Wednesday, July 29, 2009

It's time to DO

How can you sit in an office, in a church or just in life in general and say that you have nothing to do? What is your talent or your niche? I keep telling everyone that I take the parable about the talents literally nor figuratively. I feel that those servants did not sing, cook, plant, speak or dance in the name of the Lord and their actual talents were taken from them. Many of us sit in dead end jobs, but does that mean life must be a dead end? How can you use your gifts outside of your 9-5 to better yourself? 

I am a poet, writer, mother, coordinator and event assistant - all outside of my regular job. Why do I do this - to better myself and to strengthen my resume. In recent days, I have been calling myself the 'real revolutionary.' I don't call myself a realist because everyone is a realist living in their reality and dealing with their business. I am a real revolutionary because I grab opportunities and run with them. I make links and find ways to progress. I find other people to link so that together, we can rise and make an impact in what we do. If I say that I won't do something because I feel things are not handled right - then I am not doing it. 

While we make links, we must still be mindful of who we consort with. There are a lot of evil forces out there and I am not hating on anyone. However, I prefer to link with persons who are thinking about the betterment of the community - not the fattening of their pockets off the public's back. Why am I telling you this? I am telling you this because it's time to wake-up and move forward. Are you stuck in a rut (pardon the cliché)? Come on, it's time to wake up, get up and DO. Stop the idle talking and DO. Watch me and learn from my example, and I will do the same with you and others who are making strides to improve themselves. It's time to DO. 


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