Thursday, September 27, 2012

The Everything in Me

I just realized that I am a hopeless romantic, a music fanatic and overly optimistic. Does that sound like me? It should - it's the poet in me, it's the mother in me and for sure it's the energy in me.

While I'm not the most liked or the most celebrated, I know what all I'm all about. I have a lot on my plate but I don't back down. My heart is in the right place and I'm going to go for what I want. I'm cheap and I spend on the neccessities. You'll never see me flashy or overdone. I'm simple and I plan to keep it that way.

I believe in quality and I can proudly say that the works that I have done will speak for me. I go for feats that noone has tried and will always aim to accomplish something positive. When you see me, you may think that I'm crazy but I'm just being the best me that I can be - and I am happy with that.

I love the me that I am.


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