Thursday, September 13, 2012

500th Blog Post - BOOM!

I never give up on getting what I want. Writing this 500th blog post should show you that. I have come a long way, shared a lot of personal thoughts and a lot of poetry. I want my readers to know that I truly appreciate them and that I am trying to always improve the blog.

I prefer to use this forum to inspire you rather than bicker about my job or my family. Instead my hope is to keep you on your toes. Like I shared before, I pride myself as being a quick thinker and a problem solver. I encourage you to do so also. I give my children, especially my son, this advice all the time.

Blogging takes patience and discipline. I want to be a better writer and using this blog has help me to improve my craft. I am the child who was always OK in English but never the best. Going to college help me to improve and the blog has made me better.

You may have something that you are struggline with and you just have to work on it. It may be an addiction, a shortcoming or a financial difficulty, but it does not mean that you cannot move forward. You can but you just have to make things happen - but be patient. Somet things take longer than others and you have to seek the help and guidance that can launch you to your goal. Of course - you need to set a goal. I wanted 20,000 page views and I got it. I wanted to be a freelance writer and I am.

I did not seek anyone's permission. I took my energy and put it to use. What's the sense of paying for internet and not use it for something with sense - not minding people's business. What's your talent? How can you use it to make your life better? Think.....

Everything you need comes from God and with his inspiration, you can grow and improve yourself.



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