Monday, July 4, 2011

Lend a Helping Hand

If you ever get into a position to help others, it is a blessing to do so. You may feel that noone helps you when you ask for it but God is always there for us.

There are always ways for problems to be solved. Sometimes, we just have to persevere and struggle through the turmoil. However, we don't want to be regarded as pushovers so be mindful of those who try to use and abuse you.

Despite the users, offering a helping hand is good. It's a great fulfillment in knowing that your small input may have made someone's day.

One while I was driving, I saw a little boy with his father walking. A bottle dropped from the boy's hand and somehow he got cut on his hand. I immediately stopped and bid them to come in my car so I could take them to the hospital. I can't fathom seeing things like that happen in front of me. I have children of my own and would hope that other people would not leave them to suffer.

Afterall, none of us would want our sins to fall on our children. We all want to live in peace and harmony. We all want the best for our familes. However, it can't be only about the 'we' in a small group - it has to be about the entire community.

Please take care of each other and help anyone that you see in need.


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