Sunday, July 10, 2011

What I want from the leaders

What I want from the leaders

If you can't support my endeavor, if you don't have the funding or can't make it to my event, tell me that. Too many times, the leaders make promises that they know that they cannot fulfill. Stop doing that. That's why we call it politricks!

I am committed to what I believe. If you seek to be a leader of people, you should be committed to the people, just as a shepherd commits to his sheep. When we call on you, we expect a response, even if it's two weeks later. Follow-up even when you have to say no (see point #1). Sometimes, people need a gentle hand to lead them forward, and a push in the right direction may be the push they need - not the white envelope.

As you step into the arena seeking public support, there will be barbs thrown in your direction. All your dirty deeds will be unearthed, and your family's secrets will be shared. During this time, you have no choice but to be resilient. Pray and ask others to pray for you because there will be long days and longer nights.

If you don't have passion, then leadership is not for you. You have to be willing to stand out and disagree with the masses. You have to be able to fight for your position even when it is not popular. You have to be able to take a firm hand and update and change situations.

People who are leaders must first have a love for their fellow man before they can lead us. We don't want a pushover (see #3&4). However, we expect that the country's greatest asset will be the priority. We expect that our health, education, and food security will be priorities. We do not need anyone to baby us but to lead us in the right direction.

Leaders must have a vision. In recent days, we are trying to determine the character and the vision of the persons who are in present leadership. We expect that leaders can determine our needs and after consulting with us, will take the necessary steps to ensure that ideas come to fruition.

There are many more qualities, but these are what comes to mind now.


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