Showing posts with label power seeker. Show all posts
Showing posts with label power seeker. Show all posts

Saturday, May 14, 2011

"Power Seeker" or "Change Leader"

I was never interested in "Power Seekers" to run my country. I am always looking for "Change Leaders" who make decisions that may seem controversial but really are in the best interest of the people. It is hard to find leaders like that today because the power always seems to get to heads.

"Absolute power corrupts absolutely".  This statement is true. Leaders need to be reminded that we, the people, have the power and that they can be replaced. However we seem to get complacent and accepting of what they do to us. While efforts may seem futile in any situation, there is always a recourse. Never feel that managers or leaders are the final destination. Everyone is only put in a position for a time and this includes you and I.

We want "Change Leaders" who are going to stand up for justice. We all have our biases but we have to maintain a level of professionalism in exerting our duties. No country should accept leaders who constantly ignore the needs of their constituents.

Everyday we realize that our lack of preparation is causing several emergencies in our country today. However, we can not make the statement that  "lack of preparation on your part does not constitute an emergency for me". We all have a part to play and a role to speak up and out when we see our leaders are not chartering a clear course.

We have seen that our people are sick with several chronic diseases for years now. Health Education programs needed to be implemented in the primary schools for how long now? School lunch programs in conjunction with the agricultural sector should have already been in place. What kind of lunch is chicken and chips? Children consume this every day today. We are crying that in 2000 there were 2 dialysis patients but in 2010 there are 38 with 10 bordering to be added to that list.

There are statistics in front of us crying out that we are not being proactive in taking care of our people, our infrastructure and our environment. What are we going to do now? Keep listening to the "Power Seekers" or work with the "Change Leaders?"

A "Change Leader" would be the one who will say we are heading for a deficit and subsidies will have to be cut. However, this type of leader will seek alternative ways for people to still survive like sending us to the Small Business Bureau, Labour Department or National Bank to create cottage industries. Our people are spoiled into believing that handouts are how to get ahead. There will be scholarships, compeitions etc and they never see it fit to take part. We just prefer to receive the infamous "white envelope".

"Change Leaders" have to curb this behavoir. However, there will be families in need and assistance should be given but teach them how to fish in the meantime.

What type of leader do you seek to be? I am up for change!
