Wednesday, July 13, 2011

What does a boss gain from holding back his employees?

What does a boss gain from holding back his employees? Do you really want to hold other human beings back from excelling? Do you enjoy manipulating others to the point that they want to scream at you?

We have a tendency to be threatened by people who think differently to us. In relation to me, go ahead and feel threatened because I will not always agree with you. I like when you push my buttons because I am 'the easy dog that bites hard'.

It's hard to believe that a country that has invested millions into educating its workforce still appoints managers who are not willing to promote their own. Who can change this? I am not sure how we can change this mind set. Politicians, by law, can't - only in relation to the Private Secretaries and Permanent Secertaries (for those with Ministerial posts).

It has always been my hope that supervisors would seek the best from their employees. To think that someone would set a road block on your highway to success is almost unimagineable. However, this is real!

What can we do in those sitations? I like to focus on other things that I can use my pent-up energy on rather than dwelling on the negativity. I like to know that I can excel because when I do, it still makes the others (yes - the hypocrites too) look good. They may still want to take the credit for the good I do but I do other good elsewhere so that will always permeate, saturate and dominate my character.

Let them think that they are holding you back because the time it takes them to plot against you, they are only setting traps for themselves.


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

So true...every dog got its day.