Of course I was encouraged to be a doctor, a lawyer and such professions. I knew that was never what I wanted. By High School, I decided that I wanted to be an accountant. I did excellent in my accounting and business classes and I followed through taking part time classes at the local community college, now named HLSCC while working full time as a bank teller.
I then transferred to UVI full time. After one semester at UVI, I changed my major. I found the accounting classes tedious and just overwhelming. I thought about what I wanted for my life and decided that I wanted a job with no bounds and that would keep me in and out of the office.
Growing up I watched reruns of Bewitched: The Complete First Season
I followed through and completed my four-year program. On graduation, I applied for a job at the main advertising firm in the USVI and was successful. I then realized the harsh realities of the work world. In some cases, you don't always use the academic information you learn, and you sometimes get bored too quickly.
I have never truly had a job that can occupy and challenge me. I have had jobs where I stay occupied but not challenged or truly interested. I work hard and get the job done because I want to do a good job.
I've always had to have extra-curricular activities to keep my brain running since finishing college. I was blessed to attend Cornell University after my BA for a year, and funnily was never able to use that knowledge on a job to help my own country move forward.
I then decided that I would roll with the punches on whichever job and see what positive I can contribute to making the organization more efficient. Some of my suggestions are taken but there are days when I feel stifled. These are the reasons why I have to have a blog and I need to write poetry. I also have to seek other means to make myself happy such as writing articles for online sites.
Some people need a big salary or position to feel that they are successful. For me, it's about the contribution that I can make and the positive change that I can push. Of course, monetary compensation is needed but I just want to live comfortable. I want to make a mark that would take my country to the next level.
I love my children, I want to have a small farm and just have a simple life. I enjoy TV and I love fashion shows so I'm always thinking on what I can do next.
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