Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Four Years and It's Election Time Soon

It is an election year in the British Virgin Islands. Some candidates have already started and others are lagging behind. Some persons whose names have been called seem to be disallusioned or discouraged and some have given up. Some have tried for over 10 years and are still not successful.

My grandmother would always repeat the saying "the race isn't always for the swift" which goes back to the fable about the Tortoise and the Hare. You take your time to plan, strategize and implement. You may not be successful on the first try but the people eventually support someone who perseveres.

I always smile when candidates who run once, disappear or accept a government job or contract. Whichever the case, they seem to just be fly by night candidates. What are their true motives? Only those one-time persons will know.

The people are looking for solid leaders who seem to have the country's best interest at heart. We have several persons who have tried on more than one ocassion and have eventually won a seat. Former Legislator  Eileen Parsons and Hon. Irene Penn-O'Neal are two good examples of persons, women of course, who persevered and eventually overwhelmingly attained seats. I always say kudos to these ladies for never giving up.

Candidates need to have a good team backing them. They need to get their faces out there at least one year prior to the election if they are in a position to do so. Of course, they should follow the issues and evaluate the prior election results and a focus group in each district is not a bad idea  either.

I am an advocate for people exercising their right to vote. Many are discouraged right now but we just can't go forward that way. If the candidates are not good enough, please tell them so. Tell the party leaders, the independents themselves and all others that they are not ready, not trustworthy or incapable of moving us forward.

Where are the ones who will speak of environmental stewardship, sustainable tourism, educational reform (not deform) or cutbacks? I guess they will all step up soon to see who can win the popularity contest. Kudos to those who have already come forward. The people are rearing and waiting for the others.


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