Monday, June 12, 2017

Everybody thinks that Leadership is Easy

Everybody thinks that leadership is easy. We take issue with many things that our leaders do. We have leaders in our homes, in church, at work and in the various organizations that we are a part of. As a leader, you have to plan to win and accept that you will fail sometimes.

It is easy for a leader to get to get an attitude and be defensive when things do not go according plan. If you have an attitude, no one is going to be willing to approach to comment or give you advice. This attitude that we get - does not get us anywhere. Things have to go wrong - that's life. Sometimes you have to admit that you made a bad decision. Everyone is not going to agree or support your initiatives - that's part of the learning process.

It gets very sad when leaders are not open to listening because it means that they cut themselves off from development. We have to be able to listen so that we can grow. We have to be humble, yet firm. There is no need to be on the strong defensive line and have no offensive plays to score. Offensive of course is a funny word in this paragraph because we don't want to be offensive as in insulting; but we want to play some offense - get the ball in motion and score.

In everything, advance with little steps because eventually, you will see the big win.

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