Tuesday, May 16, 2017

Let Us Encourage Our Children

I attended all three (3) rounds of the Inter-Primary Spelling Bee in the BVI. My daughter was competing and of course, I have to support her. I competed in an Adult spelling bee a few years ago and the pressure is real. As I watched the children compete, I saw smiles when they knew a familiar word and I also saw the sadness when they missed a word. I was tense because I felt like I was everyone's parent. I really did not want to see any child miss a word - but that's life. There will be difficulties, challenges and little mistakes. We just have to be able to recover when mishaps occurs.

It was lovely see the passion on the little faces and I was able to identify some of the familiar names from the radio quiz or sports. I am glad to see children excel and I like what Miss George shared during her remarks about building confidence and learning to compete. Life has competitions - from the job hunt, the scholarship search to the catching the last item on sale. 

We have to build our children's confidence! Encourage them to harness their energy and talents positively. We know their strong points and we have to help them to develop on their weak areas too. 


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