Watch me do me....
Yea, I like that song, well at least the chorus. I am comfortable with my outer shell and inner being so I'm glad to use what God gave me to do positive things. I prefer to be a role model. I have a friend who is both a role model and a top model and she is doing fine.
Females, especially still have many setbacks and hindrances. Even as a black female, it's hard proving yourself. Men always try to put you down and run you around.
Before this starts to sound like a poem or lyrics, I'll say that my kids have made me into a new ME. I am not be the club hopping girl anymore but I am a woman on a mission to leave a legacy for my fruits. They need nuture to grow them into positive adults who make good choices.
Watch me do me
Monday, March 31, 2008
Beef vs. ?????
Do you think I beef too much about little things? I prefer to beef than just sit and take nonsense. Somebody has to speak out! Right?
Gone are the days of crying in a corner. Gone are the days of pouting. When things bother you, you should speak out - not curse. Speak with confidence and express yourself.
Sometimes it's good to listen first to the other side and basically let them trip themselves up. You can reflect back and smile quietly.
Many times, a higher authority has to called to investigate or to give their input. One must do what one's 'gotta do'.
I have no example today to share with you because I've been playing passive agressive these days. I just let certains things go and people will see where I am coming from. OR, after I ignore them for a while, they come my way. :)
It's not being mean or nasty. It's just another way of dealing with beefs. Now, I don't eat meat but I used to and yet beef was never a favorite.
So, motto for today, deal with problems as they come and try to keep a cool head and let the other side trip themselves up!
Gone are the days of crying in a corner. Gone are the days of pouting. When things bother you, you should speak out - not curse. Speak with confidence and express yourself.
Sometimes it's good to listen first to the other side and basically let them trip themselves up. You can reflect back and smile quietly.
Many times, a higher authority has to called to investigate or to give their input. One must do what one's 'gotta do'.
I have no example today to share with you because I've been playing passive agressive these days. I just let certains things go and people will see where I am coming from. OR, after I ignore them for a while, they come my way. :)
It's not being mean or nasty. It's just another way of dealing with beefs. Now, I don't eat meat but I used to and yet beef was never a favorite.
So, motto for today, deal with problems as they come and try to keep a cool head and let the other side trip themselves up!
Wednesday, March 26, 2008
The Bootleg Man
Bootlegging originally reffered to illegally distilling alcohol, but has recently become a term used to describe any activity that is not done correctly, properly or completely. A bootleg product is one that is not genuine like 'bootleg CDs' are not the original productions.
I sometimes say that I am the 'bootleg queen' because I love thrift shops and I always try to find the easy way out. In that case, you should call me the 'shortcut queen' but I just like using the word 'bootleg'.
Today, I met The Bootleg Man. He bought a busted lemon and fixed it.....half-way. Of course, no one wants a lemon - not even The Bootleg Man. So he is trying to sell the lemon with crazy glue on the door handles and the paint job peeling. Of course, it was no sale because other than the door handles and the paint job, the exhaust is not 100%. It maybe 81.9385758% but if it does not sound right and shift right - NO SALE.
Seriously, we need to be more aware of persons selling used vehicles. Always get a mechanic to check the vehicle out - inside and outside. This is my checklist:
1. Check the engine for leaks
2. Check the tires for wear and tear and mismatching
3. Check all shocks & struts
4. Look closely at fenders and bumpers for repairs and hits
5. Watch the sensors closely for Check Engine etc.
6. Ensure all seat belts are working
7. Check door handles for glue (lol - couldn't help that one)
8. Drive up the hill with A/C
9. Ask around about the car if you can get info
10. If the car comes from the US/Canada - check CARFAX
11. If you don't like it, leave it alone
Of course, it problem free to buy a new vehicle but if you can't afford it, a good used vehicle can be your savior.
Good Luck and watch out for The Bootleg Man.
I sometimes say that I am the 'bootleg queen' because I love thrift shops and I always try to find the easy way out. In that case, you should call me the 'shortcut queen' but I just like using the word 'bootleg'.
Today, I met The Bootleg Man. He bought a busted lemon and fixed it.....half-way. Of course, no one wants a lemon - not even The Bootleg Man. So he is trying to sell the lemon with crazy glue on the door handles and the paint job peeling. Of course, it was no sale because other than the door handles and the paint job, the exhaust is not 100%. It maybe 81.9385758% but if it does not sound right and shift right - NO SALE.
Seriously, we need to be more aware of persons selling used vehicles. Always get a mechanic to check the vehicle out - inside and outside. This is my checklist:
1. Check the engine for leaks
2. Check the tires for wear and tear and mismatching
3. Check all shocks & struts
4. Look closely at fenders and bumpers for repairs and hits
5. Watch the sensors closely for Check Engine etc.
6. Ensure all seat belts are working
7. Check door handles for glue (lol - couldn't help that one)
8. Drive up the hill with A/C
9. Ask around about the car if you can get info
10. If the car comes from the US/Canada - check CARFAX
11. If you don't like it, leave it alone
Of course, it problem free to buy a new vehicle but if you can't afford it, a good used vehicle can be your savior.
Good Luck and watch out for The Bootleg Man.
Tuesday, March 25, 2008
Why Steal
Are things really that bad that every day we steal? It does seem to be that bad because people are stealing scooters and cars - not food. There are about 10 people begging on the streets today either for hunger or for drugs. They're not stealing.
So what's wrong with the 18 year old who steals a scooter. Are you not employed? The classifieds are full of paying jobs. So what drives youn people specifically to steal. Is it Grand Theft auto that inspires them, or Ocean's Eleven or The Italian Job? Can they bridge the difference between reality and fiction?
If they are looking at Cops or Police Chases, then those are awful examples to follow since the perps ALWAYS get caught. So what is the fascination with taking other people's things?
For me, I prefer to do without or ask someone. That is what I was taught. So, are we as parents teaching our children to do without? Many say that they wish for their children to have a better life than themselves. Of course, I won't argue that but it does not mean that children are to be spolied.
We in the BVI tend to baby our children and spoil them. Many times they can't handle the harshness of life and result to stealing and embezzlement. Why is a 25 year old man being caught with his hand in the cookie jar?
Leave people things alone!
So what's wrong with the 18 year old who steals a scooter. Are you not employed? The classifieds are full of paying jobs. So what drives youn people specifically to steal. Is it Grand Theft auto that inspires them, or Ocean's Eleven or The Italian Job? Can they bridge the difference between reality and fiction?
If they are looking at Cops or Police Chases, then those are awful examples to follow since the perps ALWAYS get caught. So what is the fascination with taking other people's things?
For me, I prefer to do without or ask someone. That is what I was taught. So, are we as parents teaching our children to do without? Many say that they wish for their children to have a better life than themselves. Of course, I won't argue that but it does not mean that children are to be spolied.
We in the BVI tend to baby our children and spoil them. Many times they can't handle the harshness of life and result to stealing and embezzlement. Why is a 25 year old man being caught with his hand in the cookie jar?
Leave people things alone!
Monday, March 24, 2008
World Poetry Day was on March 21, 2008
V.I. Callaloo is a poetic 'cook-up' of poems about love, life, culture, history and social issues. It is our hope to publish more volumes of V.I. Callaloo in the future and to also include many more poets and their writings.
Poetry is an artform with few limitations. You can craft your thoughts around any topic with creativity. Poets share the love of writing but use different writing styles to convey their personal messages. Some poets use rhyme or rhythm, while others use repetition of sound or imagery or personification. Others speak in the third person to grab the reader's attention.
Writing the poem is only one aspect for poets who choose to perform at 'open mic' events or at programs. Reading the piece brings it to life and can help the audience to understand the message you are trying to convey. Poets may use music or drums to enhance their pieces. Some use audience participation such as verbal or non-verbal cues to enhance their poems. I have seen poets also use dramatization and movement to give their poems more flavor.
The Callaloo Poets and the Virgin Islands Improvement Association (VIIA) hosted an 'open mic' poetry reading honoring the elders on March 15, 2008. The events are well supported with new poets stepping up to the mic at every reading.
We continue to encourage the 'closet writers' to come out and share their work because talent is special and not meant to be hidden. Poetry Readings are held every third Saturday of the month and you can look forward to the next reading on April 19, 2008. The venue and theme will be confirmed soon.
To give you a taste of our poetry, a few of the Callaloo Poets have agreed to share some pieces with you. Please enjoy and let us have your comments. For more information about the Callaloo Poets, visit and For more information on UNESCO, call 468-3701.
The tone of your dark skin fades into the color of your emotions.
A daughter of time, a product of promising illusions.
Your heavy heart beats to the rhythm of life's sad song...
And with each day that passes, a piece of you... gone.
But as diamonds emerge from heated coals in intense pressures,
As stones are polished by raging waters,
So it is with you.. tho' battered and torn,
Broken and knocked down,
A glorious and endless light radiates from within;
Fueled by the eternal love of your beautiful being.
So hope hangs high as you realize your powers...
That river of life flowing from you to others,
Those words of wisdom that are immortal,
Those prayers you uttered at heaven's portals,
That desire to rise on the wings of a new day,
The courage to shine when all around you is grey.
Now, as this sunset draws on, you look beyond
And a smile escapes as you break into song...
"Surely this is not where I belong."
"This is the twilight of my new dawn!"
© Ezrena George-Barrett
In the midst of revolution
Hinting at obvious circumstance,
Planning for our one big chance.
Congregating in the street, Greetings as each meet each.
Flowing, is the knowing, in the air.
That here, today, we will raise our cares.
While banners flow and drums beat harder,
Prophets stand with ears open to the father.
The food we eat; the air we breathe
The lives we live our killing me!
The lives we live kill community!
Then in noise, silence came.
More than just a passing rain,
Freedom poured from heaven's hands
Helping us to understand,
In the midst of pain and process,
Among us who bear these crosses,
In the midst of revolution,
Running, screaming, pleading
Came our heaven sent solution!
© Nyah Umoja
my reach needs an extension
to make the connection
in reaction
to the love in existence
and the brilliance of a million
and reactions that produce
alive passion
that fashions
inside and cultivates outside
lies trembling beside
and stimulates
the fireside
on the bright side
a poem compiled
with the happy tears I
a walk in the
a relaxing morning ride
fashions my inside
cultivates my outside
© Linette Rabsatt
Peace to the people who really love me
Who run to hug me when others shun me
Sweet annointings they rub upon me
Shine on my mind like the sun above me
They see the bad and observe the ugly
Extend a hand and affirm the lovely
Judge me not trust me lots do the opposite
Involved with plots to squash all confidence
So ominous, they argue for dominance
Thank God for prominent followers of Solomon
Tall monuments of genuine compliments
Are offered to all of us to honor the marvelous
They polish diamonds that lie inside me
They teach me to fly and advise me wisely
They baptize and guide, they stand beside me
They chastise psyche's when bad guys spite me
They are my light, my sight, my miracle
Mother Earth's umbilical giving me minerals
Spiritual principles mixed with political wit
Physical fitness is critical
I sit with angels, rhythm they grant me
This is a lyrical tribute to family
© Sowande
Be Vigilant
Be mindful of what you say
Cautious of how you say
Be sure to analyze why you say,
what you say
When you say, what you say,
it might makes a difference
Be cognizant where you say,
what you say
Swift to evaluate what you say,
to whom you say
Eventually, the world
might be a better place to live
© Justin Hodge
What is it Worth?
Is there value in deceit and blasphemy?
Is there value in living disrespectfully?
What is it worth without LOVE?
Put away your disgust and grudge…
Words without work is NOT enough!
The effort put into the jealousy and malice;
Is energy that could be better utilized in so many ways
Put a price tag on your characteristics
And see if it is valued for great or small…
Stand ten stories tall,
With a firm footing in righteousness!
After all; you were given life
To give the true values to all
Deny positive living and time will reveal
That you shall surely fall!
© Gavin Baird
Saturday, March 22, 2008
Top Mishaps of the millenium
Insurance Company tells end customer that she will have to pay the damages in accident if she contests the police findings and loses. LIAR LIAR!
Man buys wrecked car. Man fixes it and gives it nice paint job and says good buy - never hit. Man sells it for big dollars and laughs at the sucker with the lemon.
Man riding bike get run down by pretty lady in SUV. Man get taken to hospital. Man sent home after days and broken leg. Then live on ZROD man calls to say pretty lady never call him back. Police don't return his calls.
That's the top three mishaps that I have seen. I will keep you posted as more come along.
It's sad that I have to write about these types of events but I think it is important for people to understand that living in the Caribbean is like living anywhere else. We have a beautiful natural environment to live in but our surroundings are filled with monsters who at any time step to destroy us.
We have junkies, homeless adults and children, statutory rape, unsolved murders just to mention a few.
Of course, we have life so that means we have hope. That hope is built by faith which is extended through God.
Man buys wrecked car. Man fixes it and gives it nice paint job and says good buy - never hit. Man sells it for big dollars and laughs at the sucker with the lemon.
Man riding bike get run down by pretty lady in SUV. Man get taken to hospital. Man sent home after days and broken leg. Then live on ZROD man calls to say pretty lady never call him back. Police don't return his calls.
That's the top three mishaps that I have seen. I will keep you posted as more come along.
It's sad that I have to write about these types of events but I think it is important for people to understand that living in the Caribbean is like living anywhere else. We have a beautiful natural environment to live in but our surroundings are filled with monsters who at any time step to destroy us.
We have junkies, homeless adults and children, statutory rape, unsolved murders just to mention a few.
Of course, we have life so that means we have hope. That hope is built by faith which is extended through God.
Hot mess!
Hot Gal!
Hot Wuk!
I'm hot just like you love me!
Feeling Hot Hot Hot!
You're Hot!
Don't you wish your girlfriend was HOT like me?
What is our obsession with the word HOT? I have used all of the above phrases as part of conversation or in singing one of the popular tunes on the radio.
If someone tries too hard or they're just not cutting it, he's a HOT MESS!
If a girl is well dressed with her hair well done and properly accessorized - she a HOT GAL and we'll her YOU'RE HOT!
HOT WUK took the Caribbean by storm with a fast paced tune and a dance to match the intensity! Big Up to Mr. Vegas for that one.
Arrow, we still love FEELING HOT HOT HOT! Getting ready to wine all now.
I"M HOT JUST LIKE YOU LOVE ME is a nice way to say I'm ready baby. Marvin Gaye knew what he was saying - still love his music.
You can wish your girlfriend was HOT LIKE ME but she's not. She has her own HOTNESS which makes her a HOT GAL - like me. You're a HOT MESS to even be bothering me. I've got my sweetheart already and he's HOT!
Who's HOT? I'm HOT! You're HOT! Feel HOT! Get a fan for all this HOTNESS.
Hot Gal!
Hot Wuk!
I'm hot just like you love me!
Feeling Hot Hot Hot!
You're Hot!
Don't you wish your girlfriend was HOT like me?
What is our obsession with the word HOT? I have used all of the above phrases as part of conversation or in singing one of the popular tunes on the radio.
If someone tries too hard or they're just not cutting it, he's a HOT MESS!
If a girl is well dressed with her hair well done and properly accessorized - she a HOT GAL and we'll her YOU'RE HOT!
HOT WUK took the Caribbean by storm with a fast paced tune and a dance to match the intensity! Big Up to Mr. Vegas for that one.
Arrow, we still love FEELING HOT HOT HOT! Getting ready to wine all now.
I"M HOT JUST LIKE YOU LOVE ME is a nice way to say I'm ready baby. Marvin Gaye knew what he was saying - still love his music.
You can wish your girlfriend was HOT LIKE ME but she's not. She has her own HOTNESS which makes her a HOT GAL - like me. You're a HOT MESS to even be bothering me. I've got my sweetheart already and he's HOT!
Who's HOT? I'm HOT! You're HOT! Feel HOT! Get a fan for all this HOTNESS.
Wednesday, March 19, 2008
Contestant #1 forMiss Blogger title
Many people are scared to run in a pageant. Some take pleasure in poking fun at girls who are underdogs in shows.
If you don't have the courage nor commitment to compete, you should not laugh. You should encourage. I can speak about this because I competed in a pageant before and I confirm that it is not for me. I prefer to assist in the organization of the pageant and also with helping the girls with their personal development.
We can all look pretty and compete for Miss Photogenic, but what about intellect? As a representative for a pageant, a person must present themselves professionally and elegantly with proper dress and speech.
I am not saying that I am always proper - words slip from time to time when the 'cool' is lost. I love my slippers and walk the town in them. I've tried really hard with the ballet slippers but they just keep my feet hot. I know when to turn on the elegance though.
So I say to all the hopefuls - good luck and RUN to toastmasters if you are uncomfortable with public speaking. Dress appropriately at all times because a photo op can happen at any moment.
If you don't have the courage nor commitment to compete, you should not laugh. You should encourage. I can speak about this because I competed in a pageant before and I confirm that it is not for me. I prefer to assist in the organization of the pageant and also with helping the girls with their personal development.
We can all look pretty and compete for Miss Photogenic, but what about intellect? As a representative for a pageant, a person must present themselves professionally and elegantly with proper dress and speech.
I am not saying that I am always proper - words slip from time to time when the 'cool' is lost. I love my slippers and walk the town in them. I've tried really hard with the ballet slippers but they just keep my feet hot. I know when to turn on the elegance though.
So I say to all the hopefuls - good luck and RUN to toastmasters if you are uncomfortable with public speaking. Dress appropriately at all times because a photo op can happen at any moment.
World Poetry Day
Celebrate with all poets today and encourage them to keep crafting their talents.
Writing poetry is easy when you let the inspiration flow. When asked to write on specific topics, you have to brainstorm and craft according to the specific issue. It is still not hard for me - once my heart is in it and I have enough time to write and re-write.
Our poetry readings are themed and some poets do not like that at all. I like the themes but encourage poets to share what they wish. They may come with something fresh and new. We never want to stifle creativity. Themes are set as a guide and a way to push the poets to keep writing.
Past themes include:
Black Love
Honoring the Elders
They are simple and a little abstract, but you may be suprised at the detailed creativity that stems from simple themes. The poets and singers who attend the readings really work hard and get the message across.
To get more of a taste, you'll have to attend one of our 'open mic' sessions held every thrid Saturday of the month. Keep checking this blog for updates.
I am an aspiring writer so stay tuned for more articles.
Celebrate with all poets today and encourage them to keep crafting their talents.
Writing poetry is easy when you let the inspiration flow. When asked to write on specific topics, you have to brainstorm and craft according to the specific issue. It is still not hard for me - once my heart is in it and I have enough time to write and re-write.
Our poetry readings are themed and some poets do not like that at all. I like the themes but encourage poets to share what they wish. They may come with something fresh and new. We never want to stifle creativity. Themes are set as a guide and a way to push the poets to keep writing.
Past themes include:
Black Love
Honoring the Elders
They are simple and a little abstract, but you may be suprised at the detailed creativity that stems from simple themes. The poets and singers who attend the readings really work hard and get the message across.
To get more of a taste, you'll have to attend one of our 'open mic' sessions held every thrid Saturday of the month. Keep checking this blog for updates.
I am an aspiring writer so stay tuned for more articles.
Tuesday, March 18, 2008
Who is Ordinary?
Who is ordinary?
Are you? Am I?
We're just ordinary people.
Last time I checked, ordinary was normal. states as the #1 definition for ordinary:
'of no special quality or interest; commonplace; unexceptional: One novel is brilliant, the other is decidedly ordinary; an ordinary person.'
If I look at that definition, in no way would I ever say that I am ordinary or normal. I would never say that you are ordinary either. Ordinary should not be used to describe people. It should be used for objects - never a person.
We are all unique, extraordinary with special qualities and of intense interest. Although, we like to fit molds and emmulate the TV stars, we each still have our special way about us.
So ordinary, I wil never be. I emmulate positive people and look to them as role models with the hope that one day I will be a role model too.
My goal for life - never ordinary - strive to be extraordinary.
Are you? Am I?
We're just ordinary people.
Last time I checked, ordinary was normal. states as the #1 definition for ordinary:
'of no special quality or interest; commonplace; unexceptional: One novel is brilliant, the other is decidedly ordinary; an ordinary person.'
If I look at that definition, in no way would I ever say that I am ordinary or normal. I would never say that you are ordinary either. Ordinary should not be used to describe people. It should be used for objects - never a person.
We are all unique, extraordinary with special qualities and of intense interest. Although, we like to fit molds and emmulate the TV stars, we each still have our special way about us.
So ordinary, I wil never be. I emmulate positive people and look to them as role models with the hope that one day I will be a role model too.
My goal for life - never ordinary - strive to be extraordinary.
Monday, March 17, 2008
Man Terrible; Woman Bad - in dialect
Woman Bad...words from Nick Daddy Friday & the Awesome Jam Band (in dialect)
I can't say that I don't agree.
Woman Bad...words from Nick Daddy Friday & the Awesome Jam Band (in dialect)
I can't say that I don't agree.
My thoughts:
Does it matter?
We all have our bad days and our bad ways. We just have to make it work and deal with each other.
- Women are bad drivers and men are terrible. Women scratch fenders and bumpers. Men write-off and flip.
- Men call us B's and H's. Women call them AHoles and Punks.
- Women cry when their man cheats. Man kills when his women cheat (no dialect there)
- Men lie and get catch and tell more lies. Women lie and .... don't get catch.
- Men are gay in the closet. Women are happy all the time...whether with a man or a woman.
Does it matter?
We all have our bad days and our bad ways. We just have to make it work and deal with each other.
Thursday, March 13, 2008
No Children Allowed?
'NO children are allowed.' 'Please, do not bring your children'. 'Your children will disturb the event.'
Women in organizations that deal with women's issues say the above.
Is there something wrong here? The women who make these satements are the first to want to embrace or coo at people's children. Yet, they are the first to ask that children are left with a sitter. I'll tell you this, I will never participate ever again in any event that restricts the attendance of my children.
My children are my support and my inspiration. How can I speak about being a mother and deliver a good performance without having my children present. I work with pageants, poetry readings and other activities and my kids are there 100%. I am not stripping or working in a casino - I am trying to make positive things happen in the community.
I don't want to say that it's life in the BVI but it is. We celebrate women but ask that their children are hushed away and hidden. It encourages the nonsense in which parents leave their children all over the place and party and run wild. Then at festival, the same women will be on air complaining about parents who leave their children unattended.
My children will be will ME and attend functions with ME. If you cannot accept them, then don't call ME.
Women in organizations that deal with women's issues say the above.
Is there something wrong here? The women who make these satements are the first to want to embrace or coo at people's children. Yet, they are the first to ask that children are left with a sitter. I'll tell you this, I will never participate ever again in any event that restricts the attendance of my children.
My children are my support and my inspiration. How can I speak about being a mother and deliver a good performance without having my children present. I work with pageants, poetry readings and other activities and my kids are there 100%. I am not stripping or working in a casino - I am trying to make positive things happen in the community.
I don't want to say that it's life in the BVI but it is. We celebrate women but ask that their children are hushed away and hidden. It encourages the nonsense in which parents leave their children all over the place and party and run wild. Then at festival, the same women will be on air complaining about parents who leave their children unattended.
My children will be will ME and attend functions with ME. If you cannot accept them, then don't call ME.
Wednesday, March 12, 2008
Insurance or assurance of higher premiums
Insurance means:
1. the act, system, or business of insuring property, life, one's person, etc., against loss or harm arising in specified contingencies, as fire, accident, death, disablement, or the like, in consideration of a payment proportionate to the risk involved.
2. coverage by contract in which one party agrees to indemnify or reimburse another for loss that occurs under the terms of the contract.
3. the contract itself, set forth in a written or printed agreement or policy.
4. the amount for which anything is insured.
5. an insurance premium.
6. any means of guaranteeing against loss or harm
Looking at that definition, why do we hate the insurance guys? They collect their premiums faithfully and raise them every year. On the other hand, you may hardly make claims and remain a good customer.
So what is the problem? Health insurance is CRAZY here in the BVI. If you are not in a big group, you are in trouble because individual premiums are expensive, especially with a family. With Auto Insurance, you can get good rates but there are certain companies who work tirelessly to screw you over. They dig in to your business and have conversations about you with the 'world' - and you are insured with them! the Life Insurance guys can get away for now but they also need to research new policies to offer us here.
I obviously do not care for the auto guys because on two occassions, I have had bad interactions with them. Nevertheless, we need them. I ask people to review their policies closely and if you are not happy - SWITCH. They like to tell you that you cannot have comprehensive insurance on vehicles over three years, yet they lie because they can offer it.
Maybe it is a vendetta against me - no because everyone complains.
So, switch, switch, switch...........
1. the act, system, or business of insuring property, life, one's person, etc., against loss or harm arising in specified contingencies, as fire, accident, death, disablement, or the like, in consideration of a payment proportionate to the risk involved.
2. coverage by contract in which one party agrees to indemnify or reimburse another for loss that occurs under the terms of the contract.
3. the contract itself, set forth in a written or printed agreement or policy.
4. the amount for which anything is insured.
5. an insurance premium.
6. any means of guaranteeing against loss or harm
Looking at that definition, why do we hate the insurance guys? They collect their premiums faithfully and raise them every year. On the other hand, you may hardly make claims and remain a good customer.
So what is the problem? Health insurance is CRAZY here in the BVI. If you are not in a big group, you are in trouble because individual premiums are expensive, especially with a family. With Auto Insurance, you can get good rates but there are certain companies who work tirelessly to screw you over. They dig in to your business and have conversations about you with the 'world' - and you are insured with them! the Life Insurance guys can get away for now but they also need to research new policies to offer us here.
I obviously do not care for the auto guys because on two occassions, I have had bad interactions with them. Nevertheless, we need them. I ask people to review their policies closely and if you are not happy - SWITCH. They like to tell you that you cannot have comprehensive insurance on vehicles over three years, yet they lie because they can offer it.
Maybe it is a vendetta against me - no because everyone complains.
So, switch, switch, switch...........
Sunday, March 9, 2008
Callaloo Poets & VIIA honor the elders on March 15, 2008

Callaloo Poets & VIIA honor the elders on Saturday, March 15, 2008 at Mellow Moods
The Callaloo Poets and the Virgin Islands Improvement Association will pay tribute to the elders on March 15, 2008 at 7:00PM at Mellow Moods, Road Town, Tortola in an 'open mic' poetry reading themed 'Honoring Our Elders'.
Poets, singers, drummers, musicians and dancers are asked to be at Mellow Moods by 6:45PM for sign-up.
Also note that we are featured on the updated CORE Magazine website, For more information about us, visit or
Thanks as always for your support.
Callaloo Poets
Friday, March 7, 2008
Driving in the BVI
The old people say "drive for you and the other driver". I say drive for you and the other moron here in the BVI cause guaranteed by the end of the year someone will hit your car. Hopefully everyone will walk away without injury.
Seriously, SOME people here are really BAD drivers:
can't park
can't reverse
can't signal
can't brake
can't stay on their side of the road
can't overtake
BTW, the percentage of bad drivers is the same for male and female. The joke is that everyone wants BIG SUV's but they can't park and can't change the tires. lol lol These SUV's don't even want to drive in mud puddles. I just sit and laugh or pass or just laugh.
There may actually be one vehicle per adult and per child here - it's about 25,000 vehicles to 27,000 people. With no proper bus system, the traffic is horrendous and with the factors listed above - we're not getting anywhere.
The Government employees and officials spend our country's income on BIGGER SUVs which is such a waste. The $50K wasted on an Escalade could be a teacher's salary or a scholarship for a hopeful dentist. Yet they say they are moving forward - making the dealers rich and the school children slower because there is no equipment or qualified teacher to teach them.
The way forward - I would transfer the Escalades and Land Rovers to the Survey Department instead of having 8 men choked up in the 4 door truck. I think the pretty blue sea have the officials blinded somehow but these are just my thoughts.
Seriously, SOME people here are really BAD drivers:
can't park
can't reverse
can't signal
can't brake
can't stay on their side of the road
can't overtake
BTW, the percentage of bad drivers is the same for male and female. The joke is that everyone wants BIG SUV's but they can't park and can't change the tires. lol lol These SUV's don't even want to drive in mud puddles. I just sit and laugh or pass or just laugh.
There may actually be one vehicle per adult and per child here - it's about 25,000 vehicles to 27,000 people. With no proper bus system, the traffic is horrendous and with the factors listed above - we're not getting anywhere.
The Government employees and officials spend our country's income on BIGGER SUVs which is such a waste. The $50K wasted on an Escalade could be a teacher's salary or a scholarship for a hopeful dentist. Yet they say they are moving forward - making the dealers rich and the school children slower because there is no equipment or qualified teacher to teach them.
The way forward - I would transfer the Escalades and Land Rovers to the Survey Department instead of having 8 men choked up in the 4 door truck. I think the pretty blue sea have the officials blinded somehow but these are just my thoughts.
Group Dynamics
I have been in great groups and have been in bad ones. From church groups to work to college to community organizations - it's just such a bother when you have one or two doing the work. It's been seldom that I have not had to push my weight plus in groups. These days, once it is worthwhile I try. I working on four projects with different groups right now and those are going well. The groups are small and everyone works full time and has family to take of.
Well actually, one of them is not going so well - the people want the finished project but noone wants to have to do anything - reply to an email, answer a questions. I am about to leave them all high and dry but as some of the other leading people have said - it's hard to start something and then leave it. It's even harded when it's a good movement which can do positive things and effect change in the community.
I really don't mind doing it because these groups fill lapses in my life and I love media relations ad writing so I'm always out there pounding the pavement, making connections and getting things done. I guess I can say that the groups have very centered and talented people. We all just use our talents to do our part.
If you are in a group - I know it can be frustrating but just suck it up and do what needs to be done or leave 'um high and dry!
Well actually, one of them is not going so well - the people want the finished project but noone wants to have to do anything - reply to an email, answer a questions. I am about to leave them all high and dry but as some of the other leading people have said - it's hard to start something and then leave it. It's even harded when it's a good movement which can do positive things and effect change in the community.
I really don't mind doing it because these groups fill lapses in my life and I love media relations ad writing so I'm always out there pounding the pavement, making connections and getting things done. I guess I can say that the groups have very centered and talented people. We all just use our talents to do our part.
If you are in a group - I know it can be frustrating but just suck it up and do what needs to be done or leave 'um high and dry!
Wednesday, March 5, 2008
Education in the BVI
I did not add a blog yesterday but will try to make up for it today.
A college student here is complaining about the college. I understand his plight. I had similar concerns 14 years ago. I have grown since then and realize that the problem does not lie only with the college but the secondary schools and the department responsible for education and still to some parents.
Here are what I feel some of the issues are - some solvable and some you just can't change:
- Young/Old Parents: If your parents dropped out of high school - they may not be able to help you with work. You have to pay attention and take notes. Ask the teacher 100 times if you do not understand. Older parents may not remember the work and can offer no help. Same solution on paying attention etc.
- Learning Disabilities: Some kids are dyslexic, color blind, near sighted, deaf etc. Parents and teachers have to work together to curb this problems by getting help. Who is our resource person here to assist in these situations?
- Introducing Better Study Habits: I think that is self-explanatory. You cannot study for math - you can learn your formula but you have to practice your problems and equations to ensure that you know how to solve the problems. To do better in English, you have to practice writing and experiment with the literary techniques. If you have a bad memory - create acronyms for history and science classes to help you remember.
- Motivate the teachers: We have some good teachers in our education system and we also have some that need to retire and some who need a big stick! If they have a 'don't care' attitude, then the students will follow suit. The education officials need to keep the teachers safe, well paid and motivated so that they can mold the young minds.
- Build morale among students: Morale is down. Students frown and sit in the classroom counting the time to leave. They need tough love or something because they head to college or to the workforce with BAD ATTITUDES. I think that they are babied and pampered too much at home and expect that treatment wherever they go. We need to toughen them up and teach them the responsibilities of life.
- Teenage Pregnancy: This has been happening forever. It is nothing new and some young person will get caught in this mess. All is not lost though. The alternative education classes provide opportunities for men and women to continue their education and get their high school diploma. Of course, we do not want our students to think of this as an easy way because it all falls back to babying them.
- Technology: As the 2000's add up, the generations change. The children are smarter but are so hi-tech that they forget about everything else. They sit and play on cell phones and IPODS and forget about prayer, school work, dishes, laundry and everything else - and that's morning, noon and night. Parents need to limit the use of these devices. Schools have already banned many of them yet students persist in disobeying authority.
- Lack of Respect: "Good Morning" went out the door. These days, you cannot even tell them fix their clothes and they want to go under your clothes. Stricter punishment seems to be needed to make them respect the persons who have made, are making and who will continue to fight for them.
- Need for a 6th form: All that being said, I see the need for a 6th form to give our young people more time to mature before heading to college or the work force. In the 6th form, more college prep and career classes can be taught to get students ready for the REAL life.
Tuesday, March 4, 2008
Road Rage
It's not too often that I get Road Rage - but I had some tonight. Some fool in a white Mitsubishi Lancer (the old station wagon kind) pulled up in front of me and blocked me in. I blew my horn and he ignored me. So I blew it again and the man put on his left indicator - like why is she blowig her horn. I am a driver and I got out.
I don't usually indulge in driver banter but i stopped next to him and said I was just trying to get him to move. Typical reply - you can't drive. Well, I won't repeat what I said but let's just call it - classic ROAD RAGE. Poor moron got 'cussed' for every bad thing that happened last week.
I'm not saying that I was right but hey - better I yelled than rammed his car!
I don't usually indulge in driver banter but i stopped next to him and said I was just trying to get him to move. Typical reply - you can't drive. Well, I won't repeat what I said but let's just call it - classic ROAD RAGE. Poor moron got 'cussed' for every bad thing that happened last week.
I'm not saying that I was right but hey - better I yelled than rammed his car!
Monday, March 3, 2008
Top 7 @ & Awards in BVI
Congratulations to ALL the winners of the ZROD Top 7 @ 7 Awards. Matter of Fact - congratulations to all of you with the courage to come out and share your music with the world. I would to see and hear more from all of the groups because the talent is uniquely BVI.
What I will ask of all of the groups is that they keep their diction a little clearer because I want to see you make it worldwide not just in BVI. You all also have to work on the productions and get some original beats or the necessary permissions.
All the groups clearly love what they do - perform. I think the community is also very much behind them and you know I'll do my part.
What I will ask of all of the groups is that they keep their diction a little clearer because I want to see you make it worldwide not just in BVI. You all also have to work on the productions and get some original beats or the necessary permissions.
All the groups clearly love what they do - perform. I think the community is also very much behind them and you know I'll do my part.
Sunday, March 2, 2008
New to the Blogger
I am new to and would like to thank them for this service. I'll be posting information on culture, history, Caribbean life and events.
Be sure to check back for some interesting stories!
I am new to and would like to thank them for this service. I'll be posting information on culture, history, Caribbean life and events.
Be sure to check back for some interesting stories!
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