Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Thoughts on September 11, 2012

As I sit and reflect today, on my birthday, there is a lot going on. Today, we mark the date when thousands of persons lost their lives in the United States because of terroism. I was sitting by my desk enjoying my birthday and then I got a phone call that a plane it the World Trade Center. Then another plane hit the other tower and it became history. This is the type of history that no one will ever forget. It was truly a very sad moment especially when we consider the advancements that we have contrived; yet we are still so hateful. May God continue to comfort those who lost family members.

I have marked another milestone and as I reflect on my life and what I have and have not accomplished, I am OK. I think that I am a work in progress still who has never really set a life plan. I know that there are certain things that I wanted and still want; so I will reach for these things. Professionally, I am still growing and will continue to do my best. There is a lot of work that needs to be done and I want to play a more active role in making things happen in my community. However, I have to put my family first. My children are young and in need of continuously molding.

I am not a perfect parent but I impress certain values. I don't stand for foolishness and I let the children know that. I have no time for petty bickering especially when each goes out and embraces others who sometimes do not even care for them. I won't give up though.

Today someone posted on Facebook about the persons that inspire him. I liked his choices. I also said that Bob Marley and Nelson Mandela inspired me. Marley for his poetry and Mandela for his perseverence. I added that my parents and grandparents inspire me the most because they have left a postive legacy for me and my children. They are hardworking, energetic, kind, passionate, survivors and thinkers. So why should I be a bother to anyone today when they have given me so much - not the financial input but the leadership and guidance.

I have no choice but to be vigilant. I have no choice but to be hardworking. I have no choice but to think on my feet and make change. This is my legacy and as I mark another birthday, I pledge to do my best and to be the best me that I can be. If that means I have to be hard on my children when they do wrong, then that's what it is.

Thanks to everyone for the birthday greetings. Happy Birthday to all my fellow September 11 buddies.


Monday, September 10, 2012

Prayer for September 10, 2012

Heavenly Father,

Thank you for your multitude of blessings. Thank you for the pastors who shepherd your flock. Help them to be grounded, Lord, and give them the strength to resist temptation. Lord, help us, your flock to stand in your promises and live for you. Bring us closer to you and give us the patience and humbleness that we need. As we trod through the road of life Lord, help us to be strong. Lord, bless us and keep us.


Friday, September 7, 2012

POEM: Wait for Your Blessings

As I take the long road
while I carry a heavy load
Lord, help me to be strong
and walk steadily along
order my steps
and give me strength
as I pass through trials
and fight off the devils
let me stay focused
and not waste time to fuss
help me to be wise
and open my eyes
so that I can see
give my ears depth
and even when my eyes have wept
let me be solid in faith
and learn to patiently wait
for your blessings


Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Me and My Movements

I like to see productivity and can't stand working in chaos. It just drives me nuts! I think I'm a little too methodical sometimes. I believe that if something needs to be done, it simply has to be. People are in an organization to compliment each other - not to be slaves or slave drivers. As organizations today literally have to do more with less, it is time to streamline operations so that everyone works SMART and not hard.

Even your goals should be smart:
S is for Specific - state what you exactly want
M is for Measurable - by what criteria?
A is for Attainable - you should be able to reach this goal
R is for Relevant - what change will occur when you get there
T is for Time Bound - set a time to get there

Everything in the world today is supposed to be smart - smart goals, smart phones, working smart...but yet we somehow seem to stay in that perpetual wheel of getting no where. I think I have accomplished a few little feats that I did not set goals for. I'm just always looking for opportunities. I have my writing which I never thought would have taken me this far. I have my blog, I write on a semi-professional basis for other sites and I have my poetry.

I am now taking an online course and trying to keep up with my garden and yard work. I can only hope that I can be an inspiration to my readers and encourage them to take advantage of the many opportunities available out there. Work smart, be good to people and take opportunities to learn and grow.


Sunday, September 2, 2012

Keep up With Gardening

It's another beautiful September day in the Virgin Islands. We have a lot to be thankful for as the sky is bright and the seas are calm. Let us take time to smile with nature. I 'm in the middle of cooking and have had the privelege of cutting thyme, parsley and chive from my garden to put in the pot. These simple things remind me of God's love and mandate for us to take care of the earth.

I feel good when I am outside and I have been weeding and maniucring the bushes in my yard. Home ownership either calls for you to spend money or to do it yourself. Money is tight so whatever I can do for myself I do. It is also great exercise for me. I enjoy gardening so I have work to do outside today. Plus it's a good time for me to be away from the kids - even though they follow me and try to help. Bless their little hearts!


Thursday, August 30, 2012

PRAYER for August 20, 2012

Heavenly Father,

Breathe in me love, faith, patience and kindness. Let me a shining light and a vessel filled with love. Lord, let me not be a hindrance to anyone. Instead may I be strong in your faith and energized to serve you better. Help us to help each other Lord so that we can use the givens you have given us to proclaim your goodness.

In your name I pray.


Monday, August 27, 2012

POEM: Old School Reggae

old school reggae makes me feel good
sets me in a good mood
makes me smile
for a good while
as I reminisce
on the good times
that old school feel
is enlightening
and I do enjoy it
and I shake and
do a little skant too
old school reggae
I enjoy you too


Saturday, August 25, 2012

POEM: Float Like Butterfly

I'm looking for the right spot
to keep food in my pot
cause I know I've got
a lot
to do
and whether or not
you agree
I'm being the best me
and I'll be
heading up the road
not like a toad
but like a butterfly
lovely, charming
and catching your eye
and that's what
I wish you would
aim for
cause there are doors
that are opened for all
but we can not stall
and stay in limbo
take the opportunity as it's thrown
and break your coccoon
and become
a butterfly

Thursday, August 23, 2012

Thoughts after Isaac & Zeek

I have been sharing poems for a few days and since Tropical Storm Isaac has sort of passed, I can write a paragraph or two. There is a lot going on around us and one of the major things that happened was the crash of Zeek Rewards. I never trusted it.

The safer ways to make money online is through writing and advertising for companies. I enjoy the writing and the pay eventually grows. I am able to learn a lot of new things as well. Writing works for me but I don't know if it can work for many. Most people want to get rich overnight. I am a slow and steady kind of girl. I just want to be satisfied and pay my bills on time.

To my readers, please pay attention to the many warnings - if it is too good to be true, it most likely IS! Live within your means and save what you can.


Wednesday, August 22, 2012

POEM: Alive

Be care...ful
but not full
of yourself
cause the self
is one a part
of the whole
and we
have to be wise
not sly
not shy
not a spy
but alive -
a life
that can inspire
a fire
in some
