Thursday, December 27, 2012

Finally Seeing "A Series of Unfortunate Events"

After playing the internet game, "A Series of Unfortunate Events", I was today finally able to see the movie. Unfortunately, I did not see the beginning but from the time I saw the characters on TV, I knew it was the movie. Somehow, I enjoy these types of fantasy movies. Maybe it was the books that I was exposed to growing up.

I read a lot of fairy tales, the Chronicles of Narnia and a lot of Nancy Drew. I just loved to read (and now I 'claim' to be a writer). Somehow these stories and movies with the unique characters have made some impact on me. I feel that I can do anything I put my mind to. Thank God, today I stand where I am comfortable in my own skin.

We all need to have a little imagination and some optimism. I think that is why the Bible was put together so that we can have hope in God. The fairy tales, which some people frown on for different reasons, also present some semblance of hope. Be wise in what you do and always seek divine guidance.

So for 2013, if you want to sing, get lessons and sing. If you want to write, get a pen and start. Just start and stay committed to what you want to do and achieve.


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