Saturday, October 27, 2012

The Little Things

Sometimes you never want to miss a moment to jump. Today was an off day where nothing seemed to go as planned but it worked itself out. Key people weren't able to help as planned. Utensils were missing from food. To top it off, a bird pooped on my hair.

However, it all worked itself out perfectly. The sequence of events all followed the way they were supposed to and for that I give God thanks. Challenges are  always there to strengthen us. I know it's been a rough week for many but we'll make it.

Sometimes little things get us frustrated but like the adjective used, the things are just "little". It makes no sense to get a heart attack over things that you can fix immediately. Find a back-up plan and move forward. Even if you don't have a contingency in place, think on your feet and do what you have to.


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