Thursday, March 23, 2017

Time to Answer Back - in writing

If you have seen my blog, you would realize that I am not afraid to write. Where I get apprehensive is when I am angry and I need to send a correspondence to an agency. I have had to deal with tough and weird issues locally in the BVI, USVI, regionally and in the USA. When you are angry, it is best to calm down before you write or ask a friend to check it over.

There are some instances, like when you have a time limit, where you have to go with your instincts. I am the first to admit when I am wrong and sometimes I take the blame to keep the peace. However, when it is time to fight with words, I can give them to you - diplomatically or blunt but I always try to be thoughtful of the reader's reaction.

It's hard to be in tough situations especially when you have already lost a battle. However, I always feel that it is important to put your comments in writing. Never accept a loss without giving your side. I may not be liked for it but at least the record would reflect that my thoughts (if it is not thrown in the garbage).

I feel that you should stand up for yourself and speak out when there are issues. We never want to hurt a relationship but why should I stay hurt and not let my feelings be known. It's not about revenge but we too many times let people beat us and we do not answer back.

Be thoughtful of your reader but express what you have to say.


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