Sunday, January 2, 2011

We are our own miracles - we can help each other solve problems

Sometimes we look for miracles when there are bad things happening to us. However, every day, we have the miracle of life and love. No matter what the issue may be, there is some resolution. We often look at things negatively if it does not go our way.

If I am diagnosed with deadly disease, I will be devastated. However, I either have to accept it or let it kill me faster. Sometimes working on a positive outlook and prayer can help us balance ourselves.

Why do we always want to win? Or is it that what we perceive as winning in a situation really isn't? When my car broke down, I felt down. However, I am catching the bus, riding with friends or paying a taxi. This new experience actually helps me to save money becaue I stay out of the grocery store every other day.

I have resigned from a position without a new job. I was confident that I would be able to find employment. The job that I landed was not the ideal post for my background but the salary sold it for me. I learned well and have since transitioned to another organization.

I stay focused but I go through the ups and downs like everyone else. I don't always share my problems and actually I rarely do. I have friends who share and I try to give them a listening ear because sometimes that's all we need. I have a special friend who believes in solutions. I admire her for that because she is about making good things happen and sharing with others.

Everyone has their special things about them. We can all help each other stay focused and grounded. Pick me up when I am falling! Encourage me when I am slouching! Let's help each other set SMART goals! YEA US!!!!

The miracle in life is very simple. We have all the answers. Prayer, family and grounding oneself.


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