Monday, December 24, 2012

Christmas Eve Blog Post

Children have the greatest imaginations. My daughter has me playing  with dollies from time to time and I enjoy doing it with her. She chats a lot and she's a cool little six year old. My son loves trucks - he's draws them, he pretends that he is one and anything in his hand becomes a truck. he's a happy eight year old.

They are both pretty contented with themselves, other than when they start to fight with each other. However, they say that's a part of growing up. I never experienced the closeness with my siblings growing up - actually until I was already 16 - so it's all new to me still.

As it relates to Christmas, I'm not all about the shopping and hopping and popping. For me, it's about giving or sharing what you can afford. I made two gestures this year and would like to do more and not just at this time.

I wish everyone a happy and joyous holiday season and I hope that 2013 is filled with inspiration, improvement and excellence.



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POEM: Rainbow