Showing posts with label parents. Show all posts
Showing posts with label parents. Show all posts

Wednesday, March 5, 2008

Education in the BVI

I did not add a blog yesterday but will try to make up for it today. A college student here is complaining about the college. I understand his plight. I had similar concerns 14 years ago. I have grown since then and realize that the problem does not lie only with the college but the secondary schools and the department responsible for education and still to some parents. 

Here are what I feel some of the issues are - some solvable and some you just can't change: 
  1. Young/Old Parents: If your parents dropped out of high school - they may not be able to help you with work. You have to pay attention and take notes. Ask the teacher 100 times if you do not understand. Older parents may not remember the work and can offer no help. Same solution on paying attention etc. 
  2. Learning Disabilities: Some kids are dyslexic, color blind, near sighted, deaf etc. Parents and teachers have to work together to curb this problems by getting help. Who is our resource person here to assist in these situations? 
  3. Introducing Better Study Habits: I think that is self-explanatory. You cannot study for math - you can learn your formula but you have to practice your problems and equations to ensure that you know how to solve the problems. To do better in English, you have to practice writing and experiment with the literary techniques. If you have a bad memory - create acronyms for history and science classes to help you remember. 
  4. Motivate the teachers: We have some good teachers in our education system and we also have some that need to retire and some who need a big stick! If they have a 'don't care' attitude, then the students will follow suit. The education officials need to keep the teachers safe, well paid and motivated so that they can mold the young minds.
  5. Build morale among students: Morale is down. Students frown and sit in the classroom counting the time to leave. They need tough love or something because they head to college or to the workforce with BAD ATTITUDES. I think that they are babied and pampered too much at home and expect that treatment wherever they go. We need to toughen them up and teach them the responsibilities of life. 
  6. Teenage Pregnancy: This has been happening forever. It is nothing new and some young person will get caught in this mess. All is not lost though. The alternative education classes provide opportunities for men and women to continue their education and get their high school diploma. Of course, we do not want our students to think of this as an easy way because it all falls back to babying them. 
  7. Technology: As the 2000's add up, the generations change. The children are smarter but are so hi-tech that they forget about everything else. They sit and play on cell phones and IPODS and forget about prayer, school work, dishes, laundry and everything else - and that's morning, noon and night. Parents need to limit the use of these devices. Schools have already banned many of them yet students persist in disobeying authority.
  8. Lack of Respect: "Good Morning" went out the door. These days, you cannot even tell them fix their clothes and they want to go under your clothes. Stricter punishment seems to be needed to make them respect the persons who have made, are making and who will continue to fight for them. 
  9. Need for a 6th form: All that being said, I see the need for a 6th form to give our young people more time to mature before heading to college or the work force. In the 6th form, more college prep and career classes can be taught to get students ready for the REAL life.