Tuesday, March 25, 2008

Why Steal

Are things really that bad that every day we steal? It does seem to be that bad because people are stealing scooters and cars - not food. There are about 10 people begging on the streets today either for hunger or for drugs. They're not stealing.

So what's wrong with the 18 year old who steals a scooter. Are you not employed? The classifieds are full of paying jobs. So what drives youn people specifically to steal. Is it Grand Theft auto that inspires them, or Ocean's Eleven or The Italian Job? Can they bridge the difference between reality and fiction?

If they are looking at Cops or Police Chases, then those are awful examples to follow since the perps ALWAYS get caught. So what is the fascination with taking other people's things?

For me, I prefer to do without or ask someone. That is what I was taught. So, are we as parents teaching our children to do without? Many say that they wish for their children to have a better life than themselves. Of course, I won't argue that but it does not mean that children are to be spolied.

We in the BVI tend to baby our children and spoil them. Many times they can't handle the harshness of life and result to stealing and embezzlement. Why is a 25 year old man being caught with his hand in the cookie jar?

Leave people things alone!


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