Sunday, August 7, 2011

Faith, Unbelief and Giving

Today the Pastor spoke about unbelief and lack of faith in church. He commented that some of us are like the ship that is in the harbor circling but very afraid to approach land because the inland water may be rough or deep.

His commentary was good and timely. There is always this question about praying for patience and when trials come, the patience is forgotten and so is prayer and faith. He made several biblical references but frequently referred to Moses and the flock who were liberated from Egypt. Even after the Red Sea was parted in their presence and they crossed safely over, they still lacked faith in God.

I guess everyone does not have a positive outlook. Also, some people who may have a positive outlook, may be deemed to be 'don't care' or crazy. Some of us take things in strides and let God do his work. Mind you, we're probably not the ones who sit idle and say 'God will provide'. I'm one of those who take initiative, hopefully from divine inspiration and not the devil's prodding. Some days, the devil get too busy and really works hard to push us to do wrong. I fall prey on many occassions and am willing to admit it.

I work with faith and will try to stay grounded. My daughters keeps singing 'I give myself away so you can use me' so we will try to make sure that it's God that is using me.


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