Monday, May 16, 2011

What Can A Bum Teach You

I like to make a joke that the persons who most people think are crazy are the sane ones. These people seem to live in an alternate universe and just move at their own pace. We, the sane ones, have more chronic diseases, fatigue and stress. The bums are happy within themselves and rely on everyone else refuse and kindness to survive.

We, the sane ones, are caught up in getting rich, keeping each other down and burying our kin. We are awful to our family, friends and co-workers. We set traps, dig holes and deceive to get ahead. We, the sane ones, will trample our fellow man just to get ahead.

What kind of life are we living if we have to do that? People are no longer satisfied with the basics and are always seeking to outdo one another. We no longer look at other persons as an example to live by - we look to see how we can have bigger and better than our neighbor.

The bum just wants a cool, safe night. Some are secretly rich watching us run the rat race so they choose to beg us. Some decided that the rat race was too much for them or their spirit and mind gave up trying with the fantasies of the world.

What can this teach you? Never underestimate anyone and never discriminate or classify anyone. Live your life and try your best to do right.


Sunday, May 15, 2011

Helping Hands Abound

I can be a helper in my community without being in an organization, politically elected or by being rich. We all can do small things to help those around us. Everyone has their struggles, however, we have to find positive ways to inspire each other.

I'll always say that I have amazing friends who are always thinking of others. I like that because that behavior rubs off on me in a "pass it forward" kind of way. LIME in the BVI, when they were still Cable & Wireless, had a motto - TEAM - Together Everyone Achieves More. I think this is so true.

If we all unite and fight for the same cause, then we can get results faster. Working together makes a job lighter. I know that there a fables that read differently but it all depends on the tasks and the leadership involved.

Good work is not always recognized but a kind-hearted person is someone who will have patience and be humble. They help because they are compelled to. God somehow directs them to help others even if they did not plan to. When more than one person is sent by God to assist another, multiple blessings are flowing.

Let's work together and see how we can help someone in need, a non-profit organization or an environmental cause.


Saturday, May 14, 2011

"Power Seeker" or "Change Leader"

I was never interested in "Power Seekers" to run my country. I am always looking for "Change Leaders" who make decisions that may seem controversial but really are in the best interest of the people. It is hard to find leaders like that today because the power always seems to get to heads.

"Absolute power corrupts absolutely".  This statement is true. Leaders need to be reminded that we, the people, have the power and that they can be replaced. However we seem to get complacent and accepting of what they do to us. While efforts may seem futile in any situation, there is always a recourse. Never feel that managers or leaders are the final destination. Everyone is only put in a position for a time and this includes you and I.

We want "Change Leaders" who are going to stand up for justice. We all have our biases but we have to maintain a level of professionalism in exerting our duties. No country should accept leaders who constantly ignore the needs of their constituents.

Everyday we realize that our lack of preparation is causing several emergencies in our country today. However, we can not make the statement that  "lack of preparation on your part does not constitute an emergency for me". We all have a part to play and a role to speak up and out when we see our leaders are not chartering a clear course.

We have seen that our people are sick with several chronic diseases for years now. Health Education programs needed to be implemented in the primary schools for how long now? School lunch programs in conjunction with the agricultural sector should have already been in place. What kind of lunch is chicken and chips? Children consume this every day today. We are crying that in 2000 there were 2 dialysis patients but in 2010 there are 38 with 10 bordering to be added to that list.

There are statistics in front of us crying out that we are not being proactive in taking care of our people, our infrastructure and our environment. What are we going to do now? Keep listening to the "Power Seekers" or work with the "Change Leaders?"

A "Change Leader" would be the one who will say we are heading for a deficit and subsidies will have to be cut. However, this type of leader will seek alternative ways for people to still survive like sending us to the Small Business Bureau, Labour Department or National Bank to create cottage industries. Our people are spoiled into believing that handouts are how to get ahead. There will be scholarships, compeitions etc and they never see it fit to take part. We just prefer to receive the infamous "white envelope".

"Change Leaders" have to curb this behavoir. However, there will be families in need and assistance should be given but teach them how to fish in the meantime.

What type of leader do you seek to be? I am up for change!


Wednesday, May 11, 2011

What Do You Follow

People get excited over controversy and conspiracy theories. I get excited with new challenges and making positive change. The propaganda is actually strewn around and the negatives can distract you and keep you back.

The hot topics grab everyone's attention and can really have a negative effect on everyone concerned and around. It makes us pay attention to the insignificant details as we miss the true point. The world thrives on this and it's what makes many media houses rich.

You have to decide what you want to subscribe to and what you let clutter your space - be it positive or negative. I actually like to watch music video (oldies) or sitcoms to keep me in balance with the crime, social ills, political corruption and tragedies that permeate the airwaves today. With what's happening, people are marking dates for the apocalypse.

I subscribe to whatever God enacts and lays before me. I can prefer or wish for many things to happen but if it's the Father's will, I am his servant and can only endure until he calls me home. I encourage every man to seek for their understanding and live according to what keeps them grounded.

There was tragedy in the early days and such natural disasters are bound to occur. Our tenacity and tendency to disagree will also make room for wars. Therefore, we just have to live right in the best way we can and get ready.


A Hard Monster to Tame

I shared this snippet of words on my Facebook page yesterday:

I like it hot
you like it cold
I may not seem confident on the spot
but I am superbly bold
I love the warmth
You seem more frigid
We differ in thoughts
I'm flexible and you're rigid.

I do love working with words, phrases, diction and poetry.

While some people are fearful, intimidated by or are suspicious of Facebook, I have the firm belief that Facebook is great for sharing information, networking and planning finding loved ones and old classmates. I never encourage anyone to put too much information on the internet especially on social sites. I am very wary of photos as well. We see enough explicit behavior on television. We don't need to see you in a bathing suit in a provocative pose because surely your 'goods' should not be so readily availble on the world wide web.

I am especially concerned about the young ladies who seem to dedicate their lives to Facebook. They may spend hours on Facebook the same way that boys can become addicted to playing video games. While I don't believe that we take away Facebook from the children, we the parents ahve to stay close to them and monitor their usage. No child should stay on a computer for over 4 hours unless they are doing homework.

The internet is a useful tool that provides tons of information that we can use. Idle hands do not work well with the internet. We all want to be empowered so that we can grow and the internet provides ideas, information for research, self-help tips, news and so much more. We just have to use it wisely because it is a monster that is most difficult to tame.

Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Why Breastfeeding is Best for Mother and Baby

Both a mother and a baby can benefit from breastfeeding because it is nutritious, healthy and saves both time and money for a family.

Breast milk offers the most nutritious food that newborn baby can receive. Breastfeeding also promotes health for a mother and it is very efficient for saving time and money.

Breast Milk Nutritious for Baby
Breast milk is naturally constituted for the healthy development of a baby. It has all the nutrients that a growing baby needs. According to the "Benefits of Breastfeeding" section of the U.S. Department of Health & Human Services website, breast milk can protect babies from germs, illness and Sudden Infant Death Syndrome (SIDS) because of the natural antibodies, cells and hormones in the milk. Breast milk is also very easily digested by infants.

Healthy for New Mother
Breastfeeding naturally helps a new mother to lose weight because this activity can burn up to 500 calories per day. It also releases oxytocin, which according to the article "Breastfeeding Basics" on WebMD, is a hormone which which helps a mother's uterus return to its pre-pregnancy size and may also reduce uterine bleeding after birth.

Breastfeeding Promotes Bonding Between Mommy and Baby
Children grow up so fast and the few moments that a mother can savor with her newborn while breastfeeding are precious. Breastfeeding creates an irreplaceable bond that only a mother can give to her newborn. Because breastfeeding is such a full contact activity, both mom and baby warm each other and baby is able to familiarize herself with mom.

Breast Milk Saves Time and Money
There is no need to mix formula, heat water or use a thermos to keep water or milk warm. If the father or any caregiver has to take care of the baby while the mother runs an errand, then expressed breast milk can be fed to the infant. If a mother can express her milk and freeze it safely, there is minimal need to purchase formula which definitely saves money.

Fathers Can Assist With Breastfeeding Too
With all the benefits for mother and baby, fathers cannot be left out. Fathers can assist with burping the infant and in cases where the mother may have had a Cesarean section, he may have to assist mommy with lifting the baby and also with latching the baby to the breast. Also, once a mother expresses her milk, a dad can feed the baby.

When Breastfeeding is not an Option
There are some mothers who will not be able to produce breast milk or in cases of HIV or AIDS infection, mothers are not allowed to breastfeed. Some mothers also have a difficult time breastfeeding due to inverted nipples, poor latch or complications with the baby needing to be kept hospitalized. Not being able to breastfeed in no way diminishes a woman's value, her love or her bonding time with her baby. Instead, the mother can bottle feed and still hold and sing to her baby along with her partner to maintain that much needed bond.

Help With Breastfeeding
Most hospitals and clinics in the United States and in most Caribbean Islands will have nurses on staff who will promote and can assist with breastfeeding. In some countries, a lactation consultant is a trained person who can help mom with any breastfeeding issues. For example, a lactation consultant would help a mother with inverted nipples by suggesting the use of breast shells which assist with pulling the nipples out to make feeding easier for baby. Having this support is essential to help mothers and fathers to pass over the difficult hurdles in breastfeeding. Breast milk is natural, healthy and easily digested by babies. It saves time and money for mommy and helps her to burn calories and lose weight.

With the ability to express milk and freeze it for future use, the father and other caregivers can be a part of the breastfeeding process to help keep baby healthy. While not every mother will be able to breastfeed, for those who are able to, breastfeeding is a beautiful experience for mother and baby.

Monday, May 9, 2011

It's a New Day

The Reggae's 2006 "New Day Riddim" has a list of songs that I listen to almost every day. They are not the most popular songs on the radio today nor were they in 2006. The music is positive and caught my attention. I sat down and I searched on the internet for the songs on this riddim because there was one that I loved to hear and just could not figure out the name.

Once I realized that there was more than one song on the riddim, I looked for the song I knew "Royal Bless" by Ras Attitude. After searching on YouTube and then via Google and Yahoo, I was able to learn that the name of the riddim was the "New Day Riddim". It is a very soothing instrumental with guitar and drums being the central focus. This riddim makes me smile and inspires me with its mellow beat.

Other songs on this riddim include:
  • "Always" by Niyorah
Lyrics include "It is you Jah has sent for the kingman, lovely girl, let's make love in the rain" and "I am the waterfall, you are the stream below, a blessing from the top so that your water flows".
  • "Swept Away" by Abijah
"I see the youthdem starving, they're starving, on the fields where food should be farming they're fighting" and "Be swept away by the holy one" are some of the lyrics.
  • "If Jah is For You" by Lutah Fyah
"If Jah is for you, then who can be against you" is the chorus.
  • "Situations" by Princess Menen and Marlon Asher: "
"Situations getting rough, the life I life is rough" is part of the chorus.
  • "Trodding On" by Midnite
"How many times man plant and never reap" and "The insulation of love must be fair" are some of the lyrics.
  • "Human Heart" by Yami Bolo
"Everybody have a heart though it may be broken sometime" is the chorus.

I love keeping it mellow. Music is a big part of me. I enjoy and write about Reggae, R&B and Hip Hop and sometimes Gospel.

Sunday, May 8, 2011

POEM: Words for Mom

It's another day in to Thank God and enjoy the life that is given to us. We are not sure if there will be a tomorrow so we must live today and do good. Mother's Day is every day and so is Father's Day. I am not a huge celebrater of these 'days' but since I am a poet and I have a diverse range of work I do have pieces that can work for these 'days'.

Words for Mom
Mom, when was the last time
I said that I loved you?
You are the one person
that I can speak openly to.

You are the one
who always lifts my spirits.
You are always telling me,
“Go for it! Go get it!”

Mom, I love you
more and more each day.
You’ve set a good example
in all you do and say.

You love God
our only foundation.
You’ve taught me to be
an inspiring mentor for this nation.

I can only wish
that I can be a parent like you
who loves her children
the way that you do.

© Linette Rabsatt

Saturday, May 7, 2011

Simple Creole-Styled Tofu Recipe: A Fun & Easy Way to Prepare Tofu

Tofu is nutritious with many health benefits and can be prepared in many ways. This Simple Creole-Styled Tofu recipe is a fun and easy way to prepare tofu for a family.

Tofu is a healthy choice for both men women to add in their diet. The Leasa Industries, Inc. website states that tofu is made from soybeans that have been dried, soaked in water, crushed, and boiled. Calcium sulfate is added as a curdling agent to firm the tofu into the finished product.

Tofu Is Good for Your Health
Tofu is high in protein and low in fat and sodium. It is also is high in calcium, iron, selenium and copper. Tofu has been added to many diets to promote weight loss and to lower cholesterol and high blood pressure.

Tofu Preparation
Tofu is used in many diets as a substitute for meat. It can be fried, baked, and used in desserts, among the many uses. It can be served in curry, creole or alfredo sauce. Tofu can be scrambled and also used to make burgers. Tofu is not difficult to prepare but creativity, seasoning and herbs and spices play an important role in making it delicious.

Simple Creole-Styled Tofu
  • 1 16oz. firm tofu - drained and cubed
  • ½ tablespoon seasoning salt (low sodium, if preferred)
  • ¼ large white onion
  • ½ small sweet pepper or 2 small seasoning peppers
  • 1 garlic clove
  • 3 sprigs of parsley
  • 1 sprig of thyme
  • dash of dried Oregano
  • 2 dried rosemary leaves
  • 4 tablespoons of ketchup or tomato paste
  • ½ plum tomato, deseeded
  • less than ½ teaspoon of brown sugar
  • ½ small lime
  • olive oil
  • water

  1.  Add seasoning salt to the tofu in a bowl with a cover, shake and set aside.
  2.  Cut the sweet/seasoning pepper, tomato and onion into ½ inch pieces. Chop the garlic and parsley into small pieces. Add to sweet pepper, tomato and onion along with thyme, oregano and rosemary and set aside.
  3. Using a large frying pan or a wok, add olive oil enough to the cover the bottom of the pan and heat on low fire. As soon as the oil is hot enough, add tofu. Let the tofu brown and rotate so that each side is golden.
  4. Add the sweet pepper, onion, thyme, rosemary, tomato, parsley and garlic and sauté until tender.
  5. Squeeze the juice from the lime and add the sugar and stir for 1 minute.
  6. Add water enough to cover ½ the height of the tofu and let it simmer for 2 minutes.
  7. Add the ketchup or tomato sauce and add more water if needed so that a sauce remains in the pan. Stir and let the tofu simmer covered for 3 minutes and remove from heat.

This Simple Creole-Styled Tofu recipe can be served with any starch and vegetables and is tasty and heart-healthy. This simple recipe can serve a family of four and provides a good source of essential nutrients in keeping the body healthy. 

Thursday, May 5, 2011

My 200th Blog Post

This is my 200th blog post. Even though some older posts may be about past events, I like to look back and see what was done.

This blog has been a good outlet for me to share my thoughts, to vent about issues, to share events and to share poems. As I build my resume as a writer, I find that it is important to write often. I do not have a journalism education but I have a business degree with concentrations in marketing and finance. Fifteen years ago I would not have seen myself today writing a blog or publishing poems or writing for Brown Eyez Magazine, Dish Magazine, Core Magazine and Suite 101.

I am happy for this opportunity to share my thoughts as Words of Ribbon. I hope that readers have and will continue to enjoy what I write.


Poem: Indecision by Linette Rabsatt