Monday, May 16, 2011

What Can A Bum Teach You

I like to make a joke that the persons who most people think are crazy are the sane ones. These people seem to live in an alternate universe and just move at their own pace. We, the sane ones, have more chronic diseases, fatigue and stress. The bums are happy within themselves and rely on everyone else refuse and kindness to survive.

We, the sane ones, are caught up in getting rich, keeping each other down and burying our kin. We are awful to our family, friends and co-workers. We set traps, dig holes and deceive to get ahead. We, the sane ones, will trample our fellow man just to get ahead.

What kind of life are we living if we have to do that? People are no longer satisfied with the basics and are always seeking to outdo one another. We no longer look at other persons as an example to live by - we look to see how we can have bigger and better than our neighbor.

The bum just wants a cool, safe night. Some are secretly rich watching us run the rat race so they choose to beg us. Some decided that the rat race was too much for them or their spirit and mind gave up trying with the fantasies of the world.

What can this teach you? Never underestimate anyone and never discriminate or classify anyone. Live your life and try your best to do right.


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