Showing posts with label bootleg. Show all posts
Showing posts with label bootleg. Show all posts

Wednesday, March 26, 2008

The Bootleg Man

Bootlegging originally reffered to illegally distilling alcohol, but has recently become a term used to describe any activity that is not done correctly, properly or completely. A bootleg product is one that is not genuine like 'bootleg CDs' are not the original productions.

I sometimes say that I am the 'bootleg queen' because I love thrift shops and I always try to find the easy way out. In that case, you should call me the 'shortcut queen' but I just like using the word 'bootleg'.

Today, I met The Bootleg Man. He bought a busted lemon and fixed it.....half-way. Of course, no one wants a lemon - not even The Bootleg Man. So he is trying to sell the lemon with crazy glue on the door handles and the paint job peeling. Of course, it was no sale because other than the door handles and the paint job, the exhaust is not 100%. It maybe 81.9385758% but if it does not sound right and shift right - NO SALE.

Seriously, we need to be more aware of persons selling used vehicles. Always get a mechanic to check the vehicle out - inside and outside. This is my checklist:

1. Check the engine for leaks
2. Check the tires for wear and tear and mismatching
3. Check all shocks & struts
4. Look closely at fenders and bumpers for repairs and hits
5. Watch the sensors closely for Check Engine etc.
6. Ensure all seat belts are working
7. Check door handles for glue (lol - couldn't help that one)
8. Drive up the hill with A/C
9. Ask around about the car if you can get info
10. If the car comes from the US/Canada - check CARFAX
11. If you don't like it, leave it alone

Of course, it problem free to buy a new vehicle but if you can't afford it, a good used vehicle can be your savior.

Good Luck and watch out for The Bootleg Man.
