Monday, January 17, 2011

Taking it one day at a time

What is in me will be hard to break away from. My habits that have lived for years and my goodness which is easy to take advantage of are all a part of me.

I am the only one that can change me. I have to want to change and improve myself so that I can progress. As Jesus said "Let him without sin cast the first stone." I am full of sin and I am no one to call down another. I, however, can learn from others in their tough situations. In my sinful state, I can still offer a positive word with the hope that the positive that I resonate will permeate my soul and change me.

It's about making things happen in whatever simple you can affect change. Lean on someone for help or to talk to if the need is there. Don't take it on all on your own. Pray but let the prayer be earnest so that good things can happen. It all won't turn around in one day but step by step, things can improve.

Put yourself in a better place. Change those negative friends if need be but make something happen. Let's go!

It's 2011 and tomorrow it's 2012. Do something to change your life for the best.

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