Sunday, May 15, 2011

Helping Hands Abound

I can be a helper in my community without being in an organization, politically elected or by being rich. We all can do small things to help those around us. Everyone has their struggles, however, we have to find positive ways to inspire each other.

I'll always say that I have amazing friends who are always thinking of others. I like that because that behavior rubs off on me in a "pass it forward" kind of way. LIME in the BVI, when they were still Cable & Wireless, had a motto - TEAM - Together Everyone Achieves More. I think this is so true.

If we all unite and fight for the same cause, then we can get results faster. Working together makes a job lighter. I know that there a fables that read differently but it all depends on the tasks and the leadership involved.

Good work is not always recognized but a kind-hearted person is someone who will have patience and be humble. They help because they are compelled to. God somehow directs them to help others even if they did not plan to. When more than one person is sent by God to assist another, multiple blessings are flowing.

Let's work together and see how we can help someone in need, a non-profit organization or an environmental cause.


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