Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Why Breastfeeding is Best for Mother and Baby

Both a mother and a baby can benefit from breastfeeding because it is nutritious, healthy and saves both time and money for a family.

Breast milk offers the most nutritious food that newborn baby can receive. Breastfeeding also promotes health for a mother and it is very efficient for saving time and money.

Breast Milk Nutritious for Baby
Breast milk is naturally constituted for the healthy development of a baby. It has all the nutrients that a growing baby needs. According to the "Benefits of Breastfeeding" section of the U.S. Department of Health & Human Services website WomensHealth.gov, breast milk can protect babies from germs, illness and Sudden Infant Death Syndrome (SIDS) because of the natural antibodies, cells and hormones in the milk. Breast milk is also very easily digested by infants.

Healthy for New Mother
Breastfeeding naturally helps a new mother to lose weight because this activity can burn up to 500 calories per day. It also releases oxytocin, which according to the article "Breastfeeding Basics" on WebMD, is a hormone which which helps a mother's uterus return to its pre-pregnancy size and may also reduce uterine bleeding after birth.

Breastfeeding Promotes Bonding Between Mommy and Baby
Children grow up so fast and the few moments that a mother can savor with her newborn while breastfeeding are precious. Breastfeeding creates an irreplaceable bond that only a mother can give to her newborn. Because breastfeeding is such a full contact activity, both mom and baby warm each other and baby is able to familiarize herself with mom.

Breast Milk Saves Time and Money
There is no need to mix formula, heat water or use a thermos to keep water or milk warm. If the father or any caregiver has to take care of the baby while the mother runs an errand, then expressed breast milk can be fed to the infant. If a mother can express her milk and freeze it safely, there is minimal need to purchase formula which definitely saves money.

Fathers Can Assist With Breastfeeding Too
With all the benefits for mother and baby, fathers cannot be left out. Fathers can assist with burping the infant and in cases where the mother may have had a Cesarean section, he may have to assist mommy with lifting the baby and also with latching the baby to the breast. Also, once a mother expresses her milk, a dad can feed the baby.

When Breastfeeding is not an Option
There are some mothers who will not be able to produce breast milk or in cases of HIV or AIDS infection, mothers are not allowed to breastfeed. Some mothers also have a difficult time breastfeeding due to inverted nipples, poor latch or complications with the baby needing to be kept hospitalized. Not being able to breastfeed in no way diminishes a woman's value, her love or her bonding time with her baby. Instead, the mother can bottle feed and still hold and sing to her baby along with her partner to maintain that much needed bond.

Help With Breastfeeding
Most hospitals and clinics in the United States and in most Caribbean Islands will have nurses on staff who will promote and can assist with breastfeeding. In some countries, a lactation consultant is a trained person who can help mom with any breastfeeding issues. For example, a lactation consultant would help a mother with inverted nipples by suggesting the use of breast shells which assist with pulling the nipples out to make feeding easier for baby. Having this support is essential to help mothers and fathers to pass over the difficult hurdles in breastfeeding. Breast milk is natural, healthy and easily digested by babies. It saves time and money for mommy and helps her to burn calories and lose weight.

With the ability to express milk and freeze it for future use, the father and other caregivers can be a part of the breastfeeding process to help keep baby healthy. While not every mother will be able to breastfeed, for those who are able to, breastfeeding is a beautiful experience for mother and baby.

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