Wednesday, July 13, 2011

POEM: One, Two, Three

One, Two, Three
Some words are coming to me
Big, Small or Free
I want to chart my destiny
I want to live in honesty
I want to scream very loudly
It's all in me
It's all I see
It's all I want to be
One, Two, Three
Happiness is around me
Peace can be a reality
Joy makes it a trilogy
We can take it to the next layer
with the game of all the players
ignoring the naysayers
One, Two, Three
These words that came to be
were put together simply
with the love from within me


Monday, July 11, 2011

STRESS = Strain. Trials. Resistance. Emptiness. Slothfullness. Shame.


I deal with stress by focusing my energy on other things. I play games, I write, I dance or I sing. i find a project to keep me occupied.

What is your way of dealing with stress? Do you eat or do you starve yourself? Stress can be very harmful. I've never planned to be bald or go grey early.

I have fun and I dance with my children and let that negative engery turn into positive fun and exercise. I do get bogged down sometimes and it's hard to cope, but we have to move forward. Reach out to someone - a family member, a church friend, a mentor, a counsellor or anyone who can help.

Don't let STRESS keep you down or make you unhealthy!

Let's turn the stress into:



Sunday, July 10, 2011

What I want from the leaders

What I want from the leaders

If you can't support my endeavor, if you don't have the funding or can't make it to my event, tell me that. Too many times, the leaders make promises that they know that they cannot fulfill. Stop doing that. That's why we call it politricks!

I am committed to what I believe. If you seek to be a leader of people, you should be committed to the people, just as a shepherd commits to his sheep. When we call on you, we expect a response, even if it's two weeks later. Follow-up even when you have to say no (see point #1). Sometimes, people need a gentle hand to lead them forward, and a push in the right direction may be the push they need - not the white envelope.

As you step into the arena seeking public support, there will be barbs thrown in your direction. All your dirty deeds will be unearthed, and your family's secrets will be shared. During this time, you have no choice but to be resilient. Pray and ask others to pray for you because there will be long days and longer nights.

If you don't have passion, then leadership is not for you. You have to be willing to stand out and disagree with the masses. You have to be able to fight for your position even when it is not popular. You have to be able to take a firm hand and update and change situations.

People who are leaders must first have a love for their fellow man before they can lead us. We don't want a pushover (see #3&4). However, we expect that the country's greatest asset will be the priority. We expect that our health, education, and food security will be priorities. We do not need anyone to baby us but to lead us in the right direction.

Leaders must have a vision. In recent days, we are trying to determine the character and the vision of the persons who are in present leadership. We expect that leaders can determine our needs and after consulting with us, will take the necessary steps to ensure that ideas come to fruition.

There are many more qualities, but these are what comes to mind now.


Saturday, July 9, 2011

"Per Capita" in the BVI - many numbers

The term 'Per Capita' means "A Latin term that translates into 'by head,' basically meaning 'average per person'" according to

Our estimated population is about 30,000. We have 5 or 6 radio stations, 3 print newspapers (of which 2 have websites), 2 TV stations and 4 online news publication (not printed). We have 5 ferry companies - four of which travel to the USVI at some point. There are three mobile phone companies, over 10 insurance companies, countless heavy equipment companies and construction companies. We have five commercial banks and one private bank.

We have three major supermarkets who also have outlets. However every week, the four ferry companies carry thousands to the USVI to shop.

We don't have enough farmers to provide meat and vegetables to ensure our food security. Of the farmers we do have, many produce the same crop so it's a constant competition and overflood of the market.

It's election time and everyone wants to be a leader.  I must say that the people need good shepherds who can lead this willing flock. There are 4 announced political parties and another one that is supposed to launch. 30,000 people and 5 political parties! There are also several independent persons who are running. This is a subject I have to delve into further in a future post.

We see where we are over-saturated but as the people say "everybody got to eat." We are at a pivotal moment in our country. We will need to look at our brother for inspiration but we have to come up with fresh and new business opportunities. We have to start doing for ourselves. When we get proactive, we ease up the load off the Government. We like the atmosphere where 'every one can eat' but to whose expense? We are the Government!

As for the would-be politicians, come good!


Thursday, July 7, 2011

Ribbon's Thoughts on July 7, 2011

To all the people who prayed,
I thank you.
To the people who murmurred nasty words,
God Bless you.
To those who wish to see me down,
It's OK.
To those who give me fake smiles,
that's alright.

To those who are under pesecution right now,
I'll pray for you.
To those who I thought bad of,
I am sorry.
To you who I have envied,
please forgive me.
To you who I have wronged,
pray for me.

It's not all about
who's wrong or right
because in the overall sight
God is the only right
and none of us want to be left
behind in this world
so we ought to do right
live right
and treat our brothers
with respect


Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Do For Love..Caldwell and then Tupac

The song that just popped in my head is Bobby Caldwell's "What You Won't Do For Love". It wasn't so much the lyrics but the instrumental. It is very soothing, romantic and mellow. The instruments seem to come alive! Bobby's lyrics are great too - "you tried everything but you won't give up" and "my friends wonder what is wrong with me...cause I'm in a daze from your loving scene".

Tupac's "Do For Love" is also smooth too as it samples the instrumental and the chorus. I am not sure who sang the hook 2pac but the voice is very similar to Caldwell's and this is a nice touch. 2pac's version has additional modern sounds but the essence is there especially in the hook.

With this instrumental, it's really about the energy from the musicians so the singer/rappers just have to perform and make the song a total package.

New artists, take note. Learn from the greats.......


Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Soca & Calypso - Feel Good Music

I love my Soca and Calypso music. It's such a great energy and if you really feel like dancing, then you can burn some calories too. I was listening to some older soca and calypso tonight and I burst a sweat. My children enjoyed it too and were dancing with me.

We didn't go far back with ou listening choices tonight. There was no "Inspection Lane" by the Awesome Jamband and there wasn't any "Horse Chip" either. Instead, we had a little Flaunt It by Claudette Peters and some Pumpin' by Peter Ram.

I took a little closer home with some "Circles" by Showtime from the BVI and "Drop It Like It's Hot" by Pantha Vibes from Anguilla. Usually we have some "Push It" or "Stiff Wuk Up" by the JDPP Jammers out of St. Thomas but I will give the kids that another night. I love my St. Kitts bands too and the Trinidadian massive too.

I like for my kids to hear and appreciate this music because it is a part of our culture. And as I stated earlier, dancing to soca can get you to break a sweat!

I don't know what your feel good music is but mine for sure is sweet sweet soca and calypso!

Mind you - I love my reggae, hip hop and R&B too but it's easier to dance to soca and calypso!


POEM: No Sight

It's always a blast
a hard word
or a push
when there is no foresight
or insight
but until we act right
then there'll never be delight
just fright
not a unite
but a fist fight
for both black and white
want their future to be bright
sight is blinded


Monday, July 4, 2011

Lend a Helping Hand

If you ever get into a position to help others, it is a blessing to do so. You may feel that noone helps you when you ask for it but God is always there for us.

There are always ways for problems to be solved. Sometimes, we just have to persevere and struggle through the turmoil. However, we don't want to be regarded as pushovers so be mindful of those who try to use and abuse you.

Despite the users, offering a helping hand is good. It's a great fulfillment in knowing that your small input may have made someone's day.

One while I was driving, I saw a little boy with his father walking. A bottle dropped from the boy's hand and somehow he got cut on his hand. I immediately stopped and bid them to come in my car so I could take them to the hospital. I can't fathom seeing things like that happen in front of me. I have children of my own and would hope that other people would not leave them to suffer.

Afterall, none of us would want our sins to fall on our children. We all want to live in peace and harmony. We all want the best for our familes. However, it can't be only about the 'we' in a small group - it has to be about the entire community.

Please take care of each other and help anyone that you see in need.


Sunday, July 3, 2011

Happiness on the Job


Happiness on the job does not mean a perfect job. It may be the job that's outside your field, that you may be overqualified for or are underpaid and underappreciated.

However, going past the basic needs of a clean work environment, water and basic tools, employees need to know that they contributions are appreciated even if their suggestions are not always implemented. Supervisors need to listen to the people in the trenches and sometimes walk in the trenches to understand the day-to-day runnings.

Gossip is a killer on the job and so is micro-management and backbiting. I have worked in the midst of all of this and it is no pleasant. I will never tell anyone to be the 'yes man' and never refuse an assignment. You have to say no and stand up to your peers and supervisors when needed. People are always looking for a scapegoat, a gossip partner, a news carrier or work horse. Living as one of those person does not bring happiness on the job. Instead it brings misery.

Lack of teamwork brings a lot of negativity. However, the team can only be strong if the manager has that motivating and inspiring attitude that can get diverse people to work together. When we focus on differences we can't get any work done.

Happiness on the job for me means that the team has each other's back and can achieve success amongst conflicts. There will be conflicts and challenges everywhere in life. Never feel that happiness means that nothing can go wrong. Only babies are allowed to live that way because parents or other adults are there to foster their needs.

Try to avoid or sidestep the negative on the job. Focus on getting the job done and even if you are not treated well, still perform to the best of your ability until you are able to solve your troubles or move on to another position. Afterall, we are only set to be in one place for a time. At some point we will be moving on - preferably forward!

Poem: Indecision by Linette Rabsatt