Thursday, March 13, 2008

No Children Allowed?

'NO children are allowed.' 'Please, do not bring your children'. 'Your children will disturb the event.'

Women in organizations that deal with women's issues say the above.

Is there something wrong here? The women who make these satements are the first to want to embrace or coo at people's children. Yet, they are the first to ask that children are left with a sitter. I'll tell you this, I will never participate ever again in any event that restricts the attendance of my children.

My children are my support and my inspiration. How can I speak about being a mother and deliver a good performance without having my children present. I work with pageants, poetry readings and other activities and my kids are there 100%. I am not stripping or working in a casino - I am trying to make positive things happen in the community.

I don't want to say that it's life in the BVI but it is. We celebrate women but ask that their children are hushed away and hidden. It encourages the nonsense in which parents leave their children all over the place and party and run wild. Then at festival, the same women will be on air complaining about parents who leave their children unattended.

My children will be will ME and attend functions with ME. If you cannot accept them, then don't call ME.

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