Monday, June 19, 2017

POEM: Who has the Rights?

We share the environ
and this has been so for eons
we balance off of each other
predator, carnivore and herbivore
back then coexistence was obvious
but today, we seem oblivious
because it's a battle
it's a fight
it's a war
and it goes on day and night
struggle for space
quarrel for food
security can't manage it
the government ignores it
and the people are frustrated
this subject is debated
and when you talk
you are hated
or they call you ill-fated
because you can't afford
or they think that you hoard
but it's yours!
who really has the rights?
the laws were written
with one in mind
and up to now - 
no one can find
a solution
I guess because it's not 
big pollution
or won't get anyone a
no one cares
and if I dare speak
I may be home for a week
in a country where
ruminants have more rights than people

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