Wednesday, July 29, 2009

POEM: Man, listen to your woman; Woman, listen to your man

Man, listen to your woman.
Woman, listen to your man.
If you do not listen to each other,
how can you build your future plans?

I fight you and you curse me.
You call Susie then I call Henry.
What a calamity? What a song?
All that will do is spread HIV along.

Man, listen to your woman.
Woman, listen to your man.
If you do not listen to each other,
how can you build your future plans?

On small issues, we can't agree;
For big issues, it's a fight to the next degree.
It's only my way not yours at all,
now our love is like car that's stalled.

Man, listen to your woman.
Woman, listen to your man.
If you do not listen to each other,
how can you build your future plans?

The children don't which way to go,
cause the parents love can never show.
With no guidance, what will happen to them?
Because love connects the roots to the stem.

Man, listen to your woman.
Woman, listen to your man.
If you do not listen to each other,
how can you build your future plans?

In church we put on a sweet, sweet face,
but at home, -it's a cursing race.
A big act putting on for the passersby -
this relationship is built on hoax and lies.

Man, listen to your woman.
Woman, listen to your man.
If you do not listen to each other,
how can you build your future plans?

I want to spend all the cash
on shoes and pretty things that flash.
He betting his own at the horse race.
No structure, no rules to keep all in place.

Man, listen to your woman.
Woman, listen to your man.
If you do not listen to each other,
how can you build your future plans?

So today the moral of the story
is to stop worrying about glitz and glory.
Partners who listen to each other wholly
in the future will tell some good old stories.

Stop letting the inlaws and friends take over.
Stop wasting time. Spend time with your lover.
Be faithful and playful is the recipe to read over
to build that love like a strong and sturdy tower.

Man, listen to your woman.
Woman, listen to your man.
If you do not listen to each other,
how can you build your future plans?

© ribbon

It's time to DO

How can you sit in an office, in a church or just in life in general and say that you have nothing to do? What is your talent or your niche? I keep telling everyone that I take the parable about the talents literally nor figuratively. I feel that those servants did not sing, cook, plant, speak or dance in the name of the Lord and their actual talents were taken from them. Many of us sit in dead end jobs, but does that mean life must be a dead end? How can you use your gifts outside of your 9-5 to better yourself? 

I am a poet, writer, mother, coordinator and event assistant - all outside of my regular job. Why do I do this - to better myself and to strengthen my resume. In recent days, I have been calling myself the 'real revolutionary.' I don't call myself a realist because everyone is a realist living in their reality and dealing with their business. I am a real revolutionary because I grab opportunities and run with them. I make links and find ways to progress. I find other people to link so that together, we can rise and make an impact in what we do. If I say that I won't do something because I feel things are not handled right - then I am not doing it. 

While we make links, we must still be mindful of who we consort with. There are a lot of evil forces out there and I am not hating on anyone. However, I prefer to link with persons who are thinking about the betterment of the community - not the fattening of their pockets off the public's back. Why am I telling you this? I am telling you this because it's time to wake-up and move forward. Are you stuck in a rut (pardon the clichĂ©)? Come on, it's time to wake up, get up and DO. Stop the idle talking and DO. Watch me and learn from my example, and I will do the same with you and others who are making strides to improve themselves. It's time to DO. 


Monday, July 20, 2009

Poem: Differences

I did not know that there was still a fight
between those who are dark and those who are light...skinned
yet a man turned me down for a job
cause although my mind is bright - my skin's not light!

When since are we pitting thick versus thin
in that kind of fight - who can really win
discriminating against the voluptuous ladies
is nothing but a regular sized sin

Who said that young is better than old
only the old teaches us to be confident and bold
so the next time you are rude to one of your elders
imagine your time when you get old

imbalance or unbalanced; whatever you call it
to love one and hate the other causes conflict
we need to respect and love each other
and to the commandments - recommit

Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Obsessed with Writing?

I'm here just listening to some Michael Jackson and feeling inspired. I love a creative mind - it's beautiful, inspiring, raw and frivilous. I can only hope to become a writer that is half-way as good as he was.

People always seem to forget that without poetry and writing, instruments would just play and people would just hum or go 'la, la, la .....' all day. There would be no 'named' and 'themed' dances because there would be no song lyrics to direct it.

Peopl may say I am obsessed with writing but I have come a long way. I went from not liking English class in senior school to writing for CORE, DISH and Brown Eyez Magazine. It's all about taking risks and finding opportunities - that's what Terry Donovan, Hariette Cole, Michael Jackson and so many others have done. So why not you?

I have decided that no matter where I am in life, I should be able to politely express my views and give suggestions on anything. Of course now, noone likes a Know-It-All, but the only way we can move forward is if someone is willing to speak out when he or she NEEDS TO!

If you are in doubt, pray for guidance. The Father will guide you on the right part.

Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Summer Sizzle BVI ’09 has something in store for everyone from July 23-26, 2009

Summer Sizzle BVI ’09 has something in store for everyone:

Sponsorship Opportunities
SUMMER SIZZLE BVI ’09 provides an opportunity to partner with Signature by Terry Donovan to promote your business. By choosing to partner with us, we will in turn promote your business through the various channels and many exciting events of SUMMER SIZZLE B.V.I. ’09.

Summer Fashion & Beauty Bazaar
Noel Lloyd Positive Action Movement Park * July 24 & 25, 2009 * 11:00AM – 4:00PM
Businesses can take the opportunity to showcase their products and/or services to residents and visitors alike. This is a great opportunity to let the public touch, taste, experience and purchase your merchandise or service.

Casting Calls
Signature by Terry Donovan and The Organizers of Virgin Islands Fashion Week will be holding a casting for models for two of the most spectacular shows in the Virgin Islands, SUMMER SIZZLE B.V.I. ’09 & Virgin Islands Fashion Week.

Female models requirements
Attractive female runway models. Height: 5'8” or taller without heels. Dress size 2-6.
Age requirements 15-26.
Bring 3” heels or higher.
Wear outfit fitted to the shape of your body.
Walk with your swimsuit.

Male Model Requirements
Good looking, muscular toned bodies. Height: 5’11 or taller.
Age requirements 17 to 28.
Wear jeans and t-shirt and walk with a swimsuit.

All models must be in great shape and unblemished skin.
All models under 18 must have consent of parent or guardian.

Friday, July 10, 2009 * Callaloo, Prospect Reef Resort * 5:00 pm - 7:00 pm
Saturday, July 11, 2009 * Holiday Inn Windward Passage * 11:00 am - 2:00 pm.

Signature by Terry Donovan is seeking volunteers to assist with this four-day bash which starts on Thursday, July 23 and runs through Sunday, July 26, 2009. Interested persons should provide their name, age, fashion interest, telephone and email contacts to by July 8, 2009.

Fashion, Fashion & More Fashion

Thursday, July 23
Time - 8:00 pm Culture and Style Welcome Party
Mariner Inn at the Moorings
By Invitation only

Friday, July 24
Time -11:00 am – 4:00pm Summer Sizzle Beauty & Fashion Bazaar
Noel Lloyd Positive Action Movement Park

Time - 6:00pm Sunset White Fashion Fete
Lambert Beach Resort
Saturday, July 25
Time - 11:00 am – 4:00 pm Summer Sizzle Beauty & Fashion Bazaar
Noel Lloyd Positive Action Movement Park

Time - 11:00am Island Tours or Day on the Beach
Activities - Beach BBQ, Snorkeling and Swimming

Time - 8:00pm Summer Sizzle Fashion Show & After Party
U.P. Cineplex Crystal Ballroom

V.I.P. Cocktail Hour, Seating & Gift Bag & After Party –
VI.P.Tickets @ $55 (Tickets only)

Fashion Show ONLY – Tickets @ $30.00/$35 @ door
Fashion Show & After Party – Tickets @40.00/$50 @ door
After Party ONLY - $15 @ door

Sunday, July 26
Time - 10:00am Day Sail Excursion to Virgin Gorda
$80 including Lunch
Time - 9:00pm Sizzle Bon Voyage Party
Bomba Shack

V.I.P. Packages are also available which include:

V.I.P. All Inclusive Pass – $300
Summer Sizzle B.V.I. ’09 Fashion Show V.I.P. Seating, V.I.P. After Party Lounge access, White Sunset Fashion Fete, Day Sailing Excursion to Virgin Gorda & Official Beach Tote Bag and T-shirt and airport transfers

V.I.P. Gold Package II – $175
Summer Sizzle B.V.I. ’09 Fashion Show V.I.P. Seating, V.I.P. After Party Lounge access, White Sunset Fashion Fete, Day Sailing Excursion to Virgin Gorda & Official Beach Tote Bag and T-shirt

V.I.P. Gold Package I – $100
Summer Sizzle B.V.I. ’09 Fashion Show V.I.P. Seating, V.I.P. After Party Lounge access and White Sunset Fashion Fete

For more information, please contact Katherine Irish at 442-0373, Linette Rabsatt at 441-3509 or Sheroma Hodge at 543-9301 in Tortola or email us at In St. Thomas, contact Verne Tonge at 1-340-998-1013.

Don't miss out on being a part of the biggest runway shows in the Virgin Islands!

Sunday, July 5, 2009

Callaloo Poets ‘open mic’ on Saturday, July 18, 2009 at Mellow Moods

Callaloo Poets ‘open mic’ on Saturday, July 18, 2009 at Mellow Moods

Saturday, July 18, 2009 is the third Saturday of the month and on that evening, the Callaloo Poets invite you to an ‘open mic’ poetry reading themed ‘You and I bring U.N.I.T.Y.’ – a theme inspired by poet, Oren Hodge. The reading starts at 7:00pm at Mellow Moods CafĂ© in Road Town, Tortola. All writers are invited to share their inspiration and are kindly asked to arrive at 6:45pm for sign-up. For more information, please email

Callaloo Poets

Thursday, July 2, 2009

Remember the time...

Peace, Love, Hope & Soul to all!

I will always love Michael Jackson's music and everytime I hear 'Remember the Time,' I will reminisce on the engaging and innovative artist, his songs and music videos.

I can only aspire to be as creative and original as Michael Jackson. A lot of people are focusing on negative things - but that's not how we as a people are supposed to move forward.

Cut the hate and LEARN from other's life and experiences. If we do not learn, then how can we progress?

Our theme for BVI Festival 2009 is REMEMBER THE TIME - BVI FESTIVAL 2009. It could not be more fitting. There's a lot going on in the world today - bad and good. Creativity is on the upsurge as many poets and musicians are getting international acclaim.

On the other hand, economic recession and depression are trying to rain and reign upon us. We need to pray and keep focused on Living the 'God in Me' as said by recording artists Mary Mary.

One Love

Monday, June 29, 2009

POEM: Realizing Love

Realizing Love

What is the love we share?
It's not rare, but it's real
no thesis statement
can describe
this feeling.
It's not WHY I love you
because having a reason
can never determine
or quantify this LOVE.
It can't be HOW I love you
because no matter
the situation
thick, thin, hot, cold
weak, strong, short or long
I LOVE you.
It won't be WHEN I love you
because a date or time stamp
is insignificant
as a higher power
has taken over
our lives with LOVE.
Who is the love
that I speak about?
My LOVE is
simple, comfortable,
indescribably beautiful,
inspiring, solid and bountiful.
My love for life, charity and mankind.


Monday, April 6, 2009

What's up with people today not wanted to be committed in relationships? Many of us want to be free but still want to get the 'freebies' - sex, food and comfort. Why would I want to leave my man to go and love up another who really just wants to get off? Good question!

What about these men who want to get all the goods but regard relationships as complicated? You like me, you like the food, you like the relations - so what is the problem? There are women who behave like that too. This is always a recipe for disaster because someone always gets attached and can't let go.

Ribbon does not want a 'side thing' because I get attached. I prefer to watch and wonder than put myself up for disease and heartbreak. He broke your heart and gave you HIV - O HELL NO!

Adults, yes we are but we really do act like little children. It's a simple recipe - Be Faithful and Playful and your relationship can last.


Friday, March 20, 2009

Tired of bad service

Tired of bad service

In this month, I have experienced poor customer and negative attitudes at local business that have made me feel that my money is not good enough to be spent with them.

The first instance was at local children’s store. On Saturday, I bought a pair of shoes for my daughter. By the following Saturday, the strap burst. I carried back the shoes to show the store clerk and bought another pair of shoes. I asked the clerk for a discount and she took of $2.00 off the price. The second pair opened at the mouth by the following Friday evening. I spoke to owner of the store who informed me that I was the only person to ever complain about her shoes. It made me wonder if she was insinuating that I tore the shoes apart. Would I spend $40.00 during a recession and then destroy what I purchased? Was she trying to tell me that my daughter’s feet are bad?

The second instance was with the dealer for my car. I serviced the car in February. My car never had oil leaks before the service but it is leaking oil now and making a click when I reverse. When I mentioned this to the dealer, he curtly informed me that ‘old cars leak oil’. I guess it’s ‘my bad’ not having a new car!

The last instance that I am sharing is in relation to a contractor who was to prepare an estimate for building my home. I ask him to divide the estimate into stages– foundation, cistern and first floor and then the second floor. To break down a document that has already been calculated into two stages is too difficult? Is it because I asked for the breakdown that they may have felt I could not afford to build?

These ‘local’ businesses are not up to standard! They don’t give you the service or product you PAY FOR – and still they have curt remarks to make me feel that my money is not wanted. I am tired and have a new game plan to deal with them.

To the lady with the ‘dry-rottened’ shoes – I won’t be shopping at your store anymore. I can order from too you know.

To the car dealer – you’ll still get SOME of money but you know – you’ll get yours in time.

To the contractor – keep up with the rich people – hope they can pay you.