Tuesday, March 18, 2008

Who is Ordinary?

Who is ordinary?

Are you? Am I?
We're just ordinary people.

Last time I checked, ordinary was normal.

Dictionary.com states as the #1 definition for ordinary:

'of no special quality or interest; commonplace; unexceptional: One novel is brilliant, the other is decidedly ordinary; an ordinary person.'

If I look at that definition, in no way would I ever say that I am ordinary or normal. I would never say that you are ordinary either. Ordinary should not be used to describe people. It should be used for objects - never a person.

We are all unique, extraordinary with special qualities and of intense interest. Although, we like to fit molds and emmulate the TV stars, we each still have our special way about us.

So ordinary, I wil never be. I emmulate positive people and look to them as role models with the hope that one day I will be a role model too.

My goal for life - never ordinary - strive to be extraordinary.

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