Sunday, June 12, 2011

Procrastination & Me

Procrastination is a killer. I am guilty of leaving things on the back burner for too long and I am sure many others are. However, I leave personal things on the back burner but try not to do that with work. Event planning and even regular mundane tasks have to be organized.

Basically, I can't pay my bills unless I deposit funds in the bank account. If I lag on making the deposit then I really can't make any payments.

Sometimes there are tasks that I hate to do - like ironing. However, I run into that head-first and get it done one time. Plus I'm too cheap to iron one piece of clothing every day - fuel costs are way too high on the electric bill in the BVI.

Sometimes I don't feel like cooking and I procrastinate on it but I force myself and do it because if I really want to save money, I have to make hard decisions.

What I find that I've been procrastinating on is writing my articles for the site I write for. This is for more reasons than simple procrastination. I aim to write at least one before I return to work on Tuesday. I am going to take this Monday holiday, Whit Monday, and do one article along with all my ironing. I'll stay home and enjoy Matlock and other sitcoms, dramas and talk shows! I will not procrastinate and miss those for sure but I'll keep busy by doing my chores at the same time.


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