Tuesday, May 3, 2011

POEM: I have

I've seen the mighty fallen
and I've seen the fallen rise
I have travelled to the hilltops
as I asked God to open my eyes

I've roared like a mountain lion
I've risen to the mighty call
I have lived in the naked nature
I've sat in trees majestically tall

I've prayed with the downtrodden
I've given them a helping hand
I've seen the struggles of ten thousand
I walked with them on the black sand

I want to be among the mighty
I love nature's open call
I wish for peace among the nations
for us to all stand strong and tall


Monday, May 2, 2011

Nature - Trying to love it all

Nature is so beautiful. There are things in nature that scare us, however. I love the trees except for the posionous ones like the Machineel. I love butterflies but I can't stand cockroaches, scorpions, tarantulas and centipedes, which are all somewhat poisonous. I do like the oleander, the national flower of the British Virgin Islands, but it is also poisonous yet beautiful.

Nature has so many varying species - all somewhat related yet so different. Nature encompasses the land, sea and air along with us. Our role is to sustainably shepherd the environment so that it will replenish until God comes for his world.

I realize that the Food Chain, Water Cycle and other such theories show balance and replenishing. If I try to eradicate all the honey bees, then there will be havoc - no pollination and no honey. If I rid the world of lizards and geckos, we will be run over by flies and mosquitos, another insect that I do not like at all.

Life is nature and nature is balance. Enjoy the environment and try to take care of it. Manage your waste responsibly and appreciate Mother Earth.

Sunday, May 1, 2011

Ribbon Bares Her Soul....

If I could turn back the hands of time, I would not. God has a perfect plan in place and in play so why would I want to mess with that. It makes no sense for me to wish that I had more, said more or did less. It's already happened. I can only strive to encourage those around me to do right and not to fall into the traps I fell into.

I may say that slavery should not have happened or any of the wars. I may have tried to stop the natural disasters or nuclear disasters. I may want to save the environment. However, it is in the Almighty Father's hands. I can only be the best steward and flock leader that I can be.

I have done many a wrong and will not pretend that I am perfect. I have fallen down and have gotten back up. I am crawling right now and am trying to get better. There is no reward in false pretense and trying to put on airs. That air will deflate and drop you. I will not steal to look good or drive a big car. I will not be hungry because of credit card debt for nonsensical things.

I have accepted that I can not turn back the hands of time. I can not change the past. I can look back and see my errors and try to be better today. I can inspire others with my story in the effort to keep them on the right path.

I am not the perfect role model and never will be. I'm just the abnormal thinker who will not try to change the past but who will forge ahead for a better tomorrow. It is God's will and is all in his hands.

Saturday, April 30, 2011

'Words of Ribbon' has gone Bipolar!

Ribbon's got a lot of crazy thoughts in her head. I look at the rising crime, social problems and the injustice along with the natural disasters and try not to get to stressed. I still want to relax. I still want to poke fun at the lighter stuff. Afterall, stress will kill you - quickly too.

So there is an incident where someone was 'allegedly' caught smuggling drugs and a cellular phone to someone on lockdown. Ribbon started her crazy thinking and said to herself, 'hmmmm, don't bring me drugs or a phone, bring some rope, sleeping gas, a gas mask and a helicopter so I can get out of here'. I know I am so wrong to think that way but I guess I'm just to idle right now.

I look at all the would-be politicians. Some are calling names already. There's talk of who is 'damaged goods'. We are all damaged goods but if I guess it's all up to perception.

I look at more money going to the 'rest and relaxation' industry. However, I think we need to take care of the 'icky business' in the capital before we advertise for more visitors, unless we are going to hold the visitors on the sister islands.

There has much development in the capital and I think these new developments are part of the reason for the worsening 'icky business'. I have no Masters Degree or PHD like some people who can't write a sentence properly do, but common sense should prevail.

I will stop now before I get in hot or cold water.


Friday, April 29, 2011

Six Reasons Why Landlords and Tenants Disagree or Fall Out

Landlords and tenants can live harmoniously. However, several factors, including maintenance and unreasonable behavior, can cause them to disagree.

Securing a safe and affordable place to live is sometimes difficult. Rent typically is the largest expense that families face. For persons who are landlords, rent is also a source of income. When the landlord and the tenant have a good and understanding relationship, small issues and problems can be resolved. However, there are times that the relationship can become tumultuous and either party may have to break the lease or seek legal advice. Some reasons that tenants and landlords may disagree include the payment of rent, premature breaking of the lease, the utility bills and constant maintenance issues. Unbearable behavior by either party may also cause problems with the landlord and tenant.

Payment of Rent
 Most landlords have a lease or they would orally state the terms for the rent payment. There is also a grace period for the payment to be made without penalties being incurred. The fastest way to get evicted from an apartment is to not pay the rent or consistently pay the rent late, that is, after the stated grace period. On the other hand, tenants have to be cautious of landlords who may ask for the rent early. They must also be wary of landlords who pretend to forget that the rent was paid. Always collect your receipts when payment is made since such unscrupulous persons may try to defraud a tenant.

Breaking the Lease
A lease is a contract, and breaking it prematurely can cause difficulty for both landlord and tenant. A
tenant who is evicted or asked to leave for any other reason has the task of finding another apartment within the same area, comfort and price. In some countries, this is very difficult. When a tenant breaks a lease prematurely, the landlord has the difficulty of getting the apartment ready and costs of re- dvertising it and screening new tenants. This means that the apartment sits empty, which means no income and a broken relationship between the landlord and tenant.

Payment of Utility Bills
In the British Virgin Islands, some landlords include the basic utilities of water and electricity in the rent. Some require tenants to pay the utility bills separately, but the bill remains in the landlord's name. In some cases, tenants are asked by landlords to register the utilities themselves, therefore making the payment. In any case, if a tenant forfeits on the utilities, this affects the landlord who will have to clear those bills if this tenant leaves without paying them. If the landlord is responsible for the bills and he or she is late with the payment, a tenant could find herself in the dark or without water or gas, which is reason for disagreement.

Constant Maintenance Mishaps
Lack of maintenance is definitely hard for a tenant to live peacefully with. It may be a broken faucet, a noisy toilet or a backed-up tub. It can get as bad as a broken window during the winter. If a landlord does not handle problems in a reasonable amount of time, the tenant will get frustrated and may be living in unsanitary and unsecure conditions for a long time.

A landlord may opt to perform extreme renovations while the tenant is still living in the apartment. Extreme renovations include changing windows and doors that require larger frames and changing tubs and other bathroom fixtures. This not only inconveniences the tenant but puts them at risk for their health and security because there may be strange contractors in their home. I was living in an apartment, and the landlord conducted some major renovations while I was there. The result was a constantly messy and unsecure apartment and my eventual eviction for sharing my  concerns about the lack of professionalism by the contractors handling the renovations.

Unreasonable Behavior
A landlord and tenant may end their relationship when there is constant unreasonable behavior by either party. Excessive noise, incidences of domestic violence, sexual advances and gossip can be reasons for either party to come to contention. Landlords may enter their tenant's home without the tenant's consent or without the tenant being present in the cases where there may be flooding, fire or another plausible reason. However, landlords who enter their tenant's home just out of curiosity are invading their tenant's privacy. When tenants realize that their home is being searched, this is a sure source for contention with the landlord.

A tenant and landlord should have a good understanding and be able to solve problems in an efficient manner. However, there are times when they disagree because on non- payment of rent, renovations or unreasonable behavior by either party. It is hoped that such disagreements can be solved before the tenant is evicted or breaks the lease, or worse, either party heads to litigation. 

For those encouraged by the Royal Wedding: What to Consider When Asked to Be a Bridesmaid in a Wedding

Being a bridesmaid comes with certain responsibilities. A woman should think about how best she can contribute to the wedding even if it means declining.

Women who want to have a dream wedding always want a large bridal party which includes bridesmaids. Many women who are asked to be a bridesmaid see the request as an honor. On the other hand, other ladies see it as a burden. So what factors should women weigh when they are asked to be bridesmaids? While the wedding is all about the bride, bridesmaids do play an important role. Females should think about their relationship with the pending bride, the costs involved and their areas of specialty. They should also decide if their contribution to the wedding is best as a guest or instead as a facilitator.
Bridesmaids Have Tasks for the Wedding
A bride expects that her bridesmaids will work their hardest to make the wedding a success. They not only have to look the part by wearing the dress, hairstyle, makeup, shoes and accessories she chooses, they must be willing to execute other tasks. Bridesmaids may have to host the bridal shower and create the wedding favors as well as provide a support system for the bride.

Who is the Bride-to-be
Is the pending bride a family member, a best friend from high school, a college roomate or someone recently acquainted through Facebook? The tasks listed above can become overwhelming if the bride is late in planning the wedding. Ladies should agree to be bridesmaids because they love and value the bride and they want to make the wedding a memorable event by working hard.

How Much is Being a Bridesmaid Going to Cost
Being a bridesmaid can be costly if the dress, shoes, accessories and hairstyle have to be paid for from personal funds. These costs can sometimes run well over $200.00. A woman would have to look at her personal budget to decide if she can afford to pay for the bridesmaid items and still purchase a gift. Nancy Tessier in "The (High) Cost of Being a Bridesmaid" on the Favor Ideas website also notes that women "may need to get a sitter for the day" for their children because children are not necessarily invited. Having to contribute to the bridal shower will also be another expense to add to the list of costs.

Be a Bridesmaid, a Wedding Guest or a Nuptial Facilitator
Considering the requested tasks, the costs and the relationship with the bride, a lady can decline being a bridesmaid and instead attend the wedding as a guest while purchasing a nice gift. In addition, if the woman feels that her contribution would be more meaningful as an usher, booklet or invitation designer, cook, make-up artist or another facilitator, she should be open with the bride and offer her assistance.

When asked to be a bridesmaid in a wedding, a lady should carefully consider the tasks ahead and decide what contribution she is willing to make to the bride. Sometimes, it is better to sit as a guest or to facilitate the wedding party in other ways to make the wedding day a grand success. If she chooses to be a bridesmaid, she must be ready to work hard and late to keep the bride happy.

Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Is Your Difficulty So Hard That You Can't Overcome

Troubling times are around and before us. We are all facing difficulties. A lot of the difficulties have been caused by the people who are our leaders. Some of the difficulties we have caused for ourselves. There are also natural disasters that are a result of climate change - again our leaders and us not being good environmental stewards.

So with the difficulties, should we remain down-trodden, depressed, broke and broken? Humans are innovative. We are survivors. While everything may seem to fall apart, we can pray and take initiative to improve our situation. Our God is powerful and he gives us much guidance and insight to overcome our struggles. Think positive and do positive. We will feel down for the moment and for a time but whether you lost a loved one or you are broke, you must go on. You must seek a realistic resolution to your problems.

When I had $10,000 of credit card debt, I devised a plan and got it paid off while remaining in good standing with the company. I never paid a late fee and my APR was always under 10%. Of course, I switched that balance around between several companies to get the best APR and I paid more than the mininum balance. My debt also was for needed things so I had a method for my madness. Don't follow in my footsteps, I adapt and I try to survive in slim times. I stopped caring about who has this and that a long time ago.

If you are not compelled by my real life example, then look in your bible, read a newspaper or turn on the TV to hear about so many others who have risen from obstacles. What your facing is not worse than the average person around you. Think of the hungry children and those who have lost so many friends and loved ones in Japan and Haiti. Be real because only with God's guidance can you dig yourself our of your hole.


Happy 2025!