Monday, April 18, 2011

Confessions of a Chocolate-aholic who also loves cheesecake

I love chocolate. I also love cheesecake but Hersheys, Snickers, Cadbury and M&Ms are my fix. Whether it's time of the month or a long day, chocolate makes me happy. I can remember eating one-half of the large St. Thomas Dairies chocolate icecream when I was pregnant with my daughter. It's funny because I still wonder why she was 7.5lbs.

Sweets are my weakness and it's something that I need to monitor because I come from a family who suffers diabetes and high blood pressure. I need to keep active and drink fluids to wash away these sweets.

I am also not ashamed to say that I don't like sharing my sweets. Call me 'selfish' but I love to sit and enjoy chocolate without having to break one piece or give away one M&M. As I write this blog post, I am enjoying a Cadbury Whole Nut. My inspiration comes from the simple things of life - a nice chocolate bar or a slice of 'good' cheesecake.

I don't need to eat the Dark Forest type chocolate cake unless I am really peevish. A nice tirumisu is good if you can get a nice piece. Don't get me wrong - I do love my local gooseberry or tamarind stew, a good piece of tart or a good vienna cake.

Chocolate just does something different and special for me. It is relaxing and perfectly sweet yet it makes me smile. I just love it!


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