Sunday, June 1, 2014

Ways to Show Fathers That We Appreciate Them

Fathers play a key role in the lives of their children. Celebrate fathers by giving them special treats, sharing inspiring words, or by giving special gifts

Fathers are very important to a child's life and development. A father figure is important for balance in parenting and for establishing the culture of a family unit. Unfortunately, the number of single parent households is continuing to rise. Women are calling men "sperm donors" or "deadbeat dads" and are seeking the justice system's assistance with collecting child support. Although there are men who do not fulfill their responsibilities as fathers, there are many who play key roles in their children's lives. Some fathers are single parents who bear the full brunt of caring for their children. These men need to be appreciated and commended for their hard work and dedication to their families.

Women are Often More Celebrated Than Men
Some men express that for Mother's Day, the stores are filled with goodies for the ladies. On Valentine's Day, women are once again the focus and this is the same focus at weddings and baby showers. Therefore, we need to show the men in our lives that we love them and we do not have to wait until Father's Day to do so. There are many things that we all can do for our fathers, husbands, uncles, brothers, godfathers and grandfathers that can show our appreciation for their positive input in our lives. Preparing their favorite dish, sharing positive words, giving special gifts and giving them a mini-vacation are ways to show fathers that we love them.

Positive Words for Dads in Scripture or Poetry
Poetry and Bible verses are great means of showing love for the male family members in your life. For persons who are religious, share a scripture from the Bible or your religious book. Write a poem or locate one that can express the feelings for the men in your life.

Bible scriptures about fathers: Proverbs 17:6 reads "Grandchildren are the crown of the aged, and the glory of children is their fathers." Proverbs 3:12 compares a father's love to the love from God. It reads "For whom the Lord loveth he correcteth; even as a father the son in whom he delighteth." Other scriptures that refer to fathers' love include the parable of the prodigal son in Luke 15:11-32, where the father's response to his older son in Verse 32 was "It was meet that we should make merry, and be glad: for this thy brother was dead, and is alive again; and was lost, and is found." Other scriptures can be located by searching for keywords relating to father figures on an online Bible website.
Poetry for dads: Tell your father that you love him by creating a poem for him. Create an acronym of the word 'Dad' or 'Father.' For example "D is for Dearest Dad, A is for the Affection you have, and D is for your Dedication that makes me glad." Also, have fun with rhyming words to create a short poem that can be added to a photo or to a card. If you are unable to pen a poem, then you can always search for one, but be sure to seek the writer's permission and give them credit for their work. Buying Gifts for Dad

It is easy to buy a gift for a father on his birthday, on Father's Day or any day of the year. Tools, a tie, sweaters, shirts and gift certificates are often given to fathers. Instead, think about this special male and consider what his needs may really be. Would a gift certificate suffice or will he appreciate a special meal, a trip or a massage? Is Dad someone who prefers to tell you what he wants? While you may want to give Dad a grand surprise, keep in mind that the gift is really for him.

Do Something Special For Dad Prepare a special dish, plan a party for your father or send him on a mini-vacation to show him love. Consider sending him to a local resort or let him spend a day at a golf course so that he can relax. If you can afford it, get him tickets to his favorite sport, order music that he loves or get him his favorite movie. Fathers are important and their role in our lives cannot be discounted.

No matter what you do to express love for the men in your life, put good effort into it so that they can enjoy it. There is no need to wait until Father's Day to show love because you can share something special with the ones you love any day of the year.

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