Tuesday, February 14, 2017

POEM: Seeing Red

Time changes
and we are just as fickle
so even if we are tickled
we don't laugh anymore
because sometimes we are sore
and other times we may
have a score to settle
but don't get caught
in the nettle
or get burnt by the kettle
cause the pot's bottom is also black
and when we act slack
we often times do not
see that we lack
manners and discipline
but these negative twists
can spin
but you can win
you have to think ahead
and refrain from seeing red
for every little thing
if you have to - sing
and dance a little too
because you can't take it all on
and while this plays
like a song
you have to admit when
you are wrong
let go
and move on


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Greetings! "score to settle
but don't get caught
in the nettle
or get burnt by the kettle
cause the pot's bottom is also black.."
It is a challenge to keep a balance around "the pot".

"Think ahead and refrain from seeing red."
Biblical, isn't it?

The requirements for us to get along are evident-manners and discipline.

I solute you!