Friday, December 26, 2014

2014 - Year in Review

2014 has been an interesting year. There have been numerous ups as well as downs. I am thankful for all that I have been given - the easy and the hard blows. I have been truly blessed. 

I still don't have a car but my feet do not hurt. My house still needs some improvements but I am able to meet my mortgage. I don't have fancy lunches and dinners but I am well fed. I can't and won't complain because opportunities have come my way. I have started my Masters and my children are 'A' students. 

I lost my last great uncle on my father's side and my last great-great aunt on my mother's side. Both were spectacular individuals who truly led their families. My daughter also lost a classmate - a very special little individual who even made an impact on me and many others.

Although the blog entries have dropped, my heart is still in my writing - I'm just focusing on academic writing now. As I journey along, I am open to new ideas, but I will remain true to my values. I still enjoy music very much and I'm into my 80s, 90s and early 2000s , not so much the trending music. New music for me would be music from the Virgin Islands and wider Caribbean and John Legend type music. It really has to be catchy to catch me. 

I still enjoy a good comedy/joke and I enjoy the work that I do. I thank God for his blessings.


Wednesday, October 15, 2014

Virgin Islands Representing: Pressure - "Show LOVE" - Official Music Video

This is another big tune by Pressure titled "Show Love". Very inspiring lyrics and mellow melody describe this song. The video does it justice.

Tuesday, September 30, 2014

Thinking Forward - Checking and Improving Self

I'm embarking on an exciting journey - lots of reading and loads of writing. I'm expanding my thought process, my vocabulary and of course the way I deal with things professionally. I've always had my professional ethics and this journey sets me on a different path.

I encourage young people to seek ways to improve themselves. Somehow many think that someone will always be there to help them but you just have to be proactive. While attaining higher education is one step, you have to build your confidence and be self-motivated. Look at volunteerism as a way to build experience and learn new skills. Don't fuss about starting on the bottom - you have to start somewhere. I have had to file, provide basic customer service and photocopy documents - even with a degree; and I am happy to have done those tasks. Of course, I wasn't happy back then, but I appreciate it now.

There's a lot that we can do to move ourselves forward and improve ourselves. To take on a leadership role, we have to be groomed - whether it's in a community service organization, athletics, our churches or in our schools on the PTA. Take a positive step forward and try something new that will enhance you.


Friday, September 19, 2014

How Can We Have Balance in a Life Where We are Hustling

I have embarked on a new journey. This 2014 has had a lot of new things for me - professionally, academically and personally. I am grateful for everything that God has granted. It's now to find balance because naturally, I want to excel at everything, especially in raising my children.

There's no secret to finding balance. You just have to focus on the things that you need to and sometimes that means eliminating those things that cause distraction. For example, I'm right now listening to a local sports report and an event organizer expressed disappointment because enough children did not participate. It probably wasn't a priority for parents with school just opening.

Everyone is out there hustling - some people are working and studying, some people have children that require special attention, others are juggling two jobs. Of course, money is always a concern for many because even if an event is free, you still have to dress, find food etc.

There are times when we just need to decline and give regrets. I have a lot on my plate and I still want to write - that writing now will be going towards my Masters program. To anyone who has a lot on their plate, just as you eat your meal - take small bites one at a time and be sure to chew and digest. If the plate is too full, it's time to reduce the meal - the load.


Saturday, August 9, 2014

Laugh Every Now and Then

Image result for laugh free image

I imagine what life would be like around a real life "Madea". Inspirational words would come but the jokes would for sure be there. We all have that someone that we can 'crack a joke' with or who can cheer us up. There are all sorts of studies done about laughter and how healthy it is for us. I love to laugh - I can't deal with monotony. Mind you - I am a 'house-mouse' so I don't go out liming. However, I have to find a sitcom or a comedy that can make me laugh especially when my children start to nag at each other like little mosquitoes.

Some days we need it more than others and I find that the laughter helps me to keep calm. Even at the office, it's good when we can relax and take a smile in between our work. Some days it can be really tense and stressful and getting a laugh can really lift the spirits.

So when you are having that rough day, find your 'Madea' or sitcom or internet joke and laugh. It's not just cliche but laughter really can be the best medicine.


Tuesday, August 5, 2014

My Thoughts During August Festival Holidays

I love long holidays. August presents  three days back to back that one can choose to lime, rest, play, travel or watch tv. I take the rest and tv route because I'm not so into the festivities. Of course, I have my best excuse and it's useful to get out of so many things. I don't use that excuse for church functions though.

Anyway, I wish every a safe and healthy Emancipation Celebration - 60 years of festival and 180 years of freedom! These are big milestones for a small territory. However, with all this being said and done, what have we done to secure the future for our children?

As the holidays ease off and we head back to work, we need to look at what we are doing individually and also what our leaders are doing collectively to improve this territory. It's not their job - it's our job and we can all make some positive impact.


Tuesday, July 1, 2014

POEM: Not typical

word art, poem, linette

In my spherical view
I realize that I'm not
the typical girl
so my smile is not artificial
although I may be trivial;
and I'm really not about
titles but I do like recitals
cause it's vital to share
talents while being
able to vent
about how I repented
despite the serpent's
bite, I won't stop
until I take flight
for my wrong can't be
right and in my sight
my fight won't be
quieted although
it may be night and
vision may be dark
without light


Sunday, June 29, 2014

Personal Reflection

In a lot of things, I am literally out of it. I still like sitting at my computer and blogging and writing articles. I still enjoy just doing nothing. I'm happy to just sit at home and watch TV. I'm guessing as I grow older, the happenings don't catch me like they used to. I don't mind doing work while I am at home.

I am purpose driven and the fads and the fashions don't catch me  - and they never really did. I've just always been an odd one and I like that sometimes. There are days when I want to be deep and other days, I just want to watch cartoons. I guess that is one of the reasons that I have always wanted to be independent. Some people call is selfishness but I call it living in my individuality.

I always encourage people to be positive while being themselves. Don't be yourself if you have bad habits. No one wants to accept the sub-standard you - be the best you that you can be.


Sunday, June 8, 2014

You Cannot Win Them All

Peace Sign Beaded Key ring

I'm always trying to show my son that he needs to be disciplined - how he should take care of his things, pack his clothes neatly and take pride in any assignment that I give him. He doesn't seem to understand sometimes and I really hope that he will understand these basic things today because it's much harder to learn it later in life. Too many people have to learn the hard way and in some cases, it may have been their upbringing and in other cases, it is just their bad attitude that holds them back.

We can never get our own way. During my career, I have worked with an array of people from various upbringings and cultures. The one thing that has remained constant is that there will be people who do not want to follow rules. Some will find as many ways as possible to show their disagreement to the rules though obstinate behavior - which of course gets them no where but on everybody's nerves.

As I go through life, I have learned that rules are meant to be followed. Being a stubborn mule or a Moaning Myrtle won't fix anything. Instead, I look for solutions where there are problems and aim to address them. Sometimes, it's my own attitude that really is the problem. I have to look at me and the example I am setting. I can't want change and I myself are resistant to it.

As you go forth on your daily journey, you will not like every situation or person. Your purpose is not to like or agree with everything - fulfill your role and where you can make or impact change - go for it positively. If you can make it a win-win situation, that's great. If it's lose-win or win-lose, just keep the communication open and flowing where possible.


Sunday, June 1, 2014

Ways to Show Fathers That We Appreciate Them

Fathers play a key role in the lives of their children. Celebrate fathers by giving them special treats, sharing inspiring words, or by giving special gifts

Fathers are very important to a child's life and development. A father figure is important for balance in parenting and for establishing the culture of a family unit. Unfortunately, the number of single parent households is continuing to rise. Women are calling men "sperm donors" or "deadbeat dads" and are seeking the justice system's assistance with collecting child support. Although there are men who do not fulfill their responsibilities as fathers, there are many who play key roles in their children's lives. Some fathers are single parents who bear the full brunt of caring for their children. These men need to be appreciated and commended for their hard work and dedication to their families.

Women are Often More Celebrated Than Men
Some men express that for Mother's Day, the stores are filled with goodies for the ladies. On Valentine's Day, women are once again the focus and this is the same focus at weddings and baby showers. Therefore, we need to show the men in our lives that we love them and we do not have to wait until Father's Day to do so. There are many things that we all can do for our fathers, husbands, uncles, brothers, godfathers and grandfathers that can show our appreciation for their positive input in our lives. Preparing their favorite dish, sharing positive words, giving special gifts and giving them a mini-vacation are ways to show fathers that we love them.

Positive Words for Dads in Scripture or Poetry
Poetry and Bible verses are great means of showing love for the male family members in your life. For persons who are religious, share a scripture from the Bible or your religious book. Write a poem or locate one that can express the feelings for the men in your life.

Bible scriptures about fathers: Proverbs 17:6 reads "Grandchildren are the crown of the aged, and the glory of children is their fathers." Proverbs 3:12 compares a father's love to the love from God. It reads "For whom the Lord loveth he correcteth; even as a father the son in whom he delighteth." Other scriptures that refer to fathers' love include the parable of the prodigal son in Luke 15:11-32, where the father's response to his older son in Verse 32 was "It was meet that we should make merry, and be glad: for this thy brother was dead, and is alive again; and was lost, and is found." Other scriptures can be located by searching for keywords relating to father figures on an online Bible website.
Poetry for dads: Tell your father that you love him by creating a poem for him. Create an acronym of the word 'Dad' or 'Father.' For example "D is for Dearest Dad, A is for the Affection you have, and D is for your Dedication that makes me glad." Also, have fun with rhyming words to create a short poem that can be added to a photo or to a card. If you are unable to pen a poem, then you can always search for one, but be sure to seek the writer's permission and give them credit for their work. Buying Gifts for Dad

It is easy to buy a gift for a father on his birthday, on Father's Day or any day of the year. Tools, a tie, sweaters, shirts and gift certificates are often given to fathers. Instead, think about this special male and consider what his needs may really be. Would a gift certificate suffice or will he appreciate a special meal, a trip or a massage? Is Dad someone who prefers to tell you what he wants? While you may want to give Dad a grand surprise, keep in mind that the gift is really for him.

Do Something Special For Dad Prepare a special dish, plan a party for your father or send him on a mini-vacation to show him love. Consider sending him to a local resort or let him spend a day at a golf course so that he can relax. If you can afford it, get him tickets to his favorite sport, order music that he loves or get him his favorite movie. Fathers are important and their role in our lives cannot be discounted.

No matter what you do to express love for the men in your life, put good effort into it so that they can enjoy it. There is no need to wait until Father's Day to show love because you can share something special with the ones you love any day of the year.

Saturday, May 3, 2014

Nurturing Through Patience

There are a lot of days when you just want to be left alone. However, there aren't many people who get to have that pleasure. You just have to interact with people whether you want to or not. Depending on your family or nature of work, you have to lend your ear or give advice.

For me, it's not a problem because that is the role I willingly signed up for. I am a parent of two young children who need constant support, encouragement and discipline. Dealing with my children helps me to be able to deal with my coworkers as well. Sometimes you have to nurture, teach and even give baby steps. Remember, somebody had to guide you along the way too. Of course, there are days that you have to be strong-willed and tough to ensure that things are being done correctly.

Some days you may want to run and hide or you may even sit in disbelief at your children's actions or another adult's actions. We can't predict the future and for sure we cannot predict what anyone may choose to do. We just need to be understanding and think with a problem-solving mindset.

No matter how you try, things will never be perfect but you have to find the good in every situation and work towards reducing the bad.


Wednesday, April 30, 2014

Reuse Household Items for Storage and for Piggy Banks

Reuse Household Items for Storage and for Piggy Banks

Intro: Reuse baby wipes containers, plastic jars and glass jars for storage and your coins.

It is easy to find containers for saving money, holding hair accessories, school supplies and food items around your home. Some containers can be reused so that you can save money in more than one way and to practice green living.

Make Your Own Piggy Bank

Be encouraged to save both bills and coins because the quantity adds up over time. Dollar bills can be saved for bus fare, and quarters can be saved for laundry. Of course, the money saved in the containers can be deposited into a savings account, and that is additional savings.

The main thing with reusing jars or cans for piggy banks is to clean the container thoroughly and let it dry. Also be sure to use containers that coins or a folded dollar can fit in and also be removed safely. I use a variety of containers that consist of metal, glass or plastic. The containers are a variety of eight-ounce apple cider bottles and plastic jars with covers that can screw off.

  • Plastic Piggy Banks: I like using the plastic Koolaid canisters, and I slit a hole in the cover for ease of adding the coins. Baby wipe containers with the pop-up lid can also be used as a piggy bank.
  • Metal Piggy Banks: I also use metal containers like a Milo can that has a flat push-on metal cover. With a knife, carefully jot a hole that is big enough to fit a folded dollar at the original bottom of the can. This will now become the top of the can where the money can be pushed in. What was the top with the metal cover will be the bottom of the piggy bank where money can be taken out when needed.

Reusing Jars and Other Containers for Food Storage
Plastic and glass containers that can be reused to store dried foods like rice, macaroni, flour, cornmeal and so on. The same rule applies to wash the containers properly and ensure that they are properly dried before adding food items for storage.

Lisa Devoto in her article, "Reusing Used Household Items for Sustainable Living", shares that "Glass jars are perfect for storing soup, sauces, dry baking ingredients, candy, and dry pasta or rice." I use the Ovaltine plastic or glass bottles to store my dried food items. Glass jars are good for storing homemade preserves once the covers can be closed tightly. These jars, however, must also be thoroughly washed and dried before adding the preserves.

Reuse Baby Wipes Holders for Storage
I find large baby wipes containers that usually hold 64-72 wipes to be very useful. Parents can reuse by purchasing the refill packages. After your baby no longer needs baby wipes, the containers can be used for storing pencils, pens and hair accessories. This is another container that should be cleaned so that any residue from the wipes does not remain to damage the items to be stored.

I have also used wipes containers for holding other little miscellaneous items like batteries and cellular phone accessories. I also find them useful for storing costume jewelry, especially the heavy bracelets and long necklaces.

We have different containers in our homes that we can reuse such as glass jars, plastic food containers and baby wipes holders. Reusing items not only saves money, but it also helps for a greener lifestyle. You can save more by finding containers that you can use as piggy banks to save coins and dollar bills making recycling and reusing - a win-win situation.

Sunday, April 20, 2014

When You Choose to Stand Up or Out

The people persecuted Jesus and crucified him. Sometimes many of us feel like we are going through that same thing. Life today is different from the olden days but it is still very much the same. People who are different stand out and are easy to pick on. It is even harder if you are standing up for what is perceived to be right.

Some people are not correct in their 'standing up or out'. My opinion is not based on popularity, but on what is right. Too many leaders in the churches, workplaces, homes and communities have adjusted standards to meet a changing generation and changing times. There are some basic things that need to remain basic standards. For me these include manners, respect, punctuality, keeping your word and apologizing when needed.

I am guilty too of allowing things to happen because of stepping on egg shells but how long can we all let things go? This is why the children disrespect the teachers, why the police are not respected and why the jails are full everywhere. No one man can just change the world in one moment but it's our little actions that can positively influence others.

Jesus went around with the common men. He healed the sick and ministered to who would listen. He was a radical but with the right cause. He laid his life on the line to save us from sin. Therefore, if you have a cause that you want to follow or stand up for, make sure that it is a right and good cause. Don't be the one to stand on the mountain when you should just do what you are told to do.

Pick your battles wisely. If you do not like the organization, meaning workplace, that you are in and cannot abide by the rules given,  then you need to look for another job. When you get to the other job and see that you are in the same predicament, then it's time to evaluate you.

Don't make the mistakes that many others have made and make yourself a victim. Instead make yourself a positive role model and use your influence for positive change.


Wednesday, April 16, 2014

POEM: Songbird Inspiration

After a long day
I just feel in a "Songbird" kinda vibe...
to ease my "Tension"
because I've " soul"
We all know that "War is not the answer"
and although "Times a get hard",
I relish "The Rain"
because in all the pain
life is still "So Beautiful"
even with a "Bumpy Ride"
here and there
I'm thankful because
I have been able to experience
the "Best in Life"
I'm "Holding on to Freedom"
and "I Know"
it is "A New Overstanding"
because we must preserve
and persevere
so as the "Birds of Paradise" sing
I relish the positive energy
and stand strong
in the "Power of Love"


This poem was inspired by the Songbird Riddim Songs on Sound Clound. Read my blog post about the songs here.

Thursday, April 3, 2014

No Longer Business As Usual

It's no longer business as usual. We all have said this- in our homes and on our jobs. It is said widely in the community as well. The business covers a lot - relationships, finances, outreach and just plain old every day living.

Things are different whether we like it or not. Sometimes it just a rough phase we are going through and other times, we ourselves are just rough. In these times, we have to seek innovative ways to do the things that we are accustomed to. So if it means that you can only eat out once per week instead of three or that you have to take on additional assignments at work - it is what it is.

Sometimes we have to look at how we can move forward and basically do more with less. I'm not saying that it will be easy or that challenges won't come but life was never meant or promised to be easy. We have to work for what we want. We expect rough patches and challenges and we have to deal with them.

Smooth sailing is for a sailor who never leaves the dock. Tighten your belt, walk your talk and  move forward.


Wednesday, March 26, 2014

Mixed Up Moods and Attitudes

It is not nice to judge people based on what you hear. And sometimes what you see may be representative of a bad day. We all have our ups and downs. I know there are people who would say that I am rude but it's a small percentage because they caught me at a bad time. It's not everyday that I'm in a good mood and no one can say that they're always in high spirits.
Coppermine, Virgin Gorda, BVI, Good vibes

Music is my mood updater. It's the app that makes me most happy. It's the chocolate at that time of the month and it's the heart mender for me. It's important to have something that can distract you from what's negative around you. It's imperative that you have an outlet.

So many people are stressed around us and they don't share what's happening to them. It's not everything that we can pick up on either. However, when we realize that something is wrong, it's time to address it and deal with it.

Let's be a help to those around us. Even if our listening ear can't help, we can direct them to someone who can. Remember we are our brother's keeper.

The Fantastic Four and Jacob Miller explained it best in their songs with similar title, "Mixed Up Moods and Attitudes" and "Mixed Up Moods" respectively.

Mixed up moods and Attitudes by the Fantastic Four Image result for mixed up moods and attitudes jacob miller


Niyorah "LOVE YOU SAME WAY" {Official Video - Diamonds and Gold Riddim -...

Thursday, March 20, 2014

POEM: Regaining Inspiration

It took me some time to
rid myself of the block
and it wasn't like it was locked
but I guess I was just flocked
with insignificant tidbits
that just offset my wits
for some moments
so my comments
have been minimal
and the subliminal
remained in space
not shared
but not to worry
it's all under repair
and while you may
want to compare
it's only fair
to let you know
that I dare
to be different
I dare to face the
I move with passion
and not in the everyday fashion
cause that's my style
and my vibe
is about contentment
and positive sources to vent
releasing the blocks
that keep us locked
in our fears
it's time to awake and rise up

© Ribbon 2014

Tuesday, March 4, 2014

Short Poem: Music in the Message

Rhythm makes the beat of my message
and blues show my versatility
even if I pop my ego along the way
the reggae sensations take me to the next level
and soca time is happy time
I'm a 70s baby and a classic comic
so my range is wide and contains 
elements of all genres

© Ribbon

Thursday, February 20, 2014

Hoping for the Best

I am a proud Black Diamond generation, a descendant of Christiana Freeman from Belle Vue, Tortola. I also have Johnson, Cills, Blyden and Samuels blood in me with roots that reach to St. Croix. I am a proud Virgin Islander in every way.

I love my people and my heritage. I am a melting pot of talents, personalities and cultures with deeper roots in Africa. My life journey so far has been eventful and interesting. I say a lot of "been there, done that" even though I am not a thrill seeker but I love my life.

I have no reason to be depressed or hateful. I still wouldn't change a thing. God charted this destiny for me and I look forward to whatever else he has to bring for me. Good and bad come and these all help to mold us. I'm not wanting the bad but in life things happen that we don't like and don't want. God is in control. I will cry and will feel hurt in some instances but I can't change time or circumstances.

Mr. Merrit Herbert would always announce every morning on ZBVI, "Hope for the best, get ready for the worst and accept what God sends."


Thursday, January 30, 2014

Steel Pulse's Smash Hits is Classic Reggae Music

Steel Pulse is a reggae band that was formed in 1975. Their Smash Hits album features hit songs like "Your House," "Bodyguard" and "Tightrope."

Steel Pulse ( is a reggae band started by musicians of West Indian heritage who were living in the United Kingdom. They have released over fifteen reggae albums, one of which won a Grammy award. Steel Pulse's Smash Hits album was released in 1993 and at the time presented a compilation of their hits of the early 1980s. Songs like "Chant a Psalm," "Roller Skates" and "Not King James Version" are featured on this album.

Who is Steel Pulse
The founding members of Steel Pulse were David Hinds, Basil Gabbidon, Ronnie "Stepper" McQueen, Steve "Grizzly" Nisbett, Selwyn "Bumbo" Brown, Alphonso "Fonso" Martin and Michael Riley. Steel Pulse's official website shares that McQueen "suggested the group name, after a racehorse." As time passed, old members departed and new members joined. The most recent list of the band members are the original Hinds, Nisbett, and Brown with the backing band featuring Alvin Ewen, Clifford "Moonie" Pusey, Sidney Mills, Kevin Batchelor, Jerry Johnson and Clark Gayton.

Steel Pulse Released Many Albums
Steel Pulse first album was Handsworth Revolution in 1978. The songs included the song "Handsworth Revolution" and "Soldiers." The next album was in 1979, Tribute to the Martyrs and then in 1980, Reggae Fever (Caught You) was released. Songs from the albums released in 1982, 1984 and 1985 form the Smash Hits album, respectively True Democracy, Earth Crisis and Babylon The Bandit. Their 1991 release Victims features the song "Taxi Driver". A live album Rastafari Centennial was released in 1992, Vex in 1994 and Rage and Fury in 1997. 2004 brought reggae fans African Holocaust with the song "No More Weapons" featuring Damian "Jr Gong" Marley. In addition to Smash Hits, Steel Pulse has released other compilations of their reggae music including 2000's Ultimate Collection and 2006's Rastanthology II: The Sequel.

The Songs of Steel Pulse'sSmash Hits
Smash Hits compiles sixteen of Steel Pulse's reggae hits. Including two dubs or instrumentals, this album includes songs from Babylon The Bandit, the winner of 1985 Grammy's Best Reggae Album. David  Hinds, the lead singer, wrote all of the songs on this album except for "Your House" which was written by Alphonso Martin.

  • "Blues Dance Raid": "Music a bubble/not looking for trouble" start "Blues Dance Raid" from the True Democracy album. This song is about the authorities who infiltrated a jam session. "Tipped off by informer, them a watch who come out and come in" tells the listener that there would have been an informant. Steel Pulse was emphatic about the raid and sang "Them a run come kill I vibes/ interfere with I." Morgan Heritage remade the song in 2008 with the title "Raid Rootz Dance."
  • The Struggling Man's Song is "Tightrope": Steel Pulse in "Tightrope" expresses that sometimes life is difficult but there is hope. The chorus is "They got me walking/ walking on a tightrope/ can't afford to bump my toe/ as long as Babylon/ Babylon is my foe/ I will have hope in my soul." Babylon refers to the 'system' - the politics and red tape that keeps people from progressing. "Tightrope" comes from the Earth Crisis album.
  • "Not King James Version": Steel Pulse encourages listeners to learn about their history in "Not King James Version". "This ya version a no King James Version/ cause out of Africa came the God not heathen" is the chorus. The band repeats "African Heritage - I don't wanna lose you" throughout the song. The reference to 'King James Version' is to the King James Version of the Bible. Their claim in this song from the Babylon The Bandit album is that the bible and the history books omit the true value of Africans to ancient history.
  • "Roller Skates" Tells a Story: Steel Pulse tells a story in "Roller Skates" about a fun date in the evening where the singer is jamming his boombox while on roller skates. "The guy jumped on me/ messed up my clothes/ smashed and cracked my radio/ calling all detectives/ there's a criminal at large" are some of the lyrics. In "Roller Skates," Steel Pulse continuously repeats "Life without music/ I can't go" and "Give me back my radio." The song could also be a deeper metaphor for the music industry where the big executives probably were taking advantage of the artists.
Steel Pulse's Smash Hits is a reggae album featuring the band's earlier hits like ""Worth His Weight in Gold" and "Leggo Beast." This album compiles the top songs from Steel Pulse's 1982, 1984 and 1985 albums of socially conscious yet enjoyable reggae music.

Tuesday, January 28, 2014

My Journey - Music by My Side

I went to a workshop today that encouraged me to continue doing some of the things that I do. It encouraged me to keep a journal and as you know a blog is a web journal. I love this blog because I can free my mind with just my crazy thoughts, my creative juices and my unique inspiration.

I came home today wanting to cover some math with my son as well as enjoy some music. I went from reggae to R&B and spanned some years going back to some Marvin Gaye, Hi-5, Lloyd, Avant, Tony Toni Tone as well as some Niyorah, Pressure, Omari, Rizon and others. I just felt mellow like I need to let loose. I danced a bit which is something that I love to do.

Some grade 4 parents including myself are having troubles with elapsed time so I needed to change the tempo. My son is getting it slowly and it makes no sense for me to further frustrate him and myself. Instead I threw on some music and he made some strides. We'll attack again tomorrow with or without the music.

Music has been my best friend as a child. I have lots of brothers and sisters but we never lived together when I was a child so I had to talk to my radio. Music has been my company and my inspiration and I think it will forever be a part of me.

Through primary, secondary and tertiary education and even on my way to work, I've always had music by my side. You may think it's a sad existence but it's my life and I love it.


Wednesday, January 22, 2014

The Oddities of Life

Dr. Lettsome has a poem called "A Cooking Oddity" about sugarapples. That word just popped to me. An oddity is a strange or peculiar person, thing, or trait. I have lots of odd things about me. I don't like other people's hands in my hair. I am inexplicably selfish with my time. I like being considered the underdog. But that's me.

In life, there are many things that cannot be explained. We have some 'ticklish' situations and no one can understand what the cause or the solution is. Every day will not be the same. Life is not perfect like math. What worked today may not work tomorrow.

Our life is a series of oddities and that's just how it is. You can't sit and worry yourself to death over things that you can not control. Sometimes you don't even have a choice in what's happening to you. However, you can choose what your reaction can be. In the space of a few days, parents lost their son, a mother can't locate her daughter and a father drowned.

We have to keep praying for each other. With the oddities happening around us, we have to bear each other up and hope for the best at all times. When the bad comes, we have to take time to mourn and regroup. Let's us keep a positive mindset and keep each other in prayer.


Saturday, January 11, 2014

Use Your Skills Well

At one time I was all into crossword puzzles, then into games on my phone, then into poetry every day. I have been shifting and making a mix of it all. I still game and write poetry and blog posts and other stuff too. I think we should always be flexible and available for change.

We should never back down from a new challenge. I've recently been experimenting with crafts and up-cycling. I love a thrift store so that works perfectly for me. I love the idea of taking something old and reshaping it into something new. 

My job allows me to promote this with food and with animal and plant products. Agriculture shows us the need to make full use of the food that is available to us. We need to reduce our food-print by finding ways to use all fruits, vegetables and animal protein. 

I am advocate for using time wisely. What skill can you further? What do you like to do? Try something new today. It may be profitable for you in the future. I know some guys who love video games and they made a business out of it!

What can you do?


Thursday, January 9, 2014

Five Reasons to Enter a Beauty Pageant

Enter a beauty pageant for a great experience, to gain confidence, to improve public speaking skills, to meet new people and to win the prizes.

You can enter as a contestant in a beauty pageant for different reasons. You may want to improve your confidence level and public speaking skills. Some people enter pageants just for the experience and also to meet new people. Another reason to participate in a pageant is to win the prizes. Parents would have to make the decision for their toddler, tween or teen to participate. As pageants are now also open to adults, the middle-aged and the seniors, these adults have to make the choice.

Beauty Pageants Can be a Good Experience
Think of a beauty pageant as a good experience for a tween, teen or adult. It is an opportunity to showcase your beauty and talents. While pageantry has different rules from high fashion modeling in relation to the walk, poses and photography, being a contestant in a pageant can be a stepping stone into the world of modeling. Another factor that would make it a good experience is the new things you learn that can be applied to everyday life like learning to be more ladylike and poised.

A Good Reason to Enter a Pageant is to Gain Confidence
Gaining confidence is good for any person of any age. Taking part in a pageant will surely help to build a person's confidence because the event will be held in front of an audience of friends and strangers. Even if a contestant does not win, the fact that she participated is enough to lift her spirits and raise her confidence.

Improve Public Speaking by Entering a Pageant
There are several activities that young people can participate in to improve their public speaking which include joining a drama group, sharing poetry or joining a youth club. However, since most pageants have appearances at public events, an introduction and possibly a question segment and interviews, this provides an excellent way to improve public speaking skills. Pageants for older young ladies may also have a platform speech segment which also requires additional research and a longer time on stage sharing information.

Beauty Pageants Offer Good Prizes
In the past, winners of the Miss British Virgin Islands Pageant have won a new automobile and a scholarship as well as the crown which the winner gets to keep. Some pageants offer cash prizes and in some cases all the contestants receive trophies, sashes, gift certificates or gift baskets. Potential contestants should also note that once they have financial backing, they will get to keep the costumes, gowns, shoes and accessories from the event.

Pageants are a Great Way to Meet New People
A good reason to enter a pageant is to meet new people. Any opportunity to meet new people provides a chance for networking. A young lady or a toddler's parents will get to know the other contestants, pageant organizers, make-up and hair-stylists. New friendships can be formed and business linkages can be made through pageants.

One might ask, 'What's a good reason to enter a beauty pageant?' Enter a beauty pageant for networking, to improve confidence and to hone public speaking skills. Another good reason is the opportunity to win the prizes and for the experience of being on stage. 

Tuesday, January 7, 2014

Songs on the Songbird Riddim released in 2013 from the US Virgin Islands

One day I was watching Tempo and I saw some familiar faces like Pressure and Niyorah from the Virgin Islands were performing in a music video. I tuned in closer and realized that it was a riddim track which uses one melody but features several artists. The music was quite mellow and the lyrics seemed positive so I ran to the computer to get some more information.

The riddim is called "Songbird Riddim" and the album was released on May 21, 2013 by I Grade Records as "Zion I Kings Riddim SeriesVol. 1". The music writers are Laurent Tippy Alfred and David Goldfine. Sixteen (16) reggae artists hailing from the Virgin Islands, Jamaica and the US sang on this riddim.

The music video that I watched featured the VI artists, Pressure with "The Rain", Niyorah with "War Is Not The Answer", Junior P with "Times Ah Get Hard", Miseal Gonzalez with "The Power of Love", Dushane with "Holding On To Freedom" and Ras Batch with"So Beautiful". Midnite from St. Croix also performed "A New Overstanding" on this riddim.

The track list is with snippets of the lyrics are:

1. She's Got Soul - Lutan Fyah
"Because she's blessed with the gift of love, she's got soul".

2. The Rain - Pressure
"The rain is no different from my tears, when I look at what my people bear, I swear, I never give up the fight and show no fear"

3. So Beautiful - Ras Batch

4. I Know - Danny I
"I know that I never, ever walk alone, in Jah presence Rasta build his home and me know from me little and me grow".

5. Bumpy Ride - Glen Washington

6. War is Not the Answer - NiyoRah
"Waris not the answer, create love always".

7. Best in Life - Jahdan Blakkamoore
"Looking forward to the best in life, nah bother with no stress in life, so many valleys to walk, rivers to cross and so many mountains to climb".

8. A New Overstanding - Midnite

9. Tension - Jah9
"There is tension building inside I and I'm trusting my spirit to guide I, even if no one else overstands, I have got to do what it demands".

10. Times Ah Get Hard - Junior P
"Time ah get hard...through this money thing people hand get sticky".

11. The Power of Love - Misael
"Caring for each other is what it's all about, I don't care where you've been living, as long as you can feel it, together we can make it grow".

12. Don't Let Go - Shay
"Goodbye is too easy, to give up so freely nowadays, it's a fight to stay but don't let go".

13. Holding onto Freedom - Dushane
"I'm holding on to freedom, seeking out Jah face".

14. JAH Preserve - Reemah

15. Call on JAH Name - Duane Stephenson

16. Birds of Praise - Tuff Lion (riddim only)

The artists definitely put time and energy into the music because lyrically, the album is well done. If you love reggae, then this is an album that you need to have in your collection.

Saturday, January 4, 2014

Thinking with a Different Mindset

It's never been enough to just make it on the borderline. You have to always aim for the top. There'll be discouragement and even discord; but you have to persevere. There's a lot to stop you from moving forward. However, you have what it takes. Use your talents to your advantage. Be confident and don't be afraid to ask for help.

Be mindful of the people around you. While some are true well-wishers, many are not really for you. There are even those who will block your progress. However, you don't focus on that. You continue to work hard and show them that you are not worrying about them.

Stay on course. Network with the right people. Build your expertise by seeking appropriate training and march forward.


Wednesday, January 1, 2014

Happy 2014 from Words of Ribbon

As my first official blog post for 2014, I would like to wish everyone all the best in life, love and all their endeavors. Let us continue to embrace change, work hard and support unity. Don't live in fear of life. Instead, embark on new journeys - by physically going and setting new goals for your spiritual life. It's not going to be easy because we know what we faced in 2013. However, take this opportunity to make a bold step forward and live!


Poem: Indecision by Linette Rabsatt