Friday, April 28, 2017

Sibling Rivalry

Children love to argue and for simple things. Sibling rivalry can be frustrating for parents. I have no answer because I get tired of hearing them and I just ask them to stop the bickering. I encourage sharing and that's a problem. If they are playing a game, it all starts well and then, there is an eruption of fighting words. There are even negotiations to switch a sibling with a neighbor or friend. I really do not have the solution but I just wanted to vent because it gets tiring. I try to intercede when it gets too loud or overbearing and I am seen as picking sides. So I am on no side and have no opinion and everyone is wrong. I really don't know.

I do know that there will be some contention at some point and that I do need to let the children solve their problems in some cases. I am learning to be patient and I have to keep working on that. I shared in some staff meetings that patience is my weakness. If I have a job interview tomorrow, I would still share that and add that I am working on it and I have matured significantly over the years. I hope my children can build that maturity but for now, they are children and I have to work with them.

Like I said, I don't have the solution and will never pretend to. I am open for suggestions from other parents on how they deal with sibling rivalry.


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