Monday, June 29, 2009

POEM: Realizing Love

Realizing Love

What is the love we share?
It's not rare, but it's real
no thesis statement
can describe
this feeling.
It's not WHY I love you
because having a reason
can never determine
or quantify this LOVE.
It can't be HOW I love you
because no matter
the situation
thick, thin, hot, cold
weak, strong, short or long
I LOVE you.
It won't be WHEN I love you
because a date or time stamp
is insignificant
as a higher power
has taken over
our lives with LOVE.
Who is the love
that I speak about?
My LOVE is
simple, comfortable,
indescribably beautiful,
inspiring, solid and bountiful.
My love for life, charity and mankind.



Beyond Breaths said...

This is really beautiful

Beyond Breaths said...

This is really beautiful

Anonymous said...

Hi Knots.
As I read, my mind became a hustler to find this love that you expressed at the end.
