Monday, June 12, 2017

Everybody thinks that Leadership is Easy

Everybody thinks that leadership is easy. We take issue with many things that our leaders do. We have leaders in our homes, in church, at work and in the various organizations that we are a part of. As a leader, you have to plan to win and accept that you will fail sometimes.

It is easy for a leader to get to get an attitude and be defensive when things do not go according plan. If you have an attitude, no one is going to be willing to approach to comment or give you advice. This attitude that we get - does not get us anywhere. Things have to go wrong - that's life. Sometimes you have to admit that you made a bad decision. Everyone is not going to agree or support your initiatives - that's part of the learning process.

It gets very sad when leaders are not open to listening because it means that they cut themselves off from development. We have to be able to listen so that we can grow. We have to be humble, yet firm. There is no need to be on the strong defensive line and have no offensive plays to score. Offensive of course is a funny word in this paragraph because we don't want to be offensive as in insulting; but we want to play some offense - get the ball in motion and score.

In everything, advance with little steps because eventually, you will see the big win.

Monday, May 29, 2017

Is Missing Out Really Missing Out

Someone posted on their Facebook about missing a big event. I grew up not going anywhere much so I used to miss out. Now, I can't be bothered. The event happens or happens not, I just wish for people's safety. If I am not going, then why would I watch it on TV or stream on the internet? I guess I am so accustomed of being the odd ball, most things really don't get to me.

You can harp on my not supporting and that's okay. Everyone does not need to be at an event. Somebody has to stay home - the building/field can only hold so many persons, vehicles and accommodate so many people peeing and pooing.

Children pressure other children about these things and adults do the same. Everyone has a sense of belonging and wanting to fit in - I've gotten over that years ago! I do what I can and head where I want - when I feel like. I think that's how we all are supposed to live. Enjoy yourself in what you love. As Chaka Khan sang, "Do You Love What You Feel?" We should!

I love watching Law & Order all day or pulling grass in my yard or just sitting and chilling. Everyone has their love and you should appreciate other people's time and opinions. You would want them to appreciate yours, right?


Thursday, May 18, 2017

POEM: Un-rated

I use my craft to educate
and not by what you stimulate
or by what you think I might excavate
from the depths of the earth
but from the depths of my heart!
You'd be surprised by the thoughts
I can communicate
... and not for you to rate
but to contemplate
...and not to complain or berate
but for you to evaluate
and check the state of affairs
or to get you to participate
in making some positive change

© Ribbon

Tuesday, May 16, 2017

Let Us Encourage Our Children

I attended all three (3) rounds of the Inter-Primary Spelling Bee in the BVI. My daughter was competing and of course, I have to support her. I competed in an Adult spelling bee a few years ago and the pressure is real. As I watched the children compete, I saw smiles when they knew a familiar word and I also saw the sadness when they missed a word. I was tense because I felt like I was everyone's parent. I really did not want to see any child miss a word - but that's life. There will be difficulties, challenges and little mistakes. We just have to be able to recover when mishaps occurs.

It was lovely see the passion on the little faces and I was able to identify some of the familiar names from the radio quiz or sports. I am glad to see children excel and I like what Miss George shared during her remarks about building confidence and learning to compete. Life has competitions - from the job hunt, the scholarship search to the catching the last item on sale. 

We have to build our children's confidence! Encourage them to harness their energy and talents positively. We know their strong points and we have to help them to develop on their weak areas too. 


Sunday, May 7, 2017

POEM: Impact

My impact may not be exact,
May not be exactly
what I wanted it to be.
But it does begin with me!
You see:
We all want change -
and it's hard to gauge.
Change is not always immediate
and sometimes,
there needs to be an intermediary -
to be the catalyst,
and this person may not
be on the top of any list.
We can't effect change
by watching our brother,
or by waiting on our sister
or mother.
We have to do!
Yes, I'm talking to you!
It's a lot of doing,
toiling, shaking and moving
to make change happen;
days when you may feel saddened
or even may lose your passion.
But you can't cash in
If you don't make a move.
So make your impact
and while it may not be exactly
what you wanted it to be
Give a try at change
and do your part.


Thursday, May 4, 2017

Give Credit When It is Due

I believe in giving credit where and when it is due. That never means that all is perfect and that the entire experience was nice. However, you have to recognize good performance and highlight it. In a lot of cases, we need to do this publicly or in writing. Give someone a kudos or a 'big-up' for making your day or experience better.

It is easy to complain about what went wrong. However, let's acknowledge what went right! Give someone a pat on the back or a word of encouragement. Your encouraging word might make that person's day!

There are lots of places that have challenges with service but there are much more that have star people on their team who should be saluted for excellence.

So let's acknowledge each other when we excel.

Sunday, April 30, 2017

Prayer for April 30, 2017

Heavenly Father, I thank you for your continued blessings and mercies. I pray for healing for those who are sick and comfort for those who are grieving. I pray for my family - immediate and extended and far and near, for my work family and for my church family. I ask your continued watchful eye over us all. I pray for traveling mercies for those who travel by car, by land and by sea for our safety. Father, I pray for our leaders so that they can make the right decisions to keep our country in balance and that whatever disunity exists will cease. Lord, bless our teachers, police officers, corrections officers, health care practitioners and those who work with the elderly so that they would have fortitude and patience with those who they attend to. Heavenly Father, in your name I pray. AMEN

Friday, April 28, 2017

Sibling Rivalry

Children love to argue and for simple things. Sibling rivalry can be frustrating for parents. I have no answer because I get tired of hearing them and I just ask them to stop the bickering. I encourage sharing and that's a problem. If they are playing a game, it all starts well and then, there is an eruption of fighting words. There are even negotiations to switch a sibling with a neighbor or friend. I really do not have the solution but I just wanted to vent because it gets tiring. I try to intercede when it gets too loud or overbearing and I am seen as picking sides. So I am on no side and have no opinion and everyone is wrong. I really don't know.

I do know that there will be some contention at some point and that I do need to let the children solve their problems in some cases. I am learning to be patient and I have to keep working on that. I shared in some staff meetings that patience is my weakness. If I have a job interview tomorrow, I would still share that and add that I am working on it and I have matured significantly over the years. I hope my children can build that maturity but for now, they are children and I have to work with them.

Like I said, I don't have the solution and will never pretend to. I am open for suggestions from other parents on how they deal with sibling rivalry.


Monday, April 24, 2017

POEM: A Thought for Friends

As I wake up this day
I know I need to pray
and there is so much to say
so many hurt
and so many sick
so many hungry
with nothing to eat or drink
and while I used to think
that I had it bad
there are so many hurt
and those who are sad
but I must remember
my friends and family
those who make my life
a bit more happy
God placed them in my life
for some reason
because these people
don't depend on the season
to call or check in
so when I pray
I cannot leave them out
I don't want to be selfish
and say I forgot
Bless them Lord
and keep them safe
walk with them, Lord
in every step they make
Heal our burdens
comfort our cares
take all that concerns us
and keep our minds clear.


Poem: Indecision by Linette Rabsatt