Wednesday, November 21, 2012

This Time of the Year.....holidays

This is a happy time of the year for many people. The holiday spirit has everyone hopping and shopping. I can keeping it low key this year as I have been doing for a while. Things are tight and I have a lot to do with little. I am taking it in strides and going forward with a grateful heart, loving spirit and joy.

I want to encourage everyone to be financially wise during this time. Give your time if you cannot give money. See who you can help in your community. If you are in a position to give, then give smart gifts that people will appreciate. If you know you cannot afford to give, then don't. You are not obligated to do so. People have to be able to understand. If they can't, then you need to give them some more love and maybe even a little space.

If you're a grinch and can't be bothered, then don't be. Just live your life as you see fit. However, if you can, do give your time to worthy cause this season. Some needy person will appreciate the gesture.


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