: Dread Don't Die includes some of his hit reggae songs including "Johnny B. Goode," "Where You Gonna Run" and "Coming In Hot. "This talented reggae artist also recorded with Mick Jagger. Tosh was killed in 1987, but his music remains socially conscious and inspiring.

1990s Reggae Music Album: 100% Silk by Garnett Silk

Garnett Silk released a lively and inspiring reggae album, 100% Silk, in 1993 with songs like "With Your Mercy" and "Zion in a Vision."
Gernett Silk

Garnett Damon Smith is known to reggae music fans as Garnett Silk. His music was calming, inspiring and very deep. Silk was a popular reggae artist but he tragically died in 1994 at age 28. Silk died on December 9, 1994. While his reggae music career was short, Silk gave a fresh flavor to the reggae music of the 1990s by using the popular riddims, also called instrumentals, to send positive messages to listeners. After his debut album in 1992, Silk released 100% Silk in 1993 and captured fans with tracks like "Oh Me Oh My," "Nothing Can Divide Us" and "Everything I Got."

Garnett Silk's Reggae Music Legacy
Garnett Silk released his debut album It's Growing in 1992 with the songs "It's Growing" and "I Am Vex." Then there was 100% Silk in 1993. Love is the Answer was released in 1994 shortly before
Silk's death. Popular songs from Love is the Answer are the title track "Love is the Answer" and "Friends And Lovers" which was originally sung by Carl Anderson & Gloria Loring. Silky Mood was released posthumously with "Let Them Talk" along with Nothing Can Divide Us in 1995 with "Man Is Just A Man" and the title track "Nothing Can Divide Us."

These albums were all released through VP Records. Compilations of Silk's music include Garnett Silk: The Definitive Collection CD which was released in 2000 with Atlantic. There is also the Reggae Anthology: Music Is the Rod with VP Records in 2004 which has "Splashing Dashing" as the first song on the CD. "Splashing Dashing" is sung on the "Death In the Arena Riddim" and was also released on Reggae Gold 1994.

The Songs from Garnett Silk's 100% Silk
The 100% Silk album provides mellow reggae music that has powerful messages about love and hope. Some of the songs fall on riddims that were powerful and popular during the 1990s. Of the thirteen songs on 100% Silk, Garnett Silk wrote eight of the songs. "Everything I Got" was written by P. Barnett and "Love Me Or Leave Me" was written by A. Rochester.
  • Silk Saw "Zion in a Vision": Silk begins this song "I saw Zion in a vision / Jah was there amidst everyone." This song was written by Silk and shares his idea of what Zion or heaven would look like. Silk refers to unity, happiness and righteousness. He sings that "that there is no room for the ungodly / not for the workers of iniquity / only pure in heart..." "Zion in a Vision" is sung on the on the "Friends For Life Riddim," a riddim that Capleton ( with Josie Mel sang "Youth Fi Big" and Anthony B. sang "Fire Man"
  • "Oh Me Oh My" is Reggae Music for the Ladies: "Oh Me Oh My" was written by Silk and A. Rochester and sung on the "Love Bump Riddim." This riddim also features Don Campbell's "See It In Your Eyes" and Frankie Paul's "Stuck On You". In "Oh Me Oh My," Silk sings of how he is taken aback by a positive and beautiful woman. "For you they'll make vacancy / baby you've got your PHD" and "darling I'm so proud of you / your intentions are so true" are some of the lyrics.
  • Reggae Lover's Anthem "Nothing Can Divide Us": The chorus in "Nothing Can Divide Us" is "Nothing can divide us / nothing separate us / nothing can divide us / no one can stop me from loving you." Silk wrote this song and sang it on the upbeat and re-mastered "Full Up Riddim." He sings this entire song in dedication to the love of his life.
  • * "With Your Mercy" is Roots Reggae: "With Your Mercy" was written by Silk and A. Rochester and was sung with a passionate voice that recognized the shortcomings of the human race while giving praises to God. Silk quotes Matthew 4, Verse 4 in singing "Man shall not live by bread alone but by the words that proceedth from Jah Jah." This is a very spiritual song that is sung on the "Truly Riddim". Another reggae artist, Pam Hall, sang "Truly" on the "Truly Riddim."
Garnett Silk was an inspiring reggae artist who sang passionately about love and spirituality. He released his second album, 100% Silk, in 1993. 100% Silk gave listeners "Necessity" and "Blessed Be the Almighty." While Silk died in 1994, his music still sends a powerful message to anyone who is listens.

Caribbean Christmas Music: Christmas in Paradise by Lincoln Ward

Lincoln Ward is a musician from the Virgin Islands who released a Christmas album in 2009 featuring classic Christmas songs with a fresh twist.

Lincoln Ward is a talented musician from the Virgin Islands. He writes, produces, sings and arranges music for himself and several other artists. His Christmas in Paradise album was released in 2009 and its nine Christmas songs are performed with a fresh approach to traditional Christmas music. This album also features other artists who hail from the British Virgin Islands (BVI) and the United States Virgin Islands (USVI).

Lincoln Ward is a Rising Star
Lincoln Ward has been featured in Core Magazine from the USVI and on Tempo Networks. According to his biography, Lincoln has performed in Nevis, Dominica, St. Vincent, St Croix and New York. He has released several albums including Me And You in 2006, Soakin Wet (Maxi Single) in 2007 and Four Seasons of Summer in 2010. His music videos, which have all appeared on Tempo Networks, include "Soakin Wet" shot in Nanny Cay in Tortola, "Poison", "Slowly Me and You" and "The One." This bright Virgin Islander holds a Bachelor Degree in Computer Science but his love is music. His parents both have a musical background and one of his uncles, Watts Pemberton, now deceased, was an acknowledged poet, musician and painter.

A Caribbean Christmas Album is Christmas in Paradise by Lincoln Ward
Lincoln Ward's Christmas in Paradise represents a Caribbean Christmas album with an international flavor. Lincoln collaborated with Virgin Islands' vocalists: Mckenzie Baltimore, Sandra Pemberton, Kirk Adams, Tamisha Georges and the Acappella Fellas. This album also features two popular DJs - DJ Poppy Pops from Isle 95 radio station in St. Croix and Gadiethz from ZROD radio station in Tortola. The saxophone showcased in two of the songs is played by Jeremy Vanterpool, another Virgin Islander.
  • The Title Song "Christmas In Paradise": "Christmas In Paradise" by Lincloln and Mckenzie Baltimore begins with the chorus "This is the time of the year, when friends and family draw near, Christmas in Paradise." "Christmas In Paradise" urges the listener to want to spend Christmas in paradise as it refers to coconut water, guavaberry wine, the beaches, the pastries and the friendly people. "I invite you from far and near to come take a taste of our atmosphere, the Virgin Isles is the place to be so tell Santa Claus to be on the beach" are lyrics that call to the listener to visit the Caribbean for Christmas.
  • "Oh Holy Night" Performed in a Fresh Way: Lincoln along with USVI Soca artist Rudy give a powerful performance to this traditional Christmas song. With the infusion of Beyonce's "Halo," "Oh Holy Night" comes alive. "You're everything I need and more and it's written all over your face, Jesus I can feel your halo, you know you're my saving grace" are the words that end this song.
  • An Entertaining "Drummer Boy": Lincoln sings the traditional "Drummer Boy" lyrics with the addition of DJ Poppy Pops from St. Croix as the MC on the track. This song has a hip hop appeal with the mixture of drum beats which bring the literal drumming to the "Drummer Boy."
  • The Bonus Track "Sweetest Drug": Although "Sweetest Drug" is not a Christmas song, this soothing and melodious song is itself like an addictive drug that keeps the listener wanting more. Produced by Alton Bertie, Lincoln sings in the chorus "She's the sweetest drug, I can't get enough of her...I can't help myself".
Christmas in Paradise Bonus DVD
Lincoln has also included a bonus DVD with the Christmas In Paradise album. The DVD includes the music video for "Give Love on Christmas Day" featuring Gadiethz. The video was produced by VI Lander Films. There is also an interview with Lincoln and excerpts from the studio sessions with the other artists on the album.

Lincoln Ward is a multi-talented musician, song-writer, producer and singer who continues to improve his musical repertoire. He released Christmas in Paradise in 2009 with nine Christmas songs that he performed with an artistic and fresh style. This album also features a bonus song, "Sweetest Drug" which is not a Christmas song but makes a great addition to Lincoln's album. Christmas in Paradise is an album for anyone who wants a Caribbean Christmas album that remakes the classic Christmas songs in an innovative and enjoyable way.

Update: Lincoln released, "The Reason for Christmas" in 2016 featuring twelve (12) songs including "Carol of the Bells," "Happy Christmas," and "Do You Hear What I Hear." This album also includes "Christmas in Paradise."

Classic R&B: The Best of Luther Vandross...The Best of Love

Luther Vandross remains a well-loved R&B singer and his The Best of Luther Vandross...The Best of Love album features his early hits like "Never Too Much."

Luther Vandross died in 2005 at age 54 but his music continues to spread the message of love. One of the earlier compilations of his greatest hits, The Best of Luther Vandross…The Best of Love, has the recognizable songs "Any Love," "Never Too Much," "Love Won't Let Me Wait" and "A House is Not a Home." This twenty song album was originally released in 1989 and later digitally re-mastered for distribution on compact disc (CD). 

Vandross wrote, arranged and produced many of the songs on this classic R&B album. Vandross' songs such as "Here and Now" and "So Amazing" are staples at weddings. His songs have also been sampled by other artists such as Janet Jackson's sample of the instrumental of "The Glow of Love" in her 2001 release, "All For You." Vandross has also sang duets with Gregory Hines, Cheryl Lynn, Janet Jackson, Mariah Carey and Beyoncé.

Music from the 1980s –The Best of Luther Vandross…The Best of Love
The CD version of The Best of Luther Vandross…The Best of Love has two discs spanning almost a decade with songs from 1980 to 1989. While some of Vandross' songs have been sampled by reggae, R&B and hip hop artists, his actual songs continue to play today and are enjoyed by his fans.
  • The Hit of 1981 "Never Too Much": "I can't fool myself, I don't want nobody else to ever love me" is the opening line of this chart topping song which was written by Luther Vandross. Music fans will remember the beginning of the music video with a man scanting with the boombox. "Who needs to go to work to hustle for another dollar/ I'd rather be with you cause you make my heart scream and holler" are also lines in this song that express that the love from that special someone could never be too much for the singer to handle. "Never Too Much" was also sampled by reggae artist Beenie Man in his 1998 release of "Who Am I" in the bridge where Beenie repeats the opening line of the song.
  • Vandross' "A House is Not a Home": "A House is Not a Home" was written by Burt Bacharach and Hal David and released in 1981. Vandross opens the songs with "A chair is still a chair/ even when no one's sitting there/ but a chair is not a house and house is not a home when no one's there." Vandross expresses how he misses that special someone and that he is still in love with her. "A House is Not a Home" was also featured in Twista 's 2004 hit "Slow Jamz" featuring Kanye West and Jamie Foxx off his Kamikaze album. Jamie Foxx repeats Vandross' line "Say you're gonna be, are you gonna be" in "Slow Jamz." "A House is Not a Home" was also featured on the last episode of the sitcom Everybody Hates Chris. The characters jokingly shared that everyone in the neighborhood who appeared on Showtime at the Apollo sang this song and got booed off.
  • R&B Hit of 1986 "I Really Didn't Mean It": Vandross sings of his jealousy and wanting to make his lady jealous in return. The chorus begins "I told my girl bye-bye/ but I really didn't mean it". He continues to sing that when he walked away, he cried and that his girl took him back because she knew he really didn't mean his actions. This song almost has a disco feel to it as it speaks of the ups and downs in relationships while making the listener nod his head in enjoyment and in agreement.
  • Vandross' Top Wedding Song "Here and Now": This song is perfect for weddings because it expresses sentiments that a new couple getting married would feel. Written by Terry Steele and Dav-e! also known as David L. Elliot, the chorus states "Here and now/ I promise to love faithfully/ You're all I need/ Here and now/ I vow to be one with thee." It was originally released in 1989 and still remains a staple at weddings today.

Luther Vandross Released More Albums
Luther Vandross continued to release songs past 1989 including the Power of Love album in 1991 in which the songs "Power of Love" and "Don't Want to Be a Fool" are featured. In 2001, Vandross released a self-titled album featuring the hit "Take You Out" with Grace Beauvais as the leading lady in the music video. The Dance With My Father album was released in 2006 with the songs "Dance With My Father" and the Grammy award winning "The Closer I Get to You." Vandross' "eighth and final Grammy came for best R&B performance by a duo -- the remake of "The Closer I Get to You," sung with Beyonce Knowles."

Details of the other albums that Luther Vandross released can be found on his official website. Even though Luther Vandross has passed away, his music will never be forgotten. A talented writer, singer and producer, Vandross gave listeners an earful of lyrics about love. His album The Best of Luther Vandross...The Best of Love is a compilation of his top hits from 1980 to 1989 and an album that his fans will always enjoy.

Poem: Indecision by Linette Rabsatt