Monday, August 15, 2011

POEM: It's Time to Rise

It's time to rise
live today being wise
don't watch a man for his size
cause big dreams form in little minds
big mountains stand in small in eyes
once you are set on the prize
no matter what evil is devised
God will always surprise
but this is what we know
God sows for good to grow
no matter the trials here below
My God is the real PRO
his goodness always shows
his blessings always flow
where he sends is where I go

 © ribbon

Thursday, August 11, 2011

Real Reality Shows

Top Model, Project Runway, Iron Chef, Hell's Kitchen, America's Top Model and the many competition reality shows can be exciting to watch. Twitter and Facebook show the enthusiasm of the viewers because we comment, like and post like crazy about these shows.

I much prefer this type of reality show versus the 'life with Susan' kind of show. Who really cares if she walked her dog or if she argued with her fake best friend?

I guess because I cook often and I'm on a pageant committee, the shows listed above are what I enjoy. I also love Shear Genius and can't wait to watch Hair Battle. My sister owns a hair salon and I style my and my daughter's natural hair. I wouldn't try out those outrageous hair styles myself but I wouldn't mind trying an outfit from Project Runway!

It is good entertainment, plus when you have limited cable service, the shows grow on you. Since I no longer have USA, the real TNT etc, I have gotten accustomed to the shows that I can watch with some becoming favorites, especially Snapped!

Not to worry, ribbon won't snap on you.


POEM: Living Out Loud

My head is in the clouds
Cause I think out loud
YES, I'm proud
and to God I make my vow!
Don't ask me bout tomorrow
...ask me about now
Only sensible things I will allow
in my mind
as I live out loud
just living.....


Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Images from Animal Planet that I Compare with Men

I have been watching shows about animals on Animal Planet. This is far from my usual TV viewing but that's what we are limited to right now. There's a program about young animals who have to seek to survive on their own. I like it and my children like it too. I listen to the narrator about the animals social behavior and it is very interesting.

What's more intriguing is that we humans have similar behaviors. I look at animals that have to show male dominance to impress a female. Men are always competing and some even run lies to compete as opposed to being honesty chivalrous. Others get the biggest car or the most muscles to impress a lady. Some build big homes or walk around with wads of cash. Men use whatever technique that can win them favor with a woman - each man has his own method to capture the particular woman he has his eyes on....even if she's a Gold Digger!

I look at animals like hyenas or vultures who are like scavengers. Some men are like that too. They can't wait to see another brother fall so that they can sweep in to take his woman or his assets. They have no game of their own to win a woman's heart so they try to get a woman on the rebound. Some don't care that's it is their friend's girlfriend.

Some men are like animals like zebras that roll with several females. You know these are the players. However, the zebra are all understanding of this. Most women are not! I've seen explicit commentary on social media between young women about these men's behavoir. However, the silly women fail to realize that the beef is with the man not among themselves. He's still getting some from both and is in the background laughing and soothing his ego.

There are good men who provide for their family like the male animals who do. There are men who are like cheetahs (no pun intended) who hunt together with the females. There are men who take care of the young while the female hunt. All this is good.

What works in the animal kingdom may not always work for us as humans. Animals have not veered from their instincts. However, the greed and lust in us as human beings will always alter our instincts for doing right.  It is hoped that we will follow the right examples from the animals so that we can interact positively with each other.


Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Me & Mysteries

I can't figure out why I love mysteries, thrillers or detective flicks. I love Law and Order: Special Victims Unit, Law and Order Criminal Intent and of course the original, Law and Order. I am a sucker for Matlock as well. I like a good thriller that is not a grime flick nor a gun flick. I like to figure out a crime. However, I've never and had the interest in being a police officer or a lawyer. I like watching these shows for kicks.

I think it's the way my mind works. I prefer crossword puzzles and Suduko that I can solve. I like Scrabble, Hangman and other word games. I don't mind a little Solitaire or Mahjong on the PC every now and then.

I guess I am one of those people whose brain needs to be tickled every now and then. I have always loved maths because you can solve for an answer. I've never considered becoming a police officer or a lawyer though. I tried accounting but was bored.

All I can say is 'thank God for creativity and inspiration'!!!!!!!!!!!!


Sunday, August 7, 2011

Faith, Unbelief and Giving

Today the Pastor spoke about unbelief and lack of faith in church. He commented that some of us are like the ship that is in the harbor circling but very afraid to approach land because the inland water may be rough or deep.

His commentary was good and timely. There is always this question about praying for patience and when trials come, the patience is forgotten and so is prayer and faith. He made several biblical references but frequently referred to Moses and the flock who were liberated from Egypt. Even after the Red Sea was parted in their presence and they crossed safely over, they still lacked faith in God.

I guess everyone does not have a positive outlook. Also, some people who may have a positive outlook, may be deemed to be 'don't care' or crazy. Some of us take things in strides and let God do his work. Mind you, we're probably not the ones who sit idle and say 'God will provide'. I'm one of those who take initiative, hopefully from divine inspiration and not the devil's prodding. Some days, the devil get too busy and really works hard to push us to do wrong. I fall prey on many occassions and am willing to admit it.

I work with faith and will try to stay grounded. My daughters keeps singing 'I give myself away so you can use me' so we will try to make sure that it's God that is using me.


Happy 2025!