Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Out Sick

I'm not usually a sickly person. However, when that scratchy throat starts, I know it's time to take a break and rest. I have had to battle with tonsils and the loss of my voice. I really no longer want to go down that road and must resort to applying for a sick day.

I find that when I'm sick, the air conditioning makes it worse. Then you never know when you are really contagious...going in the office and touching things...making everyone else sick. I want to be the best employee but going to the office with a cold does not really help. I'm hoping that the cold would subside so that I can head back in tomorrow.

I have lots to do but of course, health comes first. I do not have medication - just using natural remedies of lemon grass, ginger and garlic and so far the symptoms are subsiding. I can still feel a little tickle in my throat but I'm hoping that tomorrow I can be bright and fresh for work. I've got lots to do and want to get them done in a timely manner.

Being sick is a natural thing - everyone goes through it. The key thing is to launch an attack on the illness from early with whatever remedy you choose.

Be good, be vigilant and take care of yourself!


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