Friday, October 19, 2012

Speaking My Truth

I watched Matt Cutts on this morning and I remembered when I got serious about my blog. I projected and said that I would write in my blog daily. I did and then I've cut it down to every other day depending on what's going on.

I guess I have always been someone who would go with the flow so I set an aim and go for it. My boss can tell you - if I plan an event, I write a report immediately. It's really just my style. I think that things should be done professionally and in a timely manner.

I can't deal with dragging foot people - they kill my spirit. Lazy people drive me nuts. If this was a script for an interview, I think I would say I want to work in an organization where people value quality, are not about lip service and who push to get better every time.

I'll go back to my first paragraph to say that I will cut back on the chocolate/cake for the next 30 days. It will also save me money. For the next 30 days, I'll eat chocolate/cake once every 7 days. I have to do baby steps. Cold turkey on that would be a little tough especially when it's that time of the month.

We all can improve ourselves. I think unfortunately most people are just stuck and I don't want to be stuck. I want to continue to grow. I am looking for forward movement. I will accept what God sends my way. I can not afford to be the norm - I have to stand up, stand out and be progressive.

Speaking my truth.


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