Wednesday, May 11, 2011

What Do You Follow

People get excited over controversy and conspiracy theories. I get excited with new challenges and making positive change. The propaganda is actually strewn around and the negatives can distract you and keep you back.

The hot topics grab everyone's attention and can really have a negative effect on everyone concerned and around. It makes us pay attention to the insignificant details as we miss the true point. The world thrives on this and it's what makes many media houses rich.

You have to decide what you want to subscribe to and what you let clutter your space - be it positive or negative. I actually like to watch music video (oldies) or sitcoms to keep me in balance with the crime, social ills, political corruption and tragedies that permeate the airwaves today. With what's happening, people are marking dates for the apocalypse.

I subscribe to whatever God enacts and lays before me. I can prefer or wish for many things to happen but if it's the Father's will, I am his servant and can only endure until he calls me home. I encourage every man to seek for their understanding and live according to what keeps them grounded.

There was tragedy in the early days and such natural disasters are bound to occur. Our tenacity and tendency to disagree will also make room for wars. Therefore, we just have to live right in the best way we can and get ready.


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