Sunday, December 9, 2012

POEM: Not On Our Own

We are all sinners
and while we all want to winners
some days it's dimmer
than others
but we have to persevere
and prepare
for the good and the bad
which can come at any moment
but regardless of the outcome
we can't let ourselves become
or ungrateful to God
because he always has our back
and gives us the things we lack
so be strong
cause we might work hard for long
but God won't let us down
or leave us alone
and he won't leave us to fight on our own
so keep the faith
and be patient while you wait
because everyone' journey is different
and each man needs to be content
cause God is omnipotent
and his love has no measurement
it's the same for me
and the same for you
and it's all true


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