Thursday, August 11, 2011

Real Reality Shows

Top Model, Project Runway, Iron Chef, Hell's Kitchen, America's Top Model and the many competition reality shows can be exciting to watch. Twitter and Facebook show the enthusiasm of the viewers because we comment, like and post like crazy about these shows.

I much prefer this type of reality show versus the 'life with Susan' kind of show. Who really cares if she walked her dog or if she argued with her fake best friend?

I guess because I cook often and I'm on a pageant committee, the shows listed above are what I enjoy. I also love Shear Genius and can't wait to watch Hair Battle. My sister owns a hair salon and I style my and my daughter's natural hair. I wouldn't try out those outrageous hair styles myself but I wouldn't mind trying an outfit from Project Runway!

It is good entertainment, plus when you have limited cable service, the shows grow on you. Since I no longer have USA, the real TNT etc, I have gotten accustomed to the shows that I can watch with some becoming favorites, especially Snapped!

Not to worry, ribbon won't snap on you.


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