Monday, May 29, 2017

Is Missing Out Really Missing Out

Someone posted on their Facebook about missing a big event. I grew up not going anywhere much so I used to miss out. Now, I can't be bothered. The event happens or happens not, I just wish for people's safety. If I am not going, then why would I watch it on TV or stream on the internet? I guess I am so accustomed of being the odd ball, most things really don't get to me.

You can harp on my not supporting and that's okay. Everyone does not need to be at an event. Somebody has to stay home - the building/field can only hold so many persons, vehicles and accommodate so many people peeing and pooing.

Children pressure other children about these things and adults do the same. Everyone has a sense of belonging and wanting to fit in - I've gotten over that years ago! I do what I can and head where I want - when I feel like. I think that's how we all are supposed to live. Enjoy yourself in what you love. As Chaka Khan sang, "Do You Love What You Feel?" We should!

I love watching Law & Order all day or pulling grass in my yard or just sitting and chilling. Everyone has their love and you should appreciate other people's time and opinions. You would want them to appreciate yours, right?


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